The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3317: easy to fall into the trap

   Chapter 3317 It is easy to step on the trap

   Mrs. Fang said, "Just now they said on Weibo that Xia Jiu said that the clothes you gave Mrs. Gao were designed by her. What's going on?"

   "What? Is there such a thing?" Chen Meiru's voice raised an octave, "Is Xia Jiu a little too far ahead? Don't care about her, she still slaps her nose on her face, right!"

   "I think there must be some misunderstanding." Xia Ruomeng said with some lack of confidence, she never thought that Xia Jiu would come to intercept what she had in front of Mrs. Gao.

   Now, Xia Ruomeng is in a dilemma because she has a heart to tear, and she is afraid of stepping into Xia Jiu's trap!

   Xiao Yunhua couldn't see it anymore, he rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'll go to Weibo to find them to explain!"

   "Forget it, I don't want to tear up with Xia Jiu and destroy our sisterhood." Xia Ruomeng said righteously, but wished that Xiao Yunhua would come forward.

   Neither yourself nor Shi Youxuan are suitable for the first place, she is easy to step on the trap, and Shi Youxuan has a noble status.

  Xiao Yunhua is the best to stand out. Even if he steps on a trap, he will be like Wang Qianqian, self-inflicted and has nothing to do with himself.

   "Don't hold me, Ruo Meng, I really can't see this green tea bitch!" Xiao Yunhua took out his phone.

   Xia Ruomeng didn't stop her.

   Mrs. Fang sighed: "Xia Jiu is really... the attitude of dealing with others is really more and more incomprehensible. This child, really..."

Chen Meiruba couldn't take the opportunity to step on her foot: "She was spoiled by her parents before, and she didn't know the sufferings in the world. Everyone let her go and everything followed her. After a long time, she still expected everyone to let her go, isn't it? Everyone in the world is her mother. Ruo Meng is also unsatisfactory, Xia Jiu has treated you like that, and you are always kind to her, she doesn't appreciate it at all. I say that you are a child, sometimes you are too much Think about it for yourself, don't be too kind."

   "Mom, I will protect myself." Xia Ruomeng said gently and generously.

  Fang Minghao stood by and listened, his brows furrowed. Xia Jiu was going too far. Seeing Xiao Yunhua going out, he held back for the time being and waited for the result.

I just feel that this time, Xia Ruomeng is really amazing. It was obviously Mrs. Gao who accompanied Xia Ruomeng to give the clothes to her. Xia Jiu took it away. She was so tolerant. It hurts!

Xiao Yunhua quickly posted a long article: "I am a friend of Xia Ruomeng, the designer of Ruomeng brand. I have seen how hard Xia Ruomeng has been along the way. I have seen with my own eyes and know that she often stays up all night to work hard for design. ; In order to make good products, regardless of her body, she often goes to the workshop to guard the workers in person. However, she did not expect that there would be a shameless person who would take her results as their own. Ruo Meng personally designed and made the dress herself last time. It was given to Mrs. Linda Gao, but someone claimed this design without authorization, saying that she designed the dress herself.

  Some big Vs were also deceived by the shameless villain, thinking that it was really designed by her. But as everyone knows, Xia Ruomeng did all this! Now, we strongly condemn this kind of behavior, and hope that the shameless designer will come out as soon as possible to clarify and apologize, and not deceive others! I also hope that everyone will keep their eyes open, see the truth clearly, and not be used by people with ulterior motives! "

She posted a long article, directly @ the major marketing accounts, @ Mrs. Gao herself, @ Xia Jiu, and bought a hot search by the way - for things like tearing, some people can always learn without a teacher .

   Besides, Xiao Yunhua is also a fan of an idol, and has experience in tormenting and fighting for idols.

   Of course, she didn't dare to tear up Mrs. Gao herself, she only dared to tear up people she could afford to offend.

  The hot search brought Mrs. Gao's name, and naturally she would take advantage of her fame. In a moment, the melon-eating crowd rushed to find out what happened.

   "What the **** is going on? Who designed the dress Linda was wearing?"

   "What a shameless villain, make it clearer."

   "Linda has never claimed the designer and brand of the dress, but she has not denied the content released by the big V, is it a default?"

  Xiao Yunhua immediately explained one by one: "I'm 100% sure that the dress Linda wore was designed by Xia Ruomeng. The brand Ruomeng is now online, please pay more attention."

   "The shameless villain I'm talking about naturally refers to someone like Xia Jiu who is rushing to claim other people's designs! Does Xia Jiu dare to come out and confront me!"

   "Linda is busy with other affairs and didn't come out to claim it, but that doesn't mean it's a default, right? Some people are addicted to rubbing the heat, and dare to rub anything! It's really hateful!"

   Xiao Yunhua was so outraged that he came out with real-name accusations, but many people believed Xiao Yunhua's words and began to condemn Xia Jiu.

  Xiao Yunhua handed the phone to Xia Ruomeng to see, "Xia Jiu didn't respond at all, I think she's wrong!"

   "I believe that Xia Jiu was just confused for a while to do such a thing." Xia Ruomeng said in a big way, very satisfied with what she saw now.

   Xiao Yunhua came out to tear it up, but the brand Ruomeng quickly entered the public's attention, and the publicity effect was very good.

   Various voices accusing Xia Jiu emerged one after another.

  Chen Meiru also said with satisfaction: "Let's see how Xia Jiu explains it. If she sincerely apologizes, she might as well forgive her. But if she is still obsessed, I heard that in such a situation, you can sue for infringement, right?"

   She looked at Fang Minghao, the barrister, full of expectations.

   "If it can be confirmed that Xia Jiu plagiarized Ruo Meng's design, or used the plagiarized things to profit, he can indeed sue." Fang Minghao said matter-of-factly.

Xia Ruomeng said hurriedly: "I think it's better, Xia Jiu must not have done it on purpose. If she really sue her, then the brand she finally created will be over. You have to forgive people and forgive them, as long as she Make no mistakes in the future.”

   If she could really sue, how could she give up such an opportunity?

   Afraid of being dug deep, he dug up the fact that he had taken away countless design sketches in Xia Jiu's computer.

   In such a situation, Xia Ruomeng of course had no choice but to settle down.

  Fang Minghao nodded and said, "Don't worry now, let's talk about this later, and see how Xia Jiu responds."

   However, Xia Jiu didn't respond all the time, thinking about it, it was a loss.

  Xia Ruomeng suggested: "Why don't you all go to dinner first?"

Mrs. Fang smiled and said, "That's right. I have forgotten about Xia Jiu's interruption. The most important thing today is to celebrate Ruo Meng. Let's go, let's go to the celebration banquet. It's already pre-ordered!"

   (end of this chapter)

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