Chapter 3377 Extreme Despair

   In the future, what competitions can Xia Ruomeng participate in?

  Because of this, after she came back, the Fang family's attitude became a lot colder, and they even less concerned about the child in her womb.

   What will she use to turn around in the future?

  Xia Ruomeng clenched her fingers, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

   But, this is the best result she can get.

   "Miss, Master Fang said that there is an entertainment tonight, so he won't come to dinner." The servant stood behind Xia Ruomeng and said.

With a sound of   , the vase in front of Xia Ruomeng fell to the ground and shattered to pieces.

  The servant was frightened: "Miss, are you alright? Is there any injury? Call the doctor!"

  Xia Ruomeng finally adjusted her face, gritted her teeth and said, "It's okay, don't worry about me, go out."

   The servant saw that she was indeed not bleeding, so she went out tremblingly, not knowing how the vase fell off just now.

   is clearly placed so well.

   After returning from France, Fang Minghao became cold visibly to the naked eye. The two originally agreed that on weekends, they would take turns having dinner at Fang's and Xia's homes to accompany their family.

  Fang Minghao's first excuse to shirk!

   The matter of drugging and the humiliation of the match with Xia Ruomeng still planted a thorn in Fang Minghao's heart!

  Xia Ruomeng has no excuse, Fang Minghao said that he believed her, but in reality, it was very difficult to say how much he was sincere and how much he was fake.

   Now it's not just for the sake of the child in her belly.

   But child... Xia Ruomeng remembered the photo she received with other men some time ago.

   She clenched her fists tightly.


   Xia Jiu finished the interview and ate with Ma Aiguo, and then drove back with Jiang Bai.

  Chen Qi first sent Xia Jiu, and then went to send Jiang Bai.

   "Ginger White."

   When Xia Jiu got off the car, she stopped Jiang Bai.

   Jiang Bai followed her out of the car.

   The expression on Xia Jiu's face was extraordinarily serious and sincere, "Really, stay away from Shen Muhan."

  Jiang Bai originally thought that Xia Jiu didn't want anyone to interfere in her and Shen Muhan's affairs, but seeing her so solemn and candid, it made her mentally unstable.

   " he really as brutal as rumored?" Jiang Bai swallowed.

  Xia Jiu narrowed his eyes and said lightly: "I never wanted to be with him, he forced me. If there was a way, I would have left long ago. Do you understand what I said?"

   Jiang Bai's eyes widened, "Is there such a thing?"

   Xia Jiu didn't know if she would believe it, and said softly: "Although it's a bit ridiculous, it's the truth. Go home quickly, don't let your parents worry."

  Jiang Bai got into the car uneasy.

  Xia Jiu took a deep breath, hoping that Jiang Bai would listen to her words, she is a good girl, and Xia Jiu didn't want to see her follow her footsteps.

   After she got home, the housekeeper, Aunt Zhang and others were very happy, and surrounded her with greetings and inquiries about this trip to France.

  Xia Jiu gave them the gift he bought, and received a lot of thanks.

   Shen Muhan was not there. When she got home, she carefully hid her things.

   Documents and documents cannot be placed with the medicine, so she found the corner of the drawer and placed it with other documents.

   After thinking about it, I feel uneasy, so I'd better go to the bank and open a safe to put it in.

   Just do it while the company is doing business.

   She was a little tired, lying on the bed, closed her eyes, but she had Shen Muhan's face lingering in front of her.

   Indifferent, cold, and sometimes fanatical, in which **** is turbulent.

   After that, he stretched out his palm and pinched her neck. His chest was squeezed to the point that she couldn't breathe at all. She slapped his palm, and the air at the tip of her nose was thin.

   She was so sad that she was about to die, but his red eyes were exceptionally clear in front of him.

   This is the scene where Shen Muhan grabbed her neck after she had a miscarriage last time.

   She thought that time had passed and that she had already recovered, but this scene came suddenly and hit her heart.

   Before that, she once devoted herself to the child in her womb, thinking that being with Shen Muhan was a good choice.

   But... The facts told her that this was an extravagant hope after all.

   It was just a misunderstanding, he could put her to death, what else could he not do?

   Her blood was once warm, and then it became cool, like the cold snow in the cold moon.

   "Huh..." Xia Jiu struggled to wake up from the nightmare, like a drowning person suddenly exposed to fresh air.

   She sat up and took a deep breath, which was enough to calm down the extreme despair just now.

   In the second half of the night, Xia Jiu didn't sleep well, and Shen Muhan didn't come back.

  In the morning, she came to the company with dark circles under her eyes.

   "Congratulations, Xia Jiu!"


   As soon as we arrived at the company, everyone gathered around and gave their blessings.

  Xiao Yunhua shrunk in the corner, his face was very ugly, and he did not participate in everyone's topics, trying his best to reduce his sense of existence.

Xiaomei also ran over from the logistics department, pulled Xia Jiu and said, "Xia Jiu, I knew you could do it! You are so good! What is Paris like, what trophy did you get when you won the championship? Can you share it with me?"

   "Okay, I'll talk to you when I get a chance."

  Xiaomei nodded again and again: "Then I won't disturb you, see you later."

   Everyone has been discussing for a while before returning to their seats.

  Xia Jiu was called to President Jian's office.

"Congratulations, Xia Jiu!" Mr. Jane was full of smiles, and Dewey, who was sitting next to him, was also very happy, "This time you can win the championship and come back, it will be a great promotion for you and the company. As soon as the news of your championship comes out, you Sales of dedicated line products have exploded, and our company’s order volume has doubled.”

   Dewey also smiled and said, "Next, President Jane plans to increase his investment in you. You have to cheer up. Why, I'm too tired to rest these days?"

   President Jane said tolerantly: "Well, I'll give you a few days of paid leave. You can go back to the company after you have enough energy."

   "No, I'll go to work on time. It's not too late to rest until I'm done." Xia Jiu smiled.

   "Okay, okay, then I will live up to your kindness."

  Xia Jiu nodded: "Mr. Jian, Manager Du, foreign orders may increase a lot in the next few days. I hope the company can take more consideration of the foreign situation and adjust production in this direction."

   "Yes, this time you represent the company to win the championship abroad, and foreign orders will definitely increase!" Mr. Jian said with a smile, very happy.

   But Xia Jiu specially reminded that it was not entirely because of this.

  Xia's family used to occupy a lot of foreign markets. Because they used Qin Zheng's good fabrics, they were once very popular abroad.

   (end of this chapter)

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