The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3301: God gave her beauty

   Chapter 3301 God gave her beauty

   And Xia Jiu wants to fight with herself?

Still a long way to go!

   "I'll come over there when I go." Wang Qianqian walked away with a glass of wine.

   The other classmates came over together and toasted Xia Ruomeng, who substituted drinks for Xia Ruomeng.

   "Ruo Meng, we have a lot of professional things that we want to ask you." said a male student.

   "It's impossible to ask for advice, let's learn from each other." Xia Ruomeng said modestly.

"In addition, I would also like to invite you to come to this year's graduates to talk about the writing and key points of the graduation project, hoping to give them some inspiration in terms of graduation and employment." Teacher, he took Xia Ruomeng with him. Now, Xia Ruomeng is the student he is most proud of.

Xia Ruomeng said with a smile, "Mr. Xu really did a great job! I will definitely accept Mr. Xu's invitation, and I will give what I have learned to my younger brothers and sisters! I also thank Teacher Xu for teaching me at the beginning! "

Teacher Xu was even more satisfied with her and laughed: "A good student is a good student, whether it's academics or hospitality, they are all models. I really should let my students learn from you in all aspects. what."

  The crowd also gathered around, envy and admiration for Xia Ruomeng.

   "Mr. Xu, from the school, I suggest you not invite Xia Ruomeng over." The vice-principal walked in.

   Everyone looked at the vice-principal in front of them in amazement, wondering why he said that.

  Xia Ruomeng also greeted with a smile: "Vice principal."

   She took a closer look, and the vice-principal was followed by Teacher Wang, Tang Zheng and Xia Jiu. There was a cool breeze behind her, and she felt an incomparable coldness in the crowded occasion.

   Teacher Xu smiled and said, "Vice-principal, if Meng is one of my most proud students, who else can I invite if I don't invite her?"

   Someone else shouted with a smile, "If you don't invite Xia Ruomeng, why don't you invite Xia Jiu? We're not a professional makeup school!"

  Everyone laughed hahahahahahahaha, in fact Xia Jiu's makeup is not heavy, it can even be regarded as light.

But she is too beautiful by nature. Even if she has no makeup, she seems to have her own makeup effects. The end of her eyes is not glamorous, and her lips are not touched. Naturally, some people will be jealous that she is too good at makeup. Heart.

The vice-principal said in a serious tone: "Everyone, I am here to disturb you for a while and announce a serious matter. In this year's graduation thesis defense, there was a case of favoritism and cheating and plagiarism between the tutor and the students, which seriously hurt the thesis. The fairness and impartiality of the defense also seriously harmed the interests of the students who were plagiarized and the reputation of the school! In order to correct the sound and the academics, we are here to make a public explanation of the whole thing. "

   As soon as these words came out, Xia Ruomeng's footsteps became vain, and she stood a little unsteady. Fang Minghao next to her gave her a hand, and she barely stood still.

   "What's the matter?" he asked softly.

   "I... Maybe the baby is a little noisy, I didn't stand firm just now." Xia Ruomeng forced a smile.

  Fang Minghao had a premonition and said, "It should be none of your business, don't worry."

   "I'm not worried. The things I haven't done are not worth worrying about. I'm worried about Xia Jiu. I'm afraid something will happen to her."

  Fang Minghao said gently, "No."

   The others looked at each other: "What the **** is going on?"

   "Who? Who cheated and plagiarized?"

   "Could it be about Xia Jiu? I see Xia Jiu by the vice-principal's side."

   "Tsk tsk tsk, it's no use relying on beauty, the scandal will be brought out again."

  Wang Youde stood on the stage in the eyes of everyone, with his shoulders hunched over, as if he had aged several years and lost his former grace.

He opened his mouth, his voice hoarse: "During this year's thesis defense, Xia Jiu sent me her graduation project. I think her things are really good, so I instructed Xia Ruomeng to use some things in her graduation project, resulting in When Xia Jiu was defending, he encountered problems and failed, so here, I sincerely apologize to Xia Jiu!"

   There was an uproar under the stage!

   "What? Did I hear it right? Teacher Wang used Xia Jiu's stuff for Xia Ruomeng?"

   "Xia Ruomeng's graduation project is Xia Jiu's?"

   "What the **** is going on? How is this possible?"

   "How could such a thing happen! Dignified Jingyuan University, such a fraudulent problem appeared in the defense of the thesis!"

"It really shattered my three views! Xia Ruomeng, relying on this graduation project, went to a big company and became a designer! If she really used Xia Jiu's, then Xia Ruomeng is the person with real talents and practical learning. Nine, not Xia Ruomeng?"

   "My God, so Xia Jiu's graduation project was made by herself? God gave her beauty and talent?"

   "But when Xia Jiu was studying, her grades were mediocre. What happened this time?"

  Wang Youde's remarks are true, but they should be avoided. The mistakes of him and Xia Ruomeng are described very lightly. Therefore, many people do not really believe that Xia Ruomeng did such a thing.

   However, when she looked at Xia Ruomeng, she saw that she forced herself to remain calm, but there were already fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

  Her complexion was very unsightly. From the side, it seemed that she had promised something.

  Fang Minghao's brows were also deeply frowned, obviously he didn't expect this to happen.

   "Ruo Meng, what's the matter with what Teacher Wang said?" Fang Minghao asked.

   "I really don't know. I don't know what Teacher Wang said." Xia Ruomeng shook her head and tried her best to deny, "Minghao, I didn't do it..."

  Xia Jiu didn't cry when he saw Wang Youde's coffin, so he avoided the important and tried his best to blur the facts. He took a few steps forward and put all the things he had just photographed with his mobile phone on the projection screen on the stage.

   Immediately, just now, Wang Youde broke into Professor Tang's ward at night and tried to delete the evidence. All the pictures were put in front of everyone.

   Everyone was stunned: "Mr. Wang, who is a teacher, actually went to Professor Tang's side to delete the evidence? My three views were once again broken into scum!"

   "Mom, such a person is also worthy of being a teacher!"

   "So we really misunderstood Xia Jiu! That stunning graduation project was really made by Xia Jiu!"

   "My focus is off, I think Tang is handsome! Besides, what Tang Zheng is studying is state secrets?"

   "My God, everyone owes Xia Jiu an apology!"

   "Xia Ruomeng is the plagiarist! It really deceived us so badly! I take back what I said just now about complimenting her, bah bah bah!"

   For a while, there was a lot of scolding from the audience.

   (end of this chapter)

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