Chapter 3302 Take it all by yourself

Xia Ruomeng grabbed the corner of her clothes, her face was as white as an A4 piece of paper, without the slightest bit of blood, how many compliments she had received before, and now she was faced with so many abuses and accusations, piercing into her like thorns. In her ears, in her heart.

  Fang Minghao's eyebrows are also getting deeper and deeper, but for a while, he doesn't know how to speak.

  Xia Jiu said lightly: "Mr. Wang, what you said is really vague. Excuse me, who used my graduation project and how did it use it?"

"It's me. I revealed it to Xia Ruomeng. I want my students to get good grades. Besides, Xia Ruomeng is my distant niece. She is usually very good. I see that your things are really good. Okay, so I moved my mind and told her that it was what I thought, and let her use it rationally." Wang Youde took care of everything.

  Xia family, he didn't want to offend.

   The Xia family has a rich family business, and after marrying the Fang family, he has a promising future. In a short period of time, he also made huge profits from the investment of the Xia family.

   Instead of cutting off the back roads on both sides of the school and the Xia family, it is better to take care of everything by yourself and keep the relationship with the Xia family and the Fang family.

   Sure enough, after Wang Youde's words were spoken, Xia Ruomeng's face returned to a light color of blood.

  The attitude of everyone also changed: "It turned out that Teacher Wang controlled it."

   "It seems that it has nothing to do with Xia Ruomeng, but Xia Jiu is suffering."

"Who said it has nothing to do with Xia Ruomeng? She used Xia Jiu's things, although she didn't use them subjectively, but she also invaded Xia Jiu's normal things, preventing Xia Jiu from graduating. In this way, Xia Ruomeng's talent is nothing but a little, don't forget, everything she has achieved now is based on that extremely excellent graduation project!"

   "Yes, but in this case, Wang Youde is the culprit, not Xia Ruomeng. After all, Xia Ruomeng is also a victim. It's not a big mistake that she doesn't have talent."

Xia Ruomeng immediately hit the pole and stood up, with a deep apology on her face, and said, "My graduation project was indeed made under the guidance of Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang is not only my teacher, but also me. Uncle Yuanfang, so I respect him very much and trust him a lot, and I never thought about what was wrong.

I didn't expect that my graduation project would misuse Xia Jiu's things. This is not my original intention. Here, I feel deeply sorry for Xia Jiu, and I also formally apologize to Xia Jiu. I hope Xia Jiu Forgive my inadvertent loss. "

   Her attitude was very sincere and generous, and Wang Youde insisted that it was her own doing, and it had nothing to do with Xia Ruomeng, so it was difficult for everyone to criticize Xia Ruomeng any more.

   "Xia Jiu, please forgive me!" Xia Ruomeng bowed deeply.

   "I don't forgive." Xia Jiu said lightly.

  Xia Ruomeng's face changed slightly, but stabilized.

   Other people's comments also came: "Xia Ruomeng didn't do it on purpose, Xia Jiu should not care too much!"

   "That's right, in the end, it was Wang Youde who was at fault, not Xia Ruomeng. Xia Jiu should forgive Xia Ruomeng."

Xia Jiu said calmly: "She has the right to apologize, and I also have the right not to forgive. At the beginning, I raised this matter, Xia Ruomeng, how did you tell me at that time? You said it was your own efforts. It has nothing to do with me, what about now?"

  Xia Ruomeng said in a forbearance: "I really didn't know it was yours at the time. Teacher Wang mentioned it to me, and I would do this graduation project. If I knew it was yours, I wouldn't have to do it."

   She took care of everything everywhere, with a sincere look, Xia Jiu said lightly: "Then now, I don't believe your words, and I won't forgive you.

   Now there are quite a few people on Xia Jiu's side: "I won't easily forgive anyone who prevents me from getting my graduation certificate or even getting a job."

   "Definitely! Fortunately, the incident was revealed this time, otherwise, wouldn't Xia Jiu suffer from injustice for the rest of her life? I wouldn't forgive me either."

   Xia Ruomeng's body trembled even more.

  Xia Jiu suddenly smiled and said, "By the way, I sent the graduation project to Professor Tang, and only told Xia Ruomeng, her fiance, and Wang Qianqian, how did Teacher Wang know so quickly?"

  Xia Ruomeng trembled again.

   Teacher Wang said loudly, "Wang Qianqian told me that she is my daughter, have you forgotten?"

  Xia Jiu nodded: "Oh, so it is."

   But everyone has gotten a lot of deep meanings from her elongated "oh" word.

   Looking at Xia Ruomeng, it is no longer admiration and envy, but contempt, jokes, ridicule and deep suspicion.

Seeing that the matter was almost over, the vice-principal said: "Jingyuan University is a famous school in the Dragon Empire. It has always adhered to the school spirit of educating people first, and has strict requirements for teachers and students. On behalf of the school, I would like to apologize to everyone. It is also announced here that the school will terminate the employment contract with Wang Youde, and will never hire him in the future! I hope all teachers and students take this as a warning and don’t try to take shortcuts!

Since Xia Ruomeng was also deceived and did not know about this incident, she just warned and advised her that she would not do it again in the future. However, whether she can continue to get her diploma, she needs to submit her graduation certificate again. Design, conduct defense, and see the difference after passing.

   As for Xia Jiu, her graduation project is excellent. We will conduct a new round of defense for her on another day. After passing, we will issue a graduation certificate from our school!

  Welcome to supervise the follow-up work of the school, and to question any injustice, and let’s get straight to school together! "

   The applause sounded like thunder. Obviously, the vice president took the initiative to announce the matter this time and put it on the table to deal with it, which won the unanimous praise and trust of everyone.

   Everyone is quite satisfied with the result, Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu defended again, which is indeed a fair way.

  Wang Youde was taken out.

  Xia Ruomeng was shaky, clutching her stomach.

  Fang Minghao hurriedly supported her: "Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, no..." Xia Ruomeng cried, "I don't know what happened to Xia Jiu. Minghao, don't look at me like this, this time, I really do too. Listen to Teacher Wang completely, you know, he is my mother's cousin, I trust him very much, how can I imagine that he will use Xia Jiu's things for me?"

  Fang Minghao really doubted her: "Then Professor Tang's mailbox has Xia Jiu's graduation project, is it really Wang Qianqian who told Teacher Wang?"

   (end of this chapter)

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