The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3318: Sooner or later you will lose in this place

   Chapter 3318 Sooner or later you will lose in such a place

   Being so valued by the Fang family, Xia Ruomeng glanced at Fang Minghao gratefully.

   The group walked towards the hotel in a mighty manner.

   The table where Xia Ruomeng was seated were all distinguished guests and close people, except for Fang's and Xia's, Shi Youxuan and a few shareholders.

Mrs. Fang took the lead in holding the wine glass and said with a smile, "Thank you for coming to Ruomeng's celebration banquet today, and I also particularly thank Miss Shi for her support for Ruomeng. Today Ruomeng's success is inseparable from everyone's full support. Come, I will represent the Fang family first, respect you all."

  Everyone stood up one after another and drank the drink of success.

Xia Ruomeng also said gently: "Auntie is right, the Ruomeng brand can be officially launched smoothly today, all thanks to everyone's help, Miss Shi's investment, and the cooperation and support of all shareholders, I really appreciate it. Everyone. Without everyone, I wouldn’t be where I am today. This success belongs not only to me, but also to everyone. I replace wine with water, thank you.”

   After everyone drank this round, the scene relaxed a lot, and we talked about things on the Internet today.

   One of the shareholders said angrily: "I really didn't expect Xia Jiu to be like this now. Since her parents passed away, she has become more and more outrageous."

   "She used to be so arrogant and never looked down on us older generation people, even more so now. I see, she will lose in such a place sooner or later!"

   "Alas, luckily the Xia family still has Ruo Meng. Not only are they talented and have great design skills, but they are also familiar with Miss Shi. Only by joining forces can they save the building of the Xia family! We also respect Miss Shi."

Shi Youxuan said with a smile, "Xia Jiu is humiliating herself. As long as Mrs. Gao speaks, her lie will be self-defeating. However, even if it proves to be a lie, this hype has given her enough traffic. Women, you really can't be underestimated."

  Xia Ruomeng smiled and said, "Xia Jiu is too smart, but sometimes wisdom is not placed on the right path. Next time I see her, I really need to persuade her well, take back my mind, and do the right thing."

  Chen Meiru shook her head and said, "Don't waste your time on her. I think she is obsessed and won't change."

  Fang Minghao got up and went to the bathroom. After thinking about it, he still called Xia Jiu.

   After a while, Xia Jiu picked it up, and her lazy and slightly nasal voice came: "Hello."

   "Xia Jiu, your dedicated line is open today?"

   "Yes." The voice over there instantly cooled down.

   "Xia Jiu, congratulations. But have you seen what happened on the Internet? It wasn't the clothes you designed. You went to claim them. Do you know how serious the consequences will be?"

   There was Xia Jiu's playful laughter: "Oh, then I definitely don't know. Lawyer Fang should know better."

   His voice was full of mockery.

Fang Minghao reluctantly said: "Let's not talk about the legal aspects for the time being. Just being a Linda fan can scold you to death. So, take the initiative to apologize and admit your mistakes now, try to scold less, and also for your sake. Brand, save some face."

   "You might as well tell Xia Ruomeng about this kind of thing." A voice came from Xia Jiu's side.

   "Xia Jiu! Although I and you haven't been in love for a long time, I also hope that your life will be better in the future, and stop being obsessed."

  Xia Jiu cut off the phone with a snap.

  Fang Minghao stared at the phone helplessly, and there was a beeping busy tone.

   He was really benevolent and righteous, and he did everything he could, but unfortunately, Xia Jiu didn't listen at all!

   Back at the banquet hall, Xia Ruomeng said softly, "I've left some soup for you, you can drink it while it's hot."

   "Okay." Fang Minghao smiled, still Xia Ruomeng caring.

   "Linda's assistant responded!" Xiao Yunhua took out his phone and saw the first article on Weibo's hot search. Before he could click on the content, he shouted loudly and raised his phone.

  Fang Minghao said: "Ruomeng and I sent the dress personally. Even if Mrs. Gao doesn't respond, her assistant's response can still represent her own meaning."

  Xia Ruomeng finally felt relieved now, nodded and said: "Even if Mrs. Gao doesn't care about the face of the Fang family, with her celebrity status and status in the fashion industry, she will definitely not lie, she will definitely tell the truth."

Shi Youxuan even said: "Yes, she won't slap herself in the face in order to help Xia Jiu. So I say that Xia Jiu's behavior is just the act of a clown jumping on the beam. As long as the master speaks a little, the lie will not be self-defeating. The goal that Xia Jiu can achieve is to take advantage of this wave of popularity!"

   Mrs. Fang and Chen Meiru urged in unison: "Hurry up and open Weibo to have a look!"

  Xiao Yunhua then retracted his hand, clicked on the sentence and went to Weibo, the number one trending search, after a closer look.

   But when he saw it, his face couldn't help changing, and he was speechless for a while.

   Mrs. Fang and Chen Meiru said, "What did Mrs. Gao's assistant say?"

   Seeing that Xiao Yunhua didn't reply, they went to take out their mobile phones to check, and they didn't bother to wait for Xiao Yunhua to answer.

  Xia Ruomeng also hurriedly clicked on the first post on Weibo, glanced at it, and suddenly his breathing became rapid, and his nostrils were open with rough air.

  Linda's assistant didn't post any textual content, only two gifs of Linda.

   In pictures 1 and 2, the dresses she wears are basically the same, but she in picture 1 looks delicate and elegant, the dress fits very well, and her gestures are full of extravagance.

   In the second picture, although she is already exquisite and elegant, the dress begins to wrinkle with a little movement, so that she can only see it statically, but the dynamic is a bit bloated.

   The word Xia Jiu is marked in Figure 1.

   There is no content in the second picture, but anyone who has eaten this melon will know that it is Xia Ruomeng's design at a glance.

We all know that what Mrs. Gao wore at the show that night was definitely the one worn by Xia Jiu and Tuyi, because Mrs. Gao crushed countless supermodels on the scene that night, relying on this dress and her gestures. of luxury!

   It is self-evident what these two pictures represent!

   Mrs. Gao herself has many fans, and naturally, she can see what this comparison picture means.

   Under the hot search, the comments were already full: "Xia Ruomeng did give Linda a dress, but this dress, tsk tsk tsk, do you want Linda to make a fool of herself at the show!"

"I'm too embarrassed to say that Xia Jiu claimed it indiscriminately. The current picture was sent by Mrs. Gao's assistant. Did they claim it indiscriminately? Before, they shouted for Xia Jiu to come out and apologize. I think the person who should really apologize is now shrinking his head. Turtle!"

   (end of this chapter)

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