Chapter 3314 There is no fit

"It's not your fault for what happened last time. It's not easy for you to be able to do this while you are pregnant. Besides, you have been very troubled during this time." Fang Minghao gently persuaded, "Wait until your special line clothes are online. , you should rest for a while."

   "I have to participate in the defense of the graduation project again." Xia Ruomeng said aggrieved, "I knew earlier that I used what I learned in my previous graduation project. This time I was really implicated by Mr. Wang."

  Fang Minghao frowned a little, Mr. Wang's matter, he originally thought it was not that simple.

   But Teacher Wang himself insisted that it had nothing to do with Xia Ruomeng, and Xia Ruomeng was indeed outside the situation, so he had to let go of his doubts.

   "With your ability, it is not difficult to complete the defense of the graduation project. Don't worry too much." He comforted.


   Mrs. Gao carried the clothes from Xia Ruomeng upstairs and handed them to Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu took a look at it, and sure enough, it was very similar to one of his own designs.

   It's just that Xia Ruomeng's clothes look really good, and the materials are also very beautiful, but when they are compared in front of Xia Jiu's original version, they pale in comparison.

"Your cousin, how much did you take in the first place?" Mrs. Gao has a good eye. She has many years of experience in wearing clothes, and her eyes are very picky and vicious. Putting these two clothes together, you can't tell which one It's the original version, which one is worse than the fire?

   So even if Xia Jiu had never discussed the issue with Xia Ruomeng with her before, she asked the essence of it right.

  Xia Jiu smiled: "I had a good relationship with her before, and I didn't take any precautions against her. The computer was used by her casually. Who would have thought?"

   So now Xia Jiu can't even count how many things Xia Ruomeng took from her.

   Mrs. Gao shook her head with a smile, and took out Xia Jiu and Xia Ruomeng's clothes for a while. They were basically the same, and there was not much difference between them.

But when you touch it carefully and compare it on your body, the effect is very different. Xia Jiu's clothes fit perfectly everywhere. As for Xia Ruomeng's clothes, she really needs an assistant who can come anytime. Help to organize, in order to avoid folds everywhere.

   Mrs. Gao put on the clothes that Xia Jiu designed for herself, and said with a smile: "Then let me launch a wave of advertisements for our clothes."

  The next night, Jingyuan had a very grand fashion show. There were many supermodel stars in attendance, and Mrs. Gao was also invited to watch the show.

   Compared with Xia Jiu's indifference, Xia Ruomeng watched the live broadcast early, just to know if Mrs. Gao was wearing the dress she gave her when she appeared!

  Because the matter was of great importance, even Mrs. Fang was quite concerned. She came to Xia's house that night and waited with Xia Ruomeng.

  There are Chen Meiru and Fang Minghao who are waiting together.

  Xia Ruomeng was drinking milk nervously, Fang Minghao comforted: "Mrs. Gao will definitely like your design."

"I'm just afraid of the unexpected. After all, many of the clothes Mrs. Gao received were given to her by well-known brands at home and abroad. On such an important occasion, she chose those big brands, which are both safe and beneficial choices." Xia Ruo Meng said softly, "However, there must be a gap between me and the big names, so it doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry if I lose to the big names."

   Mrs. Fang said with a smile: "If you have this kind of mentality, it's the best. However, your design is so good, and the future is promising. Don't belittle yourself."

   "Auntie has won the prize." Xia Ruomeng smiled, her words were actually for her own sake.

   Give Mrs. Fang a vaccination in advance, even if she loses, there are a lot of rhetoric.

   The live broadcast has already started, and the first to enter are various female stars and models.

  The scene is prosperous and luxurious, and all the lights are bright and everyone is shining.

   "Mrs. Gao is here!" A reporter shouted.

   Immediately, everyone gathered in her direction.

  Xia Ruomeng also clenched her fists nervously, wondering what kind of clothes Mrs. Gao will choose tonight?

   When the screen turned to Mrs. Gao, Xia Ruomeng was so nervous that her breath stagnated, and then a smile appeared on her face: "Minghao, aunt, mother, Mrs. Gao is wearing a dress I designed!"

   "Ah, it's true!" Chen Meiru exclaimed loudly.

Mrs. Fang smiled with satisfaction: "Mrs. Gao is very discerning, and she also thinks that Ruomeng's dress is very safe. This dress is really good. The lines of this dress are very smooth and soft. The choice of color is low-key, Don't steal the brilliance of the model that night, and hide the charm, Ruo Meng, your vision is really good."

   "Auntie, if you like it, another day I will use a similar material to make a dress for you, which is convenient for you to wear on important occasions."

   "That's fine, I'm welcome. But you still need to take care of your stomach..."

  Xia Ruomeng smiled softly: "The fetus is stable now, and my body is not bad. Besides, it is my duty to make a dress for my aunt."

   Mrs. Fang nodded quickly, "It's still Ruo Meng's filial piety."

  Thinking that when Xia Jiu and Fang Minghao were in love, it was not easy for Mrs. Fang to ask Xia Jiu to meet.

  Fang family passed it down for several generations. Mrs. Fang wanted Xia Jiu to get pregnant as soon as she graduated, but Xia Jiu ignored her and ignored her mother-in-law at all.

   Xia Ruomeng is still sensible and well-behaved.

  Chen Meiru said with a smile: "Then your clothes will be online tomorrow, hurry up and prepare, take Mrs. Gao's outfit to the official website to promote it?"

   "I'll let someone do it." Xia Ruomeng said immediately, "Let Mrs. Gao forward it tomorrow, find a few marketing accounts, and mention our brand name, so that we can make a good start tomorrow."

   Mrs. Fang and Chen Meiru were very happy, Fang Minghao held her hand: "It's really hard for you."

   "It's not hard work, just do what you like."

   That night, Xia Jiu also began to prepare for the next day's distribution. Everything was ready, and the product promotion was in full swing.

   Of course, the most valuable and influential advertisement is Mrs. Gao herself.

Tonight, not long after she appeared, many people were asking about the brand name she was wearing, and a large number of imitation models appeared on a certain treasure. Various live broadcast influencers also began to promote and even wear similar styles. .

   But similar is only similar after all, similar in appearance but not in spirit, the person who imitates the fastest and earliest will get the most complaints.

   "It would be great if someone sold the real one, even if it was just a seven-image, no, five-image, or even three-image, I would not hesitate to pay!" the netizen exclaimed.

   (end of this chapter)

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