The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3313: It's nice to be young

   Chapter 3313 It's good to be young

   It’s not how hard people’s minds are to figure out, but talented people with privileges.

  Xia Jiu was really exhausted these days.

  Clothing is going to be launched, and it must be checked everywhere, and she needs to do it herself.

   But the consumption is too much at night, and her physical strength during the day is very poor.

When    went to see Mrs. Gao, she specially drank an extra cup of coffee to lift her spirits.

   "Yo, Xia Jiu, what's going on these days?" Mrs. Gao exclaimed as soon as she saw her.

  Xia Jiu hurriedly touched his cheek: "Maybe it's a little insomnia, and I didn't sleep well, which caused my spirit to be poor."

   "Are you trying to make me envious or jealous? You're still in good spirits without sleeping well? I see your radiant face, but it doesn't look like you haven't slept well at all." Mrs. Gao joked with a smile.

   Xia Jiu realized that she was talking about this.

   Do you really look so good?

   Mrs. Gao smiled and said, "It's good to be young, no matter what. If you're a little old, you can't stay up late at night, and you can't eat late-night snacks. You just have to refrain from self-restraint and return to rituals. Only by living an ascetic life can you maintain a little bit of complexion and figure."

  Xia Jiu looked in the mirror and didn't feel that there was such a big difference.

   Maybe I was just too busy and didn't bother to worry so much, so I felt more relaxed than before.


  Xia Ruomeng became emotionally depressed after the incident at school.

   Fortunately, Fang Minghao still trusts her, and is worried about affecting the child in her belly, so he has always been careful with her, serving and taking care of her.

   Xiao Yunhua came to visit Xia Ruomeng.

  Xia Ruomeng asked: "Do you know about Xia Jiu's special line?"

"I only found out. Now I'm not in the same group as Xia Jiu. You know, I'm just an assistant. I also need to inquire about their upper-level things before I can find out. Especially Xia Jiu, who looks arrogant and invincible, everything. If you don't want to reveal it, it's damned dead!" Xiao Yunhua disliked Xia Jiu very much, she clearly arrived at the company before Xia Jiu, and her ability was stronger than Xia Jiu.

  As a result, now that Xia Jiu has become a designer and opened a special line, he has no chance to even know about these things.

   "Who invested in her?"

"I really don't know about this. She is very tight-lipped, and she is very protective of me. She never talks about work in front of me." Xiao Yunhua said, "Ruo Meng, you didn't mean to bring me to Xia's house. The company? When will this be done?"

"Don't worry. After all, the Xia family is not as good as BIR. You should practice first." Xia Ruomeng just wanted to use her to inquire about BIR's affairs, and she didn't want to let her come to Xia's family, so she said perfunctorily, "The current situation of the Xia family is not very good. Ming Lang, it is the best thing for you to stay in BIR now. When the Xia family rises, you will come again, and it will be better for your development at that time."

   Xiao Yunhua couldn't be too reluctant, and asked, "Then Xia Jiu has opened a special line now, what should you do here?"

  Xia Ruomeng pinched her palm. This is indeed a problem. Many of her things come from Xia Jiu. When the clothes on both sides are online, they might even be said to have the same style.

   This is a good thing, only when there is controversy can it be topical.

   However, it would be bad if Xia Jiu took all the heat away.

   I don’t know the dedicated line over Xia Jiu, who invested in it?

  Xia Ruomeng still decided to visit Mrs. Gao again. As long as Mrs. Gao is willing to wear her own works on the stage of the recent show, then the costume will be launched this time, and it will be a success in one fell swoop.


   Mrs. Gao and Xia Jiu were trying on clothes at home when the servant came to report: "Lawyer Fang from Desheng Law Firm brought his fiancee Miss Xia here."

   Mrs. Gao frowned slightly: "What are they doing here?"

  Xia Jiu had already guessed a little, and said: "Xia Ruomeng's special line clothes are going to be sold, and they must have come to give you clothes."

   "Then I'll have to see and see." Mrs. Gao said, "You wait for me for a while, I'll be back soon."

   Mrs. Gao went downstairs, Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng were waiting.

   Seeing Mrs. Gao, the two stood up at the same time to say hello.

   "Young Master Fang and Miss Xia are here, it's really radiant!" Mrs. Gao was tall and wore an ordinary home for customer service, and her temperament was no less than when she was wearing business clothes.

   "Mrs. Gao, I'm really sorry to bother you." Fang Minghao, who is also the Fang's family, came to visit Mrs. Gao. He expected that Mrs. Gao would not lose face. Sure enough, Mrs. Gao agreed to meet.

   This made him look extraordinarily good in front of Xia Ruomeng.

   He smiled and said, "Mrs. Gao, I heard that you will have a show party soon, so my fiancee plans to show her ugliness and give you the clothes she designed, and I hope you will laugh at it."

   "What day is it today? Someone sent a wave of clothes in the morning, and so many people sent clothes in the afternoon. Why didn't anyone send me a wardrobe?" Mrs. Gao teased with a smile.

   But the meaning of the words is also very obvious, there are probably not many people who can make her take her clothes and put them on.

  Xia Ruomeng said hurriedly: "That's because Mrs. Gao has a good figure, and everyone wants to see good clothes with a beauty like you. Swords are given to heroes, and good clothes are given to beauties. That's exactly how it is."

   Mrs. Gao laughed heartily: "Designer Xia is really good at talking."

  Fang Minghao smiled again and said, "I also say hello to you and Mr. Gao on behalf of my father. The cooperation with Mr. Gao last time was very pleasant. My father also hopes to have a meal together when there is time."

   His intention to use his father's relationship to open up a career for Xia Ruomeng was also very urgent.

   Mrs. Gao said with a smile: "Then I will be disrespectful. But what to wear to the show tomorrow night, I have to respect the organizer's opinion."

   "If you can accept it, it is the best approval for me." Xia Ruomeng said politely, and then presented the clothes.

   After chatting for a few more words, Fang Minghao saw that Mrs. Gao was not in high spirits, so he said goodbye: "Then Mrs. Gao, we will not bother. Come to visit another day."

   "Butler, see off the guests." Mrs. Gao raised the teacup with a smile.

  Xia Ruomeng walked out with Fang Minghao, and asked worriedly, "I don't know if Mrs. Gao will wear the clothes I designed at the show party tomorrow night?"

"Definitely." Fang Minghao thought, "Our family has some business dealings with the Gao family, and Mrs. Gao will definitely give us this face. Besides, your design itself is wonderful enough. I believe that Mrs. Gao must know people. talent."

  Xia Ruomeng said apologetically, "Oh, it's all my fault that I was too careless last time. I didn't get the clothes done according to her request, and it made her allergic. I hope this time the situation can be salvaged."

   (end of this chapter)

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