Chapter 3319 Exactly the same dress

   "It's like touching the porcelain to a new height. What does the clothes you design look like, don't you have any points in your heart?"

"That is, whether the dress you sent out fits well and whether it's on the mirror, don't you have any idea? Linda is not an ordinary person. It doesn't mean that you can wear your clothes if you can barely see them. Others want to wear them to go to the show. I'm going to a high-level occasion, so it's easy to send clothes like this? There's a reason why Linda doesn't wear them!"

   "By the way, Xia Jiu's brand is really good, I'm really a fan! It's a pity that we don't have a store opened by her in our city, otherwise I'd really go shopping!"

   "Don't you know that upstairs, the official flagship store has also opened, this is the website, thank you."

   "Let's go to the online flagship store!"

   Seeing these comments, Xia Ruomeng's face became even more ugly, and her breathing was so fast that she could hardly breathe.

   Her suffocated face was instantly filled with tears: "Xia Jiu, she actually made a dress like mine for Mrs. Gao... I really didn't expect... she would be like this..."

Xiao Yunhua was the first to react: "This is really too much! Xia Jiu actually copied your stuff! You must have sent the dress to Mrs. Gao on the front foot, and she copied the back foot, and then sent the exact same dress. She I've seen your dress, so I made some modifications to make it more convenient for Mrs. Gao to wear. No, she was the one who sent it and replaced your good one! Then I attribute all the credit to her on yourself!"

   Xia Ruo dreamed to say such words, but it was inconvenient for her to say these words in person.

   For Xiao Yunhua, it just happens to let people know the essence of things.

   Hearing what Xiao Yunhua said, Chen Meiru said distressedly: "This, this can't just let things go like this! We're going to expose Xia Jiu!"

  Shi Youxuan was also very angry: "Find a lawyer to file a lawsuit. Oh, I forgot that the Fang family is a lawyer. Master Fang, you can figure this out."

  Xia Ruomeng said immediately: "Miss Shi, there may be a misunderstanding in this matter, I will solve it slowly."

"Slowly solve it, my investment can't be solved slowly. This time Xia Jiu is taking our popularity and robbing our market, where can you take it slow!" Shi Youxuan said angrily, "If you can't solve it, just replace it with me. solve!"

   "Miss Shi, I can solve it, please rest assured."

  Shi Youxuan didn't want to stay here anymore, and said, "I still have something to do, then you can contact me after you solve it."

  She picked up the expensive limited edition backpack, left the seat, and walked away.

   Everyone looked at each other.

  Chen Meiru immediately said: "Ruo Meng, Miss Shi is angry, this time, you must not tolerate Xia Jiu any longer! Forbearance again and again, in exchange for her intensification!"

Mrs. Fang also said: "Yes, we have tolerated her arrogance and rudeness many times before. This time, Ruo Meng, you can no longer care about this illusory sisterhood. Ming Hao, you go out and file a lawsuit. No matter whether it’s a warning or a warning, this time we must clear things up!”

   "No, no!" Xia Ruomeng was busy and resolutely stopped.

"Why not?" Chen Meiru said angrily, "This time it's not just about you alone, but also about the company and Miss Shi. If you don't act, how can you explain to Miss Shi, and how can you explain to the shareholders who have worked so hard for so long? "

  Xia Ruomeng is really in a dilemma, her eyes are red, she looks pitiful, she values ​​love and righteousness and doesn't want her family to worry about her, her perfect image is distressing.

She took Fang Minghao's hand and said, "I can't, can't treat Xia Jiu like this... Before, my uncle and aunt treated me very well, treating me like my own, and often let me and Xia Jiu support each other. Now that they have passed away, if I really What do you do to Xia Jiu, how can you be worthy of their spirits in the sky?"

  Everyone is silent, no one can use a strong attitude to treat a good girl who is so morally high and values ​​family affection.

Fang Minghao nodded understandingly, held her hand, and solemnly said to everyone: "The dress was given to Mrs. Gao by Ruo Meng and I, but it's really hard to say if anyone has done anything in the future. But since it happened. In the Gao family, Mrs. Gao herself also prefers Xia Jiu. Even if there is a lawsuit, it is not easy to fight. It will involve Mrs. Gao and she will be slapped in the face.

   Even if the lawsuit is won, it is bound to offend Mrs. Gao and the Gao family, which will outweigh the gains. "

   If Xia Ruomeng's words are analyzed from the perspective of family affection, then Fang Minghao's words are analyzed from the perspective of interests, and his words have been unanimously approved by the shareholders of the Xia family.

"Master Fang is worthy of being a lawyer, he is right, our Xia family is in the clothing business, and Mrs. Gao is a very influential figure in the clothing industry. If we are guilty of Mrs. Gao and the Gao family, it is not true. A wise move."

   "Well, it makes sense. So this matter should not be confrontational. This time, Xia Jiu can only be cheaper."

   Chen Meiru was upset when she heard this, but she had to admit it and asked, "Is there any other way?"

Fang Minghao gave Xia Ruomeng a soothing look, and said, "This time, if things are torn apart as they are now, Xia Jiu will certainly benefit, but the brand Ruomeng has also entered the public's attention. Now, as long as we add more It is always beneficial to us to publicize, do some public welfare, donate a batch of children's clothing, and build a good reputation for Ruomeng. I believe that as long as we come up with a specific plan, and then send the specific proceeds to Miss Shi, Shi The lady will also approve of such an approach."

   Everyone nodded, feeling that his words made sense.

  Fang Minghao continued: "As long as you maintain a good relationship with Mrs. Gao, after that, if Meng comes up with a good design, Mrs. Gao will not refuse to wear a suit that suits her, right?"

   "Yes, Master Fang is worthy of being the son of lawyer Fang. Tiger fathers have no dogs! In this way, we don't need to be involved in lawsuits and scandals, and we can make profits. This is a really good idea."

"As for Xia Jiu, she is also a member of the Xia family. She was also the eldest lady of the Xia family before. Let's eat meat and let her drink the soup with her. If you have a good heart and take care of their sisterhood, you will be blessed in the future. Reported!"

   Shareholders' words, let everyone nod and say yes.

  Xia Ruomeng grabbed Fang Minghao's fingers, and then gradually relaxed, this crisis was finally resolved temporarily.

   Mrs. Fang was particularly satisfied with Xia Ruomeng. The older generation still recognized the kindness and generosity.

   Although a celebration banquet was not very complete, it was still a near miss.

   (end of this chapter)

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