Chapter 3355 They asked for it by themselves

   "Wrong, what I care about is my family business, my career." Xia Jiu said flatly.

   The reason for the tit-for-tat between Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu was not because of Fang Minghao.

   "That's good. I'll just say... On your terms, why would you hang yourself on such a tree with a crooked neck?" Jiang Bai said with relief.

Xia Jiu smiled and recalled that this man did not even account for 1/10,000th of her life. If Xia Ruomeng's family hadn't taken away everything from her parents, Xia Jiu wouldn't even bother to look at that pair of dogs. .

   Only Xia Ruomeng felt that Xia Jiu would rob Fang Minghao from her.

  Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao sat down opposite Xia Jiu, Xia Ruomeng covered her stomach and looked a little unhappy.

   "Are you okay? Ruo Meng?" Fang Minghao asked worriedly.

   "It's alright, didn't the doctors help with the examination before leaving? Everything is fine."

  Fang Minghao said to Xiao Yunhua: "Yunhua, have you gone to see the VIP ticket that can be exchanged for first class?"

  Xiao Yunhua went to inquire after he was busy.

  Xia Ruomeng said apologetically, "It's really bothering you and Yunhua."

"Where is it? I asked the assistant to book the tickets before, but I didn't expect the tickets during this period to be so tight. I booked half a month in advance, and I didn't get the first class. Your body can't stand it. Fortunately, I asked a friend to ask. , it should be possible to exchange temporarily." Fang Minghao said.

  Xia Ruomeng was afraid that Xia Jiu would not hear the same and said: "Actually, I'm all right, but you're just too nervous. My body is very good."

   Jiang Bai rolled his eyes and inserted the headset into Xia Jiu's ear.

   Hearing the music, Xia Jiu came back to her senses. In fact, Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng's show of affection had no effect on her for a long time.

   She thought she had bought a high-level VIP ticket and watched the entire show. It was ridiculous that the performer felt quite satisfied.

Xiao Yunhua came back soon, got the first-class ticket, and said happily: "Master Fang, your friend is really good, I have already exchanged the ticket. Now Ruomeng doesn't have to suffer. Master Fang, you are right. It's a good dream."

  Fang Minghao smiled.

  Xia Ruomeng was even more grateful, with sparkling tears in her eyes, and she looked overwhelmed with emotion.

   It’s almost like he can win the Oscar for acting gold.

  Xiao Yunhua can't wait to put the ticket on Xia Jiu's face and let her take a good look at how good Fang Minghao is to Xia Ruomeng, how wide his friendship range is, and how strong his connections are.

   Three people can act better than one.

   "Dear passengers flying to Paris, this flight will be delayed due to a plane failure, please..." In the airport, there was a notification from the announcer's sweet voice.

  Xiao Yunhua immediately stood up and went to inquire about the situation.

After    asked, she ran back and said with a displeased face: "If Meng, I asked, the airport said that we have to wait at least four hours. Otherwise, we have to go back first."

  Although Fang Minghao can ask the driver to pick him up again, but the airport is in the suburbs, he really has to go back to rest, and it takes a lot of time to come and go.

  Fang Minghao said: "It's okay, there is a business suite that our company has opened for a long time in the hotel nearby. Let's go and have a rest."

   "Is this convenient? Will it cause trouble?" Xia Ruomeng asked.

Xiao Yunhua said loudly: "What's the matter, Ruo Meng, you are married to Young Master Fang, are you still worried about this? Young Master Fang cares about you, can't you see it? Anyway, everything is about the child in your belly and your body. It's the same when you change to first class. It's the same when you go to the hotel and have a good rest. Don't let Master Fang's good intentions go down."

  Xia Ruomeng then said gently: "Well, let's go. By the way, Xia Jiu, why don't you and your friends go to the hotel to rest for a while? Minghao, do you think it's okay?"

  Fang Minghao nodded: "No problem, anyway, there are many rooms, and it's empty if it's empty."

   Jiang Bai took off his headphones, "No need, it's just a hotel, we can still afford it."

Xia Ruomeng hurriedly said: "That's not what we meant, the hotel must be affordable for everyone. It's just that the planes in Paris have been grounded at the moment, and the surrounding hotels must be overcrowded. But the room booked by Fang's family is always staying in Over there, so it won't be too much trouble for you to wait in line, that's what I propose."

   Xiao Yunhua said angrily, "Ruo Meng, why do you do it? They won't buy it anyway. You really repay grievances with virtue, why do you repay virtue?"

   "Xia Jiu is my sister no matter what, how can I just watch her and ignore it? Minghao, are you right?"

  Fang Minghao likes the gentle atmosphere of Xia Ruomeng, which is suitable for the future position of the Fang family's mistress.

   "Let's go, Xia Jiu, Miss Jiang." Xia Ruomeng invited her gently.

  Xia Jiu stood up, Xia Ruomeng reached out to touch her arm.

  Xia Jiu avoided her and looked at the young man walking towards her.

   That is the person beside Chen Qi.

"Miss Xia, Miss Jiang, I heard that the flight here is going to be delayed. We have prepared a private plane for you to Paris. Please come with me." Jiuhe Jiang Bai picked up the suitcase.

  Xia Jiu followed, suddenly remembered something, and when she turned around, she saw the extremely ugly faces of Xia Ruomeng and the others.

She smiled slightly: "Xia Ruomeng, you don't need a hotel room for us. We are taking a special plane to Paris now. However, although there are many vacancies on the plane, I will not invite you together. After all, I am a person who likes If you like it, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, and if you falsely invite people you don’t like to come with me, I’ll be too sick to eat!”

   "Xia Jiu, you!" Xiao Yunhua was angry.

"Apart from this sentence, what else would you say?" Xia Jiu hooked her lips, and the curvature of her red lips was perfect, "Oh, she will also be an assistant for others, looking forward to a chance. But I advise you, some people are already in trouble. Now, don't expect her to give you anything."

  Xiao Yunhua is even more angry, Xia Ruomeng is also full of fire, but who made it, they all brought it on themselves?

   In their unwilling eyes, Xia Jiu didn't even bother to carry the handbag by herself, handed it over to the person beside her, and walked towards the special plane with leisurely steps.

   Xiao Yunhua said angrily, "Shouldn't Xia Jiu be the mistress of the old man?"

  Xia Ruomeng quickly glanced at Fang Minghao and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Xia Jiu is hot now, and it's normal for someone to respect her."

   I hated it so much in my heart that I wanted to scold Xia Jiu to death, it was so **** good, why did Xia Jiu get such treatment! Who is helping her like this!

  Jiang Bai boarded the special plane with Xia Jiu, looking envious: "Xia Jiu, it's ok. Who is this so generous."

   (end of this chapter)

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