The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3324: To be pregnant or not to be pregnant?

   Chapter 3324 Can you conceive or not?

  Xia Jiu said softly: "I didn't take the initiative to want to be with him, but he must. I can't help it."

   "He forced you?" asked old lady Shen.

  Xia Jiu thought about it, the first time he didn't force it.

   On the contrary, he has something to ask others for, so it can't be all his fault to say it out.

   It’s just that everything that happened later completely exceeded my expectations.

   Seeing Xia Jiu's embarrassed look, Mrs. Shen was a little bit clear, but she might not be able to explain emotional matters for a while.

  Xia Jiu had nothing to hide in front of the old lady Shen, and sighed in a low voice: "He must let me have a child, but I have no intention of being with him."

   "What a bastard!" Mrs. Shen said angrily.

   Seeing her face changed greatly with anger, Xia Jiu knew that she couldn't control Shen Muhan too much, and persuaded: "Don't be angry, I will explain this matter to him clearly."

"I'm really wronged." The old lady Shen said distressedly, "I don't know him very well, and I can't take care of him too much. I really can't intervene in your emotional affairs. But if he really bullies too much You, you can come and find me."

  Xia Jiu also heard what she meant. She knew from Shen Ye that Shen Muhan and the Shen family didn't have much affection. It was not easy for Mrs. Shen to say this.

   She was content with the old lady's words.

   "He's waiting for you, you go out first. If you're in a bad mood, come and sit with me." Mrs. Shen clapped her hand and said.

   "I will." After Xia Jiu finished speaking to the old lady Shen, she walked out slowly.

  She came out, Shen Muhan was standing upright at the door, the weather had cooled down, and he was also cold.

  Xia Jiu crossed her arms and walked forward.

  Shen Muhan then took a big step, followed her, and said in a flat tone: "I have made an appointment for a doctor to give you a physical examination. If there is no problem, it is time to consider pregnancy."

  Xia Jiu's footsteps stagnated, and his figure froze.

   After a while, she continued to move forward, her voice sour: "Come on your period, how do you check?"

   Shen Muhan's face darkened, as if thinking about the truth of her words.

  After all, he didn't say anything and got into the car with Xia Jiu.

Shen Muhan followed him into the car and sat on the side. For some reason, Xia Jiu always felt that this person was extraordinarily different today than before, extraordinarily indifferent, but he was accustomed to his insidious appearance, and Xia Jiu was too lazy to try to figure out his thoughts. .

   Back to the villa, she went back to the room first, went to the closet to check the medicines she had hidden, and looked through them. They were all intact and had not been touched, so she was relieved.

   After thinking about it, I added something to cover the medicine.

   For the next two days, Shen Muhan didn't care about the affairs in the BIR company, and Xia Jiu was able to commute smoothly.

The    special line clothing has now entered a hot sales period, and the feedback from all aspects is very good.

   As for Xia Ruomeng, Xia Jiu and Mrs. Gao discussed it. Since there is no evidence of Xia Ruomeng's plagiarism, they can only let it go.

  The brand Ruomeng has gained a lot of popularity this time, and it has also occupied a lot of market share, and it has developed well.

   Three days later, Xia Jiu got off work and Shen Muhan's car was exactly the same, waiting in front of BIR's door.

   Fortunately, there is no person like Xia Ruomeng in the company now. Even if a luxury car comes to pick up Xia Jiu, it will not attract too many people's attention.

  Xia Jiu got into the car, Shen Muhan said with a cold expression, "Go to the hospital for an examination."

   Sooner or later, Xia Jiu could not find a reason to refuse.

   In the hospital.

   When Xia Jiu passed by, the doctor had already prepared for the examination.

   She didn't resist anything, and followed into the examination room.

   Anyway, he knew that there would be a step, and Xia Jiu had nothing to think about. Fortunately, the number of contraceptives in the wardrobe was enough to handle. As long as she didn't conceive a child, everything was easy to say.

   After the matter of the Xia family is settled, there will be nothing to worry about when the time comes.

   After the examination, she sat on a bench and waited for the results.

  Shen Muhan was still standing aside, his expression was indifferent, and the emotion in his handsome eyebrows was unfathomable.

  Xia Jiu has always known that this man is good-looking and has the capital to act recklessly, but his face always looks like someone else owes him money, which is really unbearable and approachable.

   Even the little nurses who were passing by, when they saw Shen Muhan, were so frightened that they quickened their pace and took a few steps, for fear of making the eldest young master unhappy.

   A little nurse even knocked down the medicine tray in her hand, and things fell to the ground.

   A bottle of medicine fell at Xia Jiu's feet, Xia Jiu picked it up and handed it to her.

   "Thank you, Miss Xia." The little nurse gave her a sympathetic look, her eyes were full of doubts about Xia Jiu, how could a good young lady choose to be with Shen Muhan?

   Xia Jiu was amused by her eyes, and burst out laughing.

   Shen Muhan's eyes turned to this side, the little nurse hurriedly left with the medicine tray, Xia Jiu also put away her smile, the color of alienation on her lips, as if the one who smiled like a flower just now was not herself.

   Shen Muhan's expression darkened a bit.

Soon, the doctor came over, took a look at Shen Muhan, and then spoke carefully and said, "Miss Xia's body is no longer in serious trouble, the previous operation was done well, and the recovery and recuperation are also good. But having said that, but For patients who have undergone ectopic pregnancy surgery, we actually recommend at least six months of conditioning before pregnancy, which can better ensure the health and safety of pregnant women and fetuses."

   "Is it okay to conceive now or not?" Shen Muhan asked, his voice not warm.

   "Of course it's okay to be pregnant..."

   "That's fine." Shen Muhan interrupted the doctor.

Doctor    was used to his attitude, and looked at Xia Jiu sympathetically: "Miss Xia still needs to pay more attention to her body."

   "I will, thank you." Xia Jiu was also prepared.

   Pregnancy can't be a temporary thing anyway, and it's impossible to blame yourself for not being pregnant.

The doctor    explained some precautions, obviously sympathizing with Xia Jiu, but he didn't dare to go against Shen Muhan's intentions.

After returning, Xia Jiu was tired. She lay on the sofa and checked her mobile phone. With a ding, she entered WeChat. It was Xia Lin's message: "My favorite sister, happy birthday! I wish you forever young and beautiful, and grow old with your brother-in-law. If you give birth to your son early, you will always be happy and safe, and be happy for a lifetime. Today is your birthday, my brother-in-law will definitely prepare a romantic birthday party for you. I will not be a light bulb! I will give you the gift when we meet next time. Be happy !"

   She posted a lot of smiley faces and memes.

   (end of this chapter)

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