The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3325: You are so hard to serve

   Chapter 3325 You are really hard to serve

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, then she remembered that today is her birthday.

   At this time of year, a family of four would spend time together. Parents would buy gifts and prepare dinners early.

   Mom will cook and prepare dinner early, Dad will decorate the living room, and she and her sister will help blow balloons. Every birthday is warm and beautiful.

  After the death of my parents in a car accident, these things faded so lightly that I couldn't even remember them.

   Xia Jiu's eyes were covered with a thin layer of water mist, and she replied to Xia Lin a few words. In addition, she received a few blessings from her friends, and she returned them one by one.

After    came back, I found that I was hungry for a long time, but tonight the housekeeper didn't make any movement at all. Usually at this time, he would definitely come to ask if he wanted to have dinner.

   "Aunt Zhang? Butler?" Xia Jiu shouted casually.

  No one answered, and the villa was empty.

  Xia Jiu was surprised, got up from the sofa and walked towards the dining room with bare feet. Even the servants who were usually busy here disappeared.

   There seemed to be no human voice at all in the villa, it was so quiet that Xia Jiu could hear his own heartbeat.


  Xia Jiu listened carefully, only to hear the sound of stir fry from the kitchen.

   She walked over lazily, pushed open the kitchen door, and was about to call Aunt Zhang, when she saw the person with her back to her skillfully stirring the food, it was none other than Shen Muhan.

   He was wearing an apron, and his white shirt was rolled up in two, revealing his strong wrists.

   Getting used to seeing his usual cold face, Xia Jiu had forgotten that this man could cook, and he had shown good cooking skills in her small apartment before.

   "Where's Aunt Zhang? I'm hungry." Xia Jiu shouted.

   "Wash your hands and wait." The man said without looking back.

   "Where's the housekeeper?" Xia Jiu asked again.

  The villa is very large, and the area is comparable to that of a large shopping mall. When no one is walking around, it looks extraordinarily empty and quiet, which is disturbing.

   "They are on vacation."

   Shen Muhan explained.

  Xia Jiu said "oh", is on vacation? Group break?

  She's been living here for so long, she doesn't know they will take a collective vacation.

  Xia Jiu washed his hands and waited at the table. Soon, Shen Muhan brought the food. The food on the plate was full of color, fragrance, and it was really hard to imagine that he made it.

   A table full of food did not match his face at all.

  Xia Jiu held up her chopsticks rudely and took two bites. I have to say that the taste is really not to choose from. She was hungry, so she ate a little faster. Shen Muhan sat down beside her and ate slowly.

   Halfway through the meal, he got up and went to the kitchen again.

  Xia Jiu also slowed down, his movements slowed down, sometimes replying to one or two WeChat messages.

   When she came back to her senses, Shen Muhan brought a bowl of egg noodles and put it in front of her.

   "I don't want to eat noodles." Xia Jiu said without thinking, pushing the noodles in front of him, "You can eat it."

   She can eat vegetables, not to mention, she doesn't like noodles very much.

The    bowl was pushed over again, "I must eat it today."

  Xia Jiu glanced at the bowl of noodles, and a dark string ran through his mind: "So... this is longevity noodles? For my birthday?"

   "Almost." Shen Muhan said lightly, "Eat it."

   "You know my birthday?" The point is, he will also celebrate his birthday.

   "The ninth day of September, is it difficult to know? After all, your parents have written this date in your name."

   Mentioning his parents, Xia Jiu's expression darkened.

   She narrowed her eyes, her long eyelashes covered her emotions and cast a shadow under the corners of her eyes.

   "I don't want to eat noodles. I didn't eat noodles on my birthday before. They all eat cakes." Xia Jiu pushed the bowl away again, thinking of her parents, her heart was sour, and she pursed her lips slightly.

   "Xia Jiu, you are really difficult to serve." Shen Muhan took his face and stood in front of him.

  Xia Jiu said lazily: "I didn't ask you to serve me. If you're bored, just go away by yourself, or just drive me away."

   Shen Muhan was eating noodles. Hearing this, he slammed his chopsticks on the table.

  Xia Jiu glanced at him out of the corner of his eyes, who made him suffer, and if he drove him away, nothing would happen? I don't think it's rare to have such a birthday.

   When she thought of her parents, she felt even more sad, and her bright eyes were filled with mist.

   Shen Muhan pulled out the chair and left.

   Xia Jiu didn't care, he couldn't leave, and what did it have to do with him.

   Hearing the footsteps coming back, she buried her head in her shoulders and lay on the table, covering the mist in her eyes and not looking at him.

   "Xia Jiu." Shen Muhan called her name patiently.

  Xia Jiu said: "You can eat yours, I'm full, I'll wait for a while."

   At this time, she was not in the mood to quarrel with him.

   "Didn't you say you wanted to eat cake?" Shen Muhan pulled her chair over and made her face him.

Xia Jiu opened her eyes, and sure enough, she saw a small cake on the dining table. It looked like he made it himself. It was a pink cake with red strawberries on it, and it was matched with snow-white cream. .

   This style does not look like it was bought from outside.

   Did he do it too?

   Shen Muhan looked down at her: "Didn't you say you want to eat?"

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and was speechless for a while.

   Looking at the water waves in her eyes, Shen Muhan picked up the knife and wanted to cut the cake.

   She grabbed his wrist: "There are no candles."

  Shen Muhan got up, found the lighter, and lit it resignedly: "Just let it go."

  Xia Jiu put his hands together on his chest, closed his eyes, made a secret wish, then raised his head and blew out the lighter.

  Shen Muhan wanted to cut the cake again, she frowned in dissatisfaction: "No balloons, no ribbons, no birthday gifts, no..."

   "Hmm..." Xia Jiu's chattering lips were directly smeared with a piece of cake, she was in a hurry, "Shen Muhan..."

   The man leaned down and bit her angry red lips directly.

  The cake and cream were pushed into the mouth, and the delicate taste spread out.

The    just right sweetness also spread in his mouth. The more Xia Jiu opened his mouth to make trouble, the more opportunities he gave Shen Muhan until he was completely occupied.

   She was directly picked up, her body vacated, followed by the sound of glass breaking on a dinner plate, and she was pressed against the cold table.

  Shen Muhan cut her hands back, bullied herself up, looked down at her red and swollen lips: "What's wrong?"

   "Everything is bad, nothing is bad!" Xia Jiu said stubbornly, and was blocked again.

   His palms rested on the table, but after all, he couldn't hold it, his back softened, and his fingernails tried to grasp something on the smooth surface, but couldn't grasp anything.

   (end of this chapter)

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