Chapter 3376 Great mockery

Chen Qi hesitated for a long time before answering: "It seems... it's really not that good? It's a bit too simple and rude, and how many times have this been sent, it seems that it should be better to send a different one each time, it's fresh. "

   "Then what?" Shen Muhan asked again.

   "Flower jewelry or something." Chen Qi's knowledge is also very limited, so he can only answer so much.

   Shen Muhan only remembered that there was a time when she planned to send flowers to Xia Jiu, and it was the time she had a miscarriage.

  Unfortunately...the flowers were destroyed and thrown away by himself.

   After that, he never bought any flowers.

   But winning the championship is a big deal, and flowers are obviously not good, so he added Jiang Bai's contact information.

  Xia Jiu seems to have more contacts with Jiang Bai besides Xia Lin.

   After all, Charlene was young and in the hospital for a long time, so Shen Muhan didn't put her hopes on her.

  Xia Jiu didn't sleep well on the plane because she kept thinking about things.

  She got up, took her mobile phone and started WeChat to Jiang Bai: "Jiang Bai, what do you think of Shen Muhan?"

   "Very good." Jiang Bai replied.

   When it comes to being a boyfriend, Jiang Bai has never seen someone better than him.

  I personally came to pick up people from abroad, and I thought very hard about what gifts to give. I really liked it.

"Don't look at his appearance as if he is not bad, but in fact, he is a beast." Xia Jiu was worried that Jiang Bai would be deceived, and used his words very heavily, "No matter who he is by his side, it is very easy to get hurt. Not a nice guy."

   Jiang Bai is very strange: "Why do you say that?"

   It was obvious that what she saw about Shen Muhan was okay. Although she knew that he was famous for his violent temperament, it was really difficult for Jiang Bai to connect him with those rumors from the outside world.

   "Because I'm telling the truth." Xia Jiu said, "Every word is true."

  Jiang Bai thought for a while, laughed, and sent a sentence: "I know, but don't look at me always saying good things about him, but in fact I don't like this type of man at all, so you can rest assured."

  Xia Jiu was discouraged for a while, it seemed that Jiang Bai had misunderstood what she meant, thinking that she was worried about the two of them robbing people together, so she made a special determination not to fall in love with Shen Muhan.

   Forget it, Xia Jiu can only give up first and think of other ways.

   Back to Jingyuan.

  Because of this championship, there are still several reporters waiting inside the airport.

   Although winning the design competition is incomparable with other stars, it is still a big event in the industry.

   Journalists certainly won’t give up.

   Ma Aiguo also appeared in the crowd, and when he saw Xia Jiu, he stepped forward and held her hand: "Xia Jiu, you are finally back. There are still a few reporters here waiting to interview you."

  Although Xia Jiu did not agree to join the National Clothing Association, but looking at Ma Aiguo's posture, she is already regarded as a person in the Clothing Association.

  Xia Jiu knew that she would not be able to join the association either. In her bag, various residence permits in France were already hidden.

   She glanced at Shen Muhan subconsciously, as if sensing something, and his eyes turned to her.

  Xia Jiu lowered his eyelids a little guiltily.

   Her plan is to hand over the management of the company to a trusted person after she has retaken the company. She will stay away from Shen Muhan and live in France.

   Going to France this time, in addition to participating in the competition to prove Xia Ruomeng's despicableness, the more important thing is to open up her career in France and lay the foundation for her future life.

  Of course...and also, I have handled a series of materials to prepare for my future life and career.

   When handling these materials, he had to hide from Chen Qi and proceed quietly. This time, Xia Jiu really spent a lot of effort.

  These information, she secretly hid them well, even Jiang Bai did not disclose it.

   So in the face of Ma Aiguo's love, she can only say regret.

   "Xia Jiu, after you have been interviewed in a while, Uncle Ma will invite you to a meal." Ma Aiguo is a person who loves talents very much, and now he hurts Xia Jiu to the bottom of his heart, and is eager to take her as his goddaughter.

  Xia Jiu couldn't bear to reject his kindness and said, "Alright then, I'll trouble Uncle Ma to arrange the interview."

   She glanced at Shen Muhan, and the meaning in her eyes was obvious, "I can't control this either, nor can I."

  Shen Muhan narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out his hand and pulled his tie, and said, "Chen Qi is waiting for you here."

   He had something to do, so he left first.

  Ma Aiguo only then reacted: "Xia Jiu, who was Young Master Han just now?"

   "Yeah." Xia Jiu nodded.

   Ma Aiguo snorted, and immediately focused on Xia Jiu: "Let's go to the conference room of the hotel next to us for an interview. Let's go!"

   Jiang Bai also accompanied Xia Jiu over there.

  The reporters surrounded Xia Jiu, and when they got there, Xia Jiu was sent into the conference room as if being surrounded by stars.

   The waiter on the side whispered: "I don't know which star it is, and the posture is so strong."

   "Looks at Miansheng, but he looks really good. Maybe he's a rising star."

   "Oh, could it be the heroine of the recently popular online drama "The Prince's Best Pet"? It looks better in modern clothes than ancient ones!"

   "The appearance without makeup is also very eye-catching, and it looks like a big red."

   "Stop talking, just pour tea and coffee in."

  Xia Jiu was seated, and the reporters sat around her, and soon the waiter brought tea diligently.

   "Miss Xia, after you win the championship this time, it will be of great benefit for the clothing design industry after the Dragon Empire to open up the European and American markets. What do you think?"

  Xia Jiu talked eloquently.

   The reporter asked a few professional questions, and she answered them in an orderly manner.

   Ma Aiguo stood aside, his eyes brightened, the more he looked, the more he felt that he had found a treasure.

   "Your cousin Xia Ruomeng didn't get the ranking this time. I heard that it was because she was pregnant. This is really a pity. I don't know if you have any words of encouragement for her?"

  Xia Jiu had long known that these reporters had been taken care of by the Fang family, so when Xia Ruomeng was mentioned, no one said plagiarism at all, only that she was not feeling well, so she did not get the ranking.

   Even if she says anything now, these reporters will not report it.

   But, does Xia Ruomeng really think that France is an outer space? No one will ever know about this?

  Xia Jiu was not in a hurry at this moment, and smiled lightly: "Then I hope she can get a good place in the next competition!"


  Xia Ruomeng saw Xia Jiu's statement in the report, and her stomach throbbed with anger.

   She has been removed from the list, and she will no longer be able to participate in those international-level competitions in the future, and she will always have to settle for the Dragon Empire.

   When Xia Jiu said this, it was clearly a great ridicule.

   (end of this chapter)

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