The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3320: none of your business?

   Chapter 3320 What is your business?

  Fang Minghao comforted Xia Ruomeng: "Miss Shi, I will go and have a good talk with her. Don't worry, she doesn't want to offend Mrs. Gao."

   "Well, Minghao, you are so kind, without you, I really don't know what to do."

   "Fool, I will always be by your side."

  Xia Ruomeng smiled happily, and then got a little worried: "This time you don't want to sue Xia Jiu, is it because of me or because of her?"

  Fang Minghao's mind immediately showed the appearance of Xia Jiuming's white teeth, and he couldn't even determine who it was because of him.

   He said immediately: "Of course it's because of you."

  Xia Ruomeng smiled with satisfaction and threw herself into his arms.


   This time, Xia Jiu's brand and Xia Ruomeng were launched at the same time, and in the end, Xia Jiu's revenue was over-completed.

   And this is on the basis of Xia Ruomeng's huge human and material resources for publicity.

   But Xia Jiu also knew that this time Mrs. Gao just wore her own dress to go out. The propaganda alone was very powerful.

  Only if you are more successful, can you be worthy of Mrs. Gao's unrewarded investment.

   Later, there was even better news from the golden age of the online store. The revenue exceeded the company's expectations and achieved very good results.

   Next, more offline flagship stores will be opened for the Xia Jiu brand, and the investment and scale of online stores will also be further increased.

  BIR also held a celebration banquet for Xia Jiu.

   Those middle-level and high-level executives who had questioned Xia Jiu before, some had left to go to the Xia family, but many still stayed.

   Seeing Xia Jiu this time, her face was a little embarrassed, but she immediately returned to her normal expression and came to toast Xia Jiu, congratulating her on her success.

   President Jian and Manager Du cherished their talents and helped her block, but Xia Jiu inevitably drank a little more.

   She hasn't had a drink for a long time, but she just drank a little, and it was a little over the top.

   Fortunately, the entire celebration banquet has been transformed into a discussion banquet for high-level officials, so she, the biggest hero, was able to leave the banquet early.

  Xia Jiu walked out the door, closed the door of the private banquet room, hid the noise of the room behind her, and walked out.

   In fact, it was just a few drinks, and she felt a little dizzy. She calmed down, carried her bag, and went to the bathroom to splash a handful of cold water.

   The stimulation of cold water slightly eased her drunkenness. She raised her eyes to look at herself in the mirror, and smiled at herself who was drunk and blurred.

  Xia Jiu put both hands on the edge of the sink and splashed two handfuls of cold water before walking out slowly.

After    went out, there was a tall body in front of him, and the figure was shrouded in it, which was quite shocking.

   But at this moment, Xia Jiu didn't feel much fear, and just walked forward instinctively.

   "Please let it go." She said politely, but her body hit the man uncontrollably.

   slammed her head into a bit of pain, as if hitting an iron wall, she blinked and let out a pained sound.

   "Hug, sorry." She said incoherently, but someone pinched her chin, forcibly forcing her to raise her eyes and look at the man.

   Only then did it become clear that it was Shen Muhan.

  No wonder, she felt a chilly coldness just now, and was extremely uncomfortable.

  Shen Muhan frowned obviously, the creases on his frowning eyes were particularly deep, "Have you been drinking?"

   "What's your business?" Xia Jiu said subconsciously.

   Usually, I am a little afraid of him, but at this time, everything I say is out of instinct.

   Shen Muhan's eyebrows deepened: "Go back first."

   "No!" Xia Jiu subconsciously resisted.

   In fact, when she came out, she wanted to go back to the villa.

   But when I met him, I didn’t want to go back.

   That place, which had nothing to do with her at first, has now become a cage for her.

  's wrist tightened, Shen Muhan pinched her tightly, and took her forward.

   "You let me go!" Xia Jiu protested.

  Chen Qi came over in a hurry, and when he saw this scene, he was dumbfounded.

   Today, Shen Muhan had a business dinner here. After Shen Muhan came out, he never went back, so he came over.

   I didn't think so, what I saw was Xia Jiu here.

   No wonder.

   "I won't go back with you! I don't want to go back to that place!" Xia Jiu struggled to get out of his grip.

   In the next second, her whole body was in the air, and the feeling of weightlessness came violently and clearly. She subconsciously grabbed onto Shen Muhan's shirt, and then stabilized her center of gravity, who was already picked up by his waist.

   When Shen Muhan passed by Chen Qi, he said, "Let them end."

   "Yes." Chen Qi responded.

Xia Jiu was in his arms, struggling desperately, but compared to Shen Muhan's body, she was really nothing. After a few struggles, she was tired and started to scratch, grabbing heavily on Shen Muhan's body. face.

  Shen Muhan's face darkened immediately, **** it!

   However, this pain is completely negligible for him.

   didn't even affect his pace.

   "Shen Muhan, will you let me down!" Xia Jiu shouted angrily.

With a bang, he kicked the car, opened the door, and threw her in.

   Immediately, he unhurriedly tore off his tie, sat up, and said, "Isn't it possible to pretend to be crazy with alcohol?"

   "Who pretended to be crazy with wine?" Xia Jiu actually threw cold water just now and was a little sober, and now there are indeed some intentions he said.

   She is usually suppressed so badly that she is not allowed to take the opportunity to make trouble?

   Shen Muhan leaned over and approached, his gloomy aura also approached, Xia Jiu suddenly felt a feeling called prey.

   His voice was so low that it didn't seem to come from his throat: "How much did you drink?"

   "One bottle, two bottles, three or four bottles, I forgot how much!" Xia Jiu replied indiscriminately.

   "Who allowed you to drink so much? Forgot that you were preparing for pregnancy?" Shen Muhan's voice, grinding his teeth, seemed unusually permeable.

  Xia Jiu Jiu raised his head and brushed back the hair in front of him with his hands, revealing a full and smooth forehead and a pair of bright but misty eyes.

   Her delicate face was full of ridicule: "Preparing for pregnancy? Who do you think wants to have a baby for you? If it wasn't for you to force it, who would really want to prepare for pregnancy and have a baby!"

   The man's face was already gloomy, and there was no change in his emotions at this moment.

   The tip of his tongue rested on his cheek, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and he could not see what was going on inside.

"There are so many women, why are they looking for me? Why me? Where am I good, can't I change?" Xia Jiu's voice was full of alcohol, "Shen Muhan, what do you think about me worth inheriting? When it comes to your child, I'll change it, okay? Why me? Why me?"

   (end of this chapter)

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