The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3321: Then I'd rather die!

   Chapter 3321 Then I'd rather die!

   She couldn't wait for an answer, but the man asked the driver to start the car.

  The car sped away, but Xia Jiu's heart dropped to a trough little by little: "Shen Muhan, what are you going to do to let me go?"

   For a long time, in the dark and narrow space, she finally heard a response: "Stay by my side, so unhappy?"

"Who would be willing to stay with you? No one would be happy at all! Do you know that those wolves stay with you because you gave them meat to eat, and the housekeeper Zhang Chen Qi stayed with you because you gave them meat. their high salaries. But me, I don't want the money you gave me, and I don't want to live in that crappy place, I just want myself, I want freedom, I want to be away from you, and I want to do whatever I want Want something!

  I don’t want to have children, I have never thought about having children, let alone yours, I want to live by myself, and I want to live by myself. Shen Muhan, even if I die, I don't want to have children for you! "

  Xia Jiu's voice was a little crazy, and in the darkness, her expression was not very clear.

  Only when the car occasionally passed under the neon, and the colorful lights fell on her face for a moment, she could see the clear despair and disgust on her face.

  Shen Muhan leaned over, his voice suppressed and low, as if from hell: "But, I just want you, give me a baby, what do you say?"

  Xia Jiu was shocked, "Then I'd rather die!"

   "Then you die!" Shen Muhan let go of her wrist, he would rather watch her die than watch her leave his side.

  The next second, Xia Jiu suddenly opened the car and told the moving car that the wind was blowing in, she jumped out of the car without hesitation...

   "Xia Jiu!" Shen Muhan's hand didn't leave her too much, and when she was about to jump, he reached out and grabbed her, he rushed over, reached out and closed the car door, locking it with a click!

   But in that second, his heart almost flew out.

  The sound of the car whizzed past, and the sound of a horn honked from behind the car!

   The driver in the front row was in a cold sweat and slowed down.

  Xia Jiu was pulled back, but she was not afraid. The alcohol was full, and she wanted to vent. The corners of her lips wriggled: "Why don't you let me die?"

   "I'm afraid you'll dirty my car. Besides, you really think I'll watch you die when the child is not born?" Shen Muhan is a person with no feelings, no matter how ruthless, Xia Jiu is not his opponent at all.

   "I won't die alone with you." Xia Jiu gritted her teeth and leaned back on the seat tiredly.

   "You can't die. The Xia family hasn't taken it back, and Xia Lin is not yet healed." Shen Muhan's voice was cold, but there was not a lot of threatening aura, "You can watch it."

  Xia Jiu: "…"

   She closed her eyes and let out a low sigh.

   probably also remembered the fear that she had almost died just now, but for a while, she couldn't raise any courage to fight Shen Muhan.

  She closed her eyes, her lips became hot, and then she was bitten fiercely.

   "Are you a dog?" Xia Jiu almost jumped up.

   "The punishment for what happened just now." The man's cursing at her was unmistakable, and her words had almost no lethality.

  Xia Jiu: "…"

   She is really tired.

   She said slowly: "Send me back."

   After returning, she walked upstairs listlessly, Shen Muhan said to the housekeeper, "Bring me a bowl of sober soup."

  Xia Jiu went back to the room, kicked off her shoes and socks, threw her bag on the sofa, and went to bed barefoot. The man followed behind her, packed up the coat and shoes she had thrown away, and put them aside.

   She was so tired that she didn't want to say a word, and she didn't even want to move.

   Shen Muhan took off his jacket, threw his tie aside, and threw a box of night supplies directly onto the bed.

  Xia Jiu: "…"

   She really didn't know what the structure of Shen Muhan's brain was, no matter how fierce the quarrel was, it wouldn't affect his interest at all.

   He seems to be exactly like animals, unable to communicate and have no common characteristics of humans, but what he believes will be realized without hesitation.

  Xia Jiu used to feel sad for the child of ectopic pregnancy, but then she was only happy, how could someone like Shen Muhan be worthy of having a child! How unfair is that to children!

   "Do you want to take a bath or not?" He came over, his voice calm and unwavering.

   "Does it make any difference if I wash it or not? Can it change your mind?"

   Xia Jiu knew that even if he made a mess of himself, he still had to talk.

   Shen Muhan leaned over, and the kiss landed directly on her lips: "Since you don't choose, then I choose. I can't wait for you to take a shower."

  Xia Jiu closed her eyes, did not respond, and did not want to answer.

   However, her body was a little honest and responded to his kiss. She was a little drunk, maybe it was the alcohol on her that made her irresistible.

  She stretched out her slender arms, hooked him around his neck, raised her head voluntarily, and accepted his kiss.

  Shen Muhan was stunned for a moment, and there was a moment of confusion in his eyes.

   She has always been reluctant to take the initiative in this matter, and she has even avoided it time and time again, so she can barely respond.

  It is rare to have such an attitude.

  This woman, when she looks incomprehensible, is enough to attract people. At this moment, if she responds a little, every smile, every move, and every move can kill people.

   Shen Muhan's eyes darkened a bit, looked at her with interest, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Want?"

"Yeah." The reply came with a shallow nasal sound, with a slender ending, which was her usual lazy and delicate taste. The sound was like a cat's paw, gently scratching her heart. When you get up, you can't get it like that.

  Shen Muhan kissed her eyebrows and eyes, and the movements of his hands subconsciously relaxed, with a little cherishing, as if he was afraid of offending the beauty.

   But there was only one thought in his heart, and he wanted to kill her mercilessly.

   bullied up, the two of them pressed their bodies on the soft mattress, and the force of the rebound made the two of them roll together involuntarily.

   Shen Muhan was addicted to this, wishing he could press her into the body, the bones and blood would be one.

   His fingers spread somewhere, but Xia Jiu suddenly said softly, "Young Master Han, I have my period today."

   The man's face turned gloomy in an instant, and the movements in his hands froze fiercely.

   No wonder she takes the initiative, no wonder she speaks in that voice.

  Everything was intentional, specifically to get revenge on him!

  Xia Jiu opened his eyes, there was a sly cunning and a touch of coldness inside.

   In the clear and shallow eyes, there is a fierce expression on his face that he wants to eat people.

   "Aren't you going to tell me sooner?" he asked suppressedly.

   "I forgot." Xia Jiu looked innocent, "Otherwise, I must have said it long ago."

   (end of this chapter)

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