The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3379: feeling of being killed

   Chapter 3379 The feeling of being killed

  The moment the door of the room was pushed open, Shen Muhan walked in with the wind chill wrapped in his body and brought in a cool air.

  Xia Jiushe shrank, her toes tucked into the quilt, and looked up at him.

   The man who was imprinted in his eyes, with deep and cold brows, stepped in slowly, as if the person who rushed in just now was not himself.

  In the eyes that have always been cold and compelling, at this moment, there is heat, melting the wind and cold just now.

The heat in   's eyes... Only at a certain time in the night will it appear in his eyes.

  Xia Jiu swallowed his saliva. He always felt that there was something different about him tonight, but he couldn't tell exactly what the difference was.

   An indistinguishable emotion flowed through him, which inexplicably caused some lingering ambiguity in the room.

   When he approached, Xia Jiu only asked that sentence: "Are you back?"

   It wasn't Shen Muhan's voice that responded to her, but he lowered his head and lowered his eyes, and a kiss suddenly landed on her lips.

   She let go of the book subconsciously, grabbed the sheets with both hands, knew that it was inevitable, and didn't particularly resist—speaking of which, he looked very scary, and what he did was unreasonable.

   But at this time, she never suffered any loss, and most of the time, she still took into account her feelings.

   If we only talk about this matter, he is indeed a good man. Although he is sometimes forced, he will actually focus on her feelings.

   That kiss didn't deepen as usual, it went straight to the point.

   He kissed, resting on the sheet with one hand and supporting her chin with the other.

The    kiss fell softly again, Xia Jiu's fingers clenched tightly, and he could feel that he was cherishing it very much this time.


  Xia Jiu was taken aback by this description. When did he treat her with such an attitude?

  The kiss on her lips parted again, his black eyes were dazzling, his eyes shrouded her, and then he dropped a kiss again.

   Soft and slow kisses fell one by one, not as direct as usual, but as if they were deliberately trying to please her.

  This man has powerful hormones, Xia Jiu usually finds it hard to resist, these kisses slowly brought lingering, and the air in the whole room became thin due to this.

  Xia Jiu closed her eyes, the end of her slender eyes glowed pink because of this, and her whole face became a little rosy because of this.

   The tip of his nose and the air in his chest seemed to be sucked out by him.

   Her fingers and toes curled up.

   I felt like I was being killed.

   She clearly knew that this man was something she couldn't afford and couldn't want... But at this moment, this mire was like a vortex, sucking her into it little by little, making her trapped in it, unable to extricate herself.

   "Shen Mu..." Xia Jiu instinctively wanted to call his name.

   wondered what the **** he was going to do.

   Although she actually knew what he was going to do.

   The last word was blocked by him back into her mouth.

  Xia Jiu felt in the chaos that he had completely discarded the book, was stuffed into a soft quilt, and was treated with the utmost tenderness, so that the red at the end of his eyes flooded even more, and tears came out.

   When she woke up, she suspected that she had a dream.

  A little sore waist reminded her that it was not a dream, but something that really happened.

  She opened her eyes, it was already bright outside the window, there was hazy water vapor on the window, the beautiful crystal chandelier above her head was not turned on, only it was emitting a cool shimmer.

   After getting dressed and getting up, she subconsciously reached out and touched the desk.

   He always left checks, and that time in France was no exception.

   But today, she casually touched the empty space, and then she carefully looked at the desk.

  There is nothing else on the desk, only a dazzling rose with a drop of morning dew on it.

  Xia Jiu didn't pay attention to it just now, but now she noticed it and then went to look for the desk. There really was no check.

  I don't know who put the roses.

   was rather inexplicable.

   She came downstairs with a rose, wearing slippers with white fluff on her feet.

  It's cold today, she wears a white turtleneck sweater, she can wear a long white coat when she goes out.

   She likes pretty things, so the sleeves of the sweater have a circle of white fluff, and the two pockets of the coat are also inlaid with fluff.

  Let her be wrapped in a layer of warmth, she looks extraordinarily good-looking, so delicate that she will be injured if touched.

   She walked down like this, the white rose in her hand was particularly conspicuous, and she embraced the rose with both hands in a hugging posture.

   Shen Muhan was sitting at the dining table. Seeing her like this, his Adam's apple slid slightly, feeling that he was too restrained last night.

   "Aunt Zhang, please take a vase, put a piece of vitamin C, and put this rose in it." Xia Jiu held the rose in front of Aunt Zhang.

   Aunt Zhang hurriedly went.

   "Like it?" Shen Muhan seemed to be in a particularly good mood this morning. When he raised his eyebrows, his eyebrows were raised very high.

  Xia Jiu nodded: "I don't know who put it in. It's easy to fail in the air-conditioned room. If you keep it, you can keep it longer."

  I don't know who put it?

   Shen Muhan's tongue touched his cheek.

   But because of this little thing, Xia Jiu's mood is also visible to the naked eye, no matter who puts it, she admits that she is so cheesy, likes all flowers and plants, likes all things fluffy, likes all shiny things.

  A rose in winter is enough to make her happy.

   Shen Muhan tilted his head to look at her, she looked happy, her brows and eyes were particularly agile, and the ends of her eyes were slightly red, which made her particularly attractive when she looked at people.

   She reached out and took the bread he passed from his hand, even her fingertips seemed to have some sultry meaning, and the place where her fingertips touched was soft and warm, like last night.

   He felt again that he was too restrained last night, and he didn't need to be so restrained.

   Then I felt that Jiang Bai was a good friend.

   Maybe in the next few days, he will see Jiang Bai a few more times.

   However, before meeting Jiang Bai today, he went to the hospital to visit Xia Lin to check her medication status. After all, Xia Jiu has been very busy recently.

   He is well versed.

  Charlene's "brother-in-law" has been very sweet recently.

   When he came out, Shen Ye snorted at him: "You've been very diligent recently."

   "After all, I am a brother-in-law." Shen Muhan said unhurriedly.

   "That's true." Shen Ye's hostility receded immediately. After all, he came to see Charlene, and it had nothing to do with Charlene herself.

  Shen Muhan stretched out his long legs and walked out. Shen Ye walked out side by side with him and said, "Grandma also lives in this hospital. How many times have you come here, I don't know how to visit her."

   Shen Muhan's footsteps did not stop, but Shen Ye cut off and parted ways with him.

   After Shen Muhan got into the car, he thought of Mrs. Shen.

   (end of this chapter)

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