Chapter 3354 will resolve

   But I also know that this is unrealistic, and everything can only be carried out step by step.


   "How long?" Shen Muhan looked up at her from the document.

   "It won't take long, as short as a week, as long as half a month."

   "I asked Chen Qi to follow you there."

  Xia Jiu frowned: "Is it inconvenient to let him follow? Besides, you also need him here."

   "Is it convenient for you to be alone?"

   "I have Jiang Bai to accompany me, the daughter of Jiang Yaoming, the former chairman of the clothing association."

   Shen Muhan's handsome brows flashed coldly: "That's not possible either."

   "Then since you want Chen Qi to follow, just follow. However, I am going to do business, I hope he can avoid appearing as much as possible and don't cause me trouble."

   Shen Muhan took a deep look at her, but neither agreed nor disagreed.

   In the evening, Xia Jiu packed her things and had to bring too many items. She had prepared several boxes, and she could not finish them.

   Shen Muhan rolled up his sleeves and walked in, frowning at the box on the ground and at the things she brought.

   "Want my help?" he asked.

  Xia Jiu had seen his storage ability, and he was too lazy to continue, and raised his chin: "Some things can't be folded too much, they will wrinkle."

   He lowered his eyes, took out the things unhurriedly, and rearranged them.

  Those things that were not neatly packed, seemed to be obedient in his hands. Xia Jiu originally prepared five boxes, but in his hands, he didn't use up two of them, and the things were finished.

  Xia Jiu glanced at it, expressing her satisfaction, and secretly stuffed her birth control pill into the corner while he was not paying attention.

  Although you may not be with him for a while, you must be prepared.

  Otherwise, it will be inseparable in the future.

   Shen Muhan finished packing his things, unbuttoned his clothes unhurriedly, and leaned over to approach her: "Let's take a shower first or first..."

   "I'm going to take a flight tomorrow, can you spare me some physical strength?" Xia Jiu has a deep understanding of backache and back pain.

   "What you said, this time, at least a week, as long as half a month, are you planning to hang me like this?" When he spoke, he could not see his emotions.

  's line of sight shrouded Xia Jiu like this, her brows and eyes were cold, and there was a dark desire that could not be dissolved.

   He stretched out his fingers and hooked Xia Jiu's collar: "Or do you plan to accompany you to Paris instead of Chen Qi?"

  Xia Jiu: "…"

  If he goes to Paris with him, he really can't do anything by himself!

   She was cruel, raised her slender neck, and pressed her lips to his.

   Shen Muhan's body was covered with coldness, and he pressed her under him.


   The crowd was bustling.

   After Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai met, they sat together and waited.

  Jiang Bai's emotions were particularly high: "Xia Jiu, this time I went to study with the prince. But it's definitely no problem for you to win the award!"

   "Hope it, let's take your word for it." Xia Jiu smiled.

"You don't believe my vision, you have to believe my dad's vision, right? My dad has seen your design works, and he said that he has never seen a designer as smart as you for so many years. Anyway, he is very optimistic. yours."

   The two were talking when a few figures appeared in front of them.

   was headed by Fang Minghao who supported Xia Ruomeng.

  Xia Ruomeng put her hand on her lower abdomen, and her wedding ring was shining brightly on her fingers. Although she was beaten badly on the wedding day, Xia Ruomeng had an unusually useless life at that wedding.

   But the final result was still enough for her to show off in front of Xia Jiu.

   After all, she got the most important thing, Fang Minghao, and the entire Fang family!

   She stepped forward and said, "Xia Jiu, what a coincidence, so we are on the same flight."

Xia Jiu raised her eyes, glanced at her lazily, and then looked away. Today, she was wearing a thick knitted long sweater over a long velvet dress that dragged the floor. , stretched out his hand in the thick sweater, looking extra delicate and soft.

  Xiao Yunhua came out from behind Xia Ruomeng, "Xia Jiu, you are too rude, right? Ruo Meng greets you, is this how you respond to people?"

   "Who do I want to respond to? How do I respond? What, is it against the law?" Xia Jiu looked up at Xiao Yunhua, her tone still indifferent.

"I think you did it on purpose, didn't you just envy Ruo Meng that she is now married and has a happy life? Before at the wedding, it was enough to steal Ruo Meng's limelight on purpose, but now it's still here? Don't think we can't see it That little nine-nine in your heart." Xiao Yunhua said sarcastically.

  Fang Minghao looked at Xia Jiu and learned that she was jealous of Xia Ruomeng and felt a little joy in her heart.

  Xia Ruomeng said: "Yunhua, don't talk about Xia Jiu like that. I'm very familiar with Xia Jiu, she's fine with how she greets me."

   Xiao Yunhua said unconvincingly: "She is just jealous of you marrying into the Fang family. Can't let people talk about jealousy?"

Jiang Bai has been with Xia Jiu a lot during this time, and already knew about her and Xia Ruomeng's affairs. Seeing that Xia Jiu didn't do anything, these people came forward to provoke her, and she couldn't help saying: "Xia Jiu is jealous of Xia Jiu. Ruo Meng? Are you jealous that she has such a big belly, and she just held a liquor store in the Xia family, so the Fang family is too lazy to give her a wedding?"

  Xia Ruomeng's face changed, Xiao Yunhua didn't know what to say for a while.

  Fang Minghao explained: "I have always wanted to give Ruo Meng a wedding, just to avoid her body being unable to bear it at a more suitable time."

   Hearing Fang Minghao's relief, Xia Ruomeng's face suddenly improved, and she said softly: "Actually, I don't care about weddings or anything. As long as Minghao really loves me, I'll be satisfied."

   Jiang Bai sneered: "I'm afraid that when some people's true colors are known, some people's love will disappear."

Xia Ruomeng looked at Jiang Bai: "Miss Jiang, I know you and Xia Jiu are friends, but I don't need to say the sarcastic words. I believe that the misunderstanding between Xia Jiu and I will be resolved naturally over time. You Are you saying yes, Xia Jiu?"

  Xia Jiu then focused on Xia Ruomeng's face, raised her red lips, and said, "It will be resolved."

   Without waiting for Xia Ruomeng to laugh, she continued: "It was when I got back everything that belonged to me. After all, at that time, I had nothing to worry about with a beggar."

   "Xia Jiu, you!" Xiao Yunhua was the first to speak.

  Fang Minghao pinched his brows and said, "If you dream, forget it. Xia Jiu has resentment in her heart, let's sit aside."

   Xiao Yunhua had no choice but to follow.

  Jiang Bai abducted Xia Jiu: "Xia Jiu, don't you still like this man? It doesn't look like you are responsible."

   (end of this chapter)

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