The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3316: Choose the same day as yourself

   Chapter 3316 Choose the same day as yourself

  Because of face and identity, she naturally wouldn't make such a waiter-like behavior.

   But she was very excited, especially under Shi Youxuan's attention, she knew even more that her brand was so praised by Mrs. Gao, what a promising future.

   However, the group of people did not enter her store, but went in another direction.

  Xia Ruomeng's heart skipped a beat, what's going on? She can't wait to pull those people back to ask what happened!

   Xiao Yunhua took the lead and said, "Are those people going wrong? What's the matter, why are they walking over there? Didn't they come to see the clothes? Isn't Linda Mrs. Gao, and what Mrs. Gao wore last night was Ruomeng?"

   "What the **** are you doing?" Mrs. Fang asked. "Is our storefront not conspicuous enough? Isn't the decoration enough?"

   But this location is already conspicuous enough. Using the financial resources of the Xia family and the accumulation of previous years, Xia Ruomeng got the store with the best location this time.

  Otherwise, it would not have been possible for so many guests to flood in as soon as it opened.

   And the decoration is how to look good and how to come, regardless of the cost.

   But recently, waves of people have turned a blind eye to other places.

  Chen Meiru said: "I'm afraid there are other activities in the mall. It is normal for customers to come to the mall not only to buy clothes, but also to be attracted by other activities."

   Mrs. Fang nodded: "Yes, as long as the shopping mall has a lot of traffic, the brand Ruomeng is also a beneficiary."

  Xia Ruomeng had a bad premonition, but now there are a lot of guests coming to congratulate, and she barely managed to finish the opening ceremony. She used the excuse to go to the bathroom and walked in that direction.

   She had been paying attention to the location over there, and had not seen the information about Xia Jiu's opening, but what she saw today was that Xia Jiu's "Golden Years" opened!

   happened to be choosing the same day as me!

   When Xia Jiu renovated and when she saw the store, she didn't know anything!

   Moreover, although Xia Jiu's location is not as good as that of her own home, the decoration and design of the store are more innovative and attractive, and the waves of customer traffic have entered Xia Jiu's store!

  Xia Ruomeng pinched her palm, how could it be possible!

Xia Jiu is just an ordinary designer at BIR. Although she has opened a dedicated line, she is not as good as those old designers who have opened a dedicated line for a long time. The publicity funds she gets are much more limited than her own. How could she have done so well? publicity?

   She immediately took out her phone and glanced at it. It was impossible. Could it be that Xia Jiu invited someone to promote it to her?

   She quickly opened Weibo. On Weibo, Xia Ruomeng's own content was still there and was not claimed by Mrs. Gao.

   Mrs. Gao also did not claim Xia Jiu's brand.

   However, several marketing accounts familiar to Mrs. Gao, as well as several media outlets, have announced the brands of clothes and shoes that Mrs. Gao wore that night.

   And the brand of dresses is suddenly "golden years"!

   These marketing accounts and news media are all specialized in making clothing broadcasts. They have always been more professional, with many fans, and the quality of fans is very high.

   They picked out these brands, and naturally there are fans who like them to follow suit.

   Although Mrs. Gao did not end in person, with the support of these professional big Vs, Xia Jiu's brand became famous.

   For a while, the brand "Golden Years" is being discussed.

  Xia Jiu also retweeted these big V numbers. The big V number saw that the brand designer came to pay attention in person. Of course, he couldn't help but interact a few words at the end of the game.

   It's no wonder that so many people come directly to Xia Jiu's brand today.

   Of course, the marketing accounts that Xia Ruomeng bought were all dead for some reason, and they didn't do much publicity.

  Xia Ruomeng gritted her teeth, Xia Jiu was really shameless, she actually went to claim her own things!

   She completely forgot that her design was copied directly from Xia Jiu!

   Of course, she also made some designs and modifications herself. After all, the things copied from Xia Jiu are not fully usable. Many of them are semi-finished products and need to be polished.

   By the end, she has completely felt that everything is her own, and all comes from her own hands.

She was thinking in a trance, when she saw Xia Jiu standing at the door of the store, looking at herself with a smile, Xia Ruomeng came back to her senses and walked to her side with a bitter voice: "Congratulations, Xia Jiu. But , Mrs. Gao is wearing my clothes, you can't deny this, can you?"

   "Yours? Ask yourself, how many things do you have that are yours?" Xia Jiu asked back, with condescending contempt in his eyes.

  Xia Ruomeng was dizzy for a while: "Xia Jiu, you don't need to provoke me, I can be sure that the outfit that Mrs. Gao is wearing is my work!"

"Really? That's great. Many people on the Internet have made a mistake. Go and recognize it." Xia Jiu smiled, those smiles were shallow and not at all emotional, but in Xia Ruomeng's view, But so full of sarcasm.

  Xia Ruomeng originally planned to do this, but she recovered immediately. Mrs. Gao did not claim it herself. If she took the initiative to claim it, would Xia Jiu slap her in the face?

   She couldn't even figure out if this design was Xia Jiu's!

   Thinking of what happened at the school a few days ago, she was full of panic. If she really went to claim it, would Xia Jiu's conspiracy be waiting for her there?

   Do you really want to eat this dumb shit?

   "I'm still busy, so I'm sorry I can't receive you. However, if you want to admit it, you should go back early and make trouble later, so no one will turn to you!" Xia Jiu finished speaking, turned and left.

Xia Ruomeng returned to her brand store in despair. Chen Meiru and Mrs. Fang also heard that Xia Jiu was selling clothes. Chen Meiru said: "Xia Jiu is also true, she knew that you opened today, she also chose Opening today. Does she have to rely on you to prove her ability? Why does she rob you of everything?"

Mrs. Fang thought it was Xia Jiu's unrequited love for her son, so she made this decision. She thought that her son was so good and valued by Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu, but she was a little happy, Xia Jiu didn't do anything Well, it's just that the eyes of men are not bad.

  Xia Ruomeng said: "Mom, forget it, it's not easy for Xia Jiu. After all, she lost her parents. If she wants to grab something from me, I'll give in too."

"You child is too kind-hearted, and she robs her of all the benefits." Chen Meiru said unhappily, "She is also an adult, is it possible to give the entire Xia family to her? !"

   (end of this chapter)

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