Chapter 3303 is more than scary

"I don't know, but I didn't!" Xia Ruomeng explained anxiously, "I've been socializing all the time tonight, and I don't have the time at all. Moreover, I don't care about this matter at all, even, I I hope Xia Jiu can get the diploma sooner! You know, I have never had any ill will towards Xia Jiu."

   Fang Minghao believed, Xia Ruomeng in front of her was so pitiful, it was really pitiful, and she was still pregnant with her own child in her belly.

   Teacher Wang also recognized everything, and Xia Jiu couldn't prove that Xia Ruomeng plagiarized.

   He said softly: "Don't think about it so much. Since the matter has nothing to do with you, don't worry about it. At that time, we will prepare the graduation project and re-defense."

   "Well, I knew that you would trust me." Xia Ruomeng said feelingly, but there was a very sinister viciousness in the bottom of her eyes.

   I really didn't expect that Xia Jiu would play a game and reveal this matter!

   Now, all the auras of talent have returned to zero, and not only has his reputation been ruined, but he has to defend himself again!

   Fortunately, with Shi Youxuan's investment, he can also open a dedicated line!

   "Let's go, I'll accompany you back to rest!" Fang Minghao said softly, feeling a little guilty in his heart, he even suspected Xia Ruomeng just now!

  How can I question a woman who is pregnant with her own child!

  Xia Jiu followed in Tang Zheng's footsteps and said, "Thank you, Tang Zheng."

   "This time, it's for the sake of academic misconduct, so I'll tell you a little lie. Other times, absolutely not!" Tang Zheng was very serious, making Xia Jiu think of his elementary school teacher.

   She smiled: "Thank you, definitely not next time."

  Tang Zheng slightly relaxed his brows.

  Xia Jiu said: "Didn't I plan to invite you to drink coffee just now? I didn't finish it. Now I'll accompany you to drink it."

   Tang Zheng is quite interesting. Xia Jiu has known him for many years, and his temperament has not changed much.

   "Let's go then." He said, walking out side by side with Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu didn't talk to him anymore, Tang Zheng, basically, if you don't talk to him about academic matters, then there's basically nothing to talk about.

   When talking about other things, he basically didn't respond.

   went out silently all the way, and a car in front suddenly honked its horn.

  Xia Jiu paused, Shen Muhan's figure flashed by in the car.

   He stepped out of the car and landed, followed by his tall and straight figure leaning on the door.

  He raised his eyebrows and looked towards Xia Jiu with a slightly raised eyebrow.

  The street lights are not very bright, and he seems to be shrouded in a layer of mist, making it impossible to see through and understand.

  Xia Jiu immediately felt a sense of being raped. Even though she and Tang Zheng didn't do anything, she felt a little guilty in Shen Muhan's sight.

   "That, Tang Zheng, I suddenly remembered that I was in a hurry. I won't be able to accompany you for coffee tonight, sorry. Also, thank you again for the evening."

  Tang Zheng didn't mind, he casually glanced in the direction of Shen Muhan, and then retracted: "Then I'll go by myself."

  Xia Jiu felt very guilty: "Goodbye then, next time I have a chance, I must ask you to appreciate it and let me make up for it."

   "Okay. Goodbye." After Tang Zheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

  Xia Jiu walked towards Shen Muhan, her originally radiant eyes suddenly became a little cold, without any emotion.

   She has already asked the housekeeper about the time off she should ask for. She also told him in the text message. If he is still angry, she has nothing to say.

   She lowered her eyes, because it was a little cold, she subconsciously clasped her arms, and her defensive posture was very clear.

   "Get in the car." Shen Muhan said.

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips: "I have something to do in a while. This time at school is very important to me. Besides, Xia Lin is still at school, so..."

   "Get in the car." Shen Muhan was unmoved.

   Xia Jiu opened the car door and got in the car, she knew that Xia Ruomeng couldn't give up tonight, she would definitely do something else, so she definitely couldn't leave tonight.

   Fortunately, Charlene has already been handed over to Shen Ye, but she doesn't need to worry too much.

   Shen Muhan followed her into the car, Xia Jiu tilted her head and looked out the car window, keeping a distance from him.

   If she just thought this person was terrible before and she was too tired to deal with it, then the miscarriage made her feel that he was not only terrible.

   So much so that Xia Jiu didn't want to show any emotion to him.

   There was no one else in the car except Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan, not even the driver, but maybe, Shen Muhan drove the car by himself.

  Xia Jiu tilted her head and said, "Tonight, I want to stay at school, I have very important things to do."

   "I didn't say you couldn't." Shen Muhan's tone was flat, with a slightly colder temperature.

   "Then you are now..." Xia Jiu didn't understand what he was going to do.

   "I'll take you there in a while."

  Xia Jiu nodded: "Okay."

   She thought quickly in her heart, Xia Ruomeng lost so much ugliness tonight, she must want to make up for it.

  The possibility of trying to make up for it in school is gone, then Xia Ruomeng will definitely use other means to discredit herself, so just now, Xia Jiu invited Tang Zheng to drink coffee, but it's not as simple as drinking coffee.

  Because Tang is a very upright person, Xia Jiu is with him, even if he goes out late at night, there will be no problem, and it will not cause too much gossip.

   What will Xia Ruomeng do to herself? She was pregnant with a child and was with Fang Minghao, and it was definitely inconvenient to do it herself.

   But there is a natural and easy-to-use tool person Wang Qianqian by her side!

Wang Qianqian and Xia Jiu have a long history of disagreement. When Xia Jiu's parents were still there, Wang Qianqian wanted to have a good relationship with the Xia family, but Xia Jiu didn't pay much attention to it. Ren Xia Jiu doesn't take people as friends.

   This time, because of Xia Jiu's affair with Wang Youde, the school turned upside down. In the end, Wang Youde also had to leave Jingyuan University.

   The person who hates Xia Jiu the most is not Xia Ruomeng, but Wang Qianqian.

   Wang Qianqian usually has limited interaction with Xia Jiu. If you want to take revenge, the best time is in this school.

  Xia Jiu knew what she knew, but she was left here by Shen Muhan, making her unable to take action. She was depressed to death, but had to endure it temporarily.

   "Then when will you send me there?" Xia Jiu finally lost her breath and asked.

   "After drinking coffee." Shen Muhan looked sideways, his tone calm.

   "Coffee?" What coffee? Why drink coffee? Where is the coffee?

   Before the question mark in Xia Jiu's mind turned into reality, the car window was knocked: "Miss Xia!"

   (end of this chapter)

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