The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3380: Do you still know she is your girlfriend?

   Chapter 3380 Do you still know that she is your girlfriend?

   He grew up with Shen Sihai and Shi Hui since he was a child. Even so, it would be better to say that he grew up among wolves and grew up with those wild animals.

When    was taken out of the wolf house by Shen Sihai, he was actually several years old.

   So Shen Sihai and Shi Hui hurt Shen Ming and Shi Youxuan, he didn't feel anything.

   For him, the two of them are probably just the title of a parent.

  Most of his feelings and thoughts did not originate from them, and he did not have any friendship with them.

   Just like a wolf, a family mostly has to live together, so he was always with Shen Sihai and Shi Hui.

   At that time, Shen Sihai occupied the position of the head wolf.

   But he knows that the future self is.

  Wolf talks about feelings, but not too much.

   He couldn't make him feel how much affection he had for Mrs. Shen.


   He paused for a while, but pushed open the door to get out of the car and walked back to the hospital.

  In the back garden of the hospital.

  The old lady Shen had just met Shen Ye and was in a good mood. She was talking to Ding Qinen at the moment.

   "I see that Ye'er has been running to the hospital recently, as if she has a crush on a girl from some family. She is a good girl, but she is a little weaker." Mrs. Shen said with a smile.

Ding Qinen said angrily: "People are good, but after all, they are still young, not even eighteen years old. How can this fall in love? This child, I have to beat him a little, and I can't let him do things that make others uncomfortable. matter."

   Old Mrs. Shen said with a smile: "I think he is measured, but he comes more often, but he doesn't do anything out of the ordinary."

   "If there is nothing out of the ordinary, then it will not do." Ding Qinen has always been strict with his son's upbringing.

   Shen Muhan felt a little boring when he heard what they said, and turned around to leave.

  The nurse went to help old lady Shen get something, just saw his figure, and said hurriedly, "Hello, Master Han."

  Old Mrs. Shen heard this and said, "Is Mu Han over there?"

  It was like this, so Shen Muhan left inconveniently, so he could only turn around and say, "Grandma, third aunt."

   "Sit down." Ding Qinen gave him the chair and looked at him kindly.

   Although the whole family has been tossed around a lot because of Shen Sihai's affairs before, and there have been many troubles.

   But when it comes to Shen Muhan, everyone still thinks it's not easy for him.

   In addition, in the various internal fights with the Shen family, he was actually not as mad as Shen Sihai, on the contrary, he secretly helped Shen Jingyu a few times, and the old lady Shen and Ding Qinen had a good sense of him.

   Especially Ding Qinen, she is kind-hearted. She has become a grandmother in recent years, and her mind is even more peaceful. When she looks at Shen Muhan, her eyes are also very kind.

  Shen Muhan usually doesn't feel anything, but now she is a little uncomfortable.

   He was born under the nurturing of Shen Sihai, what kind of swords, guns and sticks have he never seen before? What **** evil has not been contaminated?

  Only...I have never been looked at by my elders with such eyes.

"no need."

   Shen Muhan did not meet these eyes, so he did not sit down to avoid further discomfort.

  Ding Qinen saw his discomfort, so he didn't say anything more, got up and poured water for him.

  The old lady Shen said kindly, "Come to the hospital to see a friend?"

   "Yes." Shen Muhan nodded.

   "It's rare that you still remember me here." Mrs. Shen said with a smile, "I'm very glad that you can come."

   Shen Muhan did not speak.

   He had never experienced such a moment in his memory.

   The Shen family he belonged to in the past belonged to Shen Sihai and his two children, and had nothing to do with him.

   He was always in it, just an outsider.

  The warmth of family does not exist for him.

   Old Mrs. Shen also saw it. She always knew that her fourth son was not good, and there were all kinds of clues that caused the Shen brothers to be at odds with each other, and disputes continued.

   He has cultivated his son to be like this, but this Shen Muhan is not bad. When Shen Jingyu spoke for him before, the old lady Shen felt sorry for him.

   "Why didn't that girl Xia Jiu show up for so long?" Mrs. Shen asked casually.

   was prepared that he would not answer, that is, he opened a topic casually, lest the scene be deserted.

  I didn't expect that Shen Muhan, who was standing in front of her, was originally cold and hard, but suddenly softened, and she couldn't help but be surprised by the old lady Shen.

   "She's been busy lately."

   Even his voice softened.

  Old Mrs. Shen knew that she was poking at his weakness. Speaking of which, Shen Muhan and Shen Jingyu were about the same age. Now that Shen Jingyu has a family, a business, and a group of children, Mrs. Shen is not worried at all.

   After all, Shen Ye is still young and not too big, and he didn't have a family and start a business, which is also expected.

   But Shen Muhan is still alone, how can old lady Shen not worry about him?

   She then asked quickly, "What are you busy doing? That girl looks kind-hearted to me, and I don't know who will be lucky enough to marry her in the future."

   Shen Muhan said in a low voice, "It's about work."

   After thinking about it, he said, "I thought grandma knew she was my girlfriend?"

"You still know she's your girlfriend? It's your girlfriend and you're making people unhappy? You don't know how to coax people well. You, let's not talk about learning Jingyu, go and see how Shen Ye is doing. Treating your girlfriend?" The old lady Shen was excited for a while, and she couldn't help but talk more.

   After saying that, he secretly regretted it, how could he compare Shen Muhan with Shen Jingyu and Shen Ye?

   Those two children, she has grown up since childhood, she can say whatever she wants, but Shen Muhan doesn't have much feelings for her after all, she said this, in fact, she is lenient.

   It was only when she thought that it was her grandson that she lost her words.

   I don't know if Shen Muhan will come to see him in the future after being told that?

   She was embarrassed and a little regretful, so she picked up the water glass to cover it up.

   Unexpectedly, Shen Muhan said calmly, "I really didn't do well, what grandma taught me."

   The old lady Shen almost choked herself out with a sip of water.

   Shen Muhan hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Are you alright?"

  Although he didn't know much about the relationship between his family members, he was very good at first aid. He reached out and patted old Mrs. Shen's back to stop her choking.

  Old Mrs. Shen relaxed, and saw his sincerity. He lowered his eyebrows and his imposing aura was less.

   She could see that, this grandson is finally enlightened, and it is different from his usual.

   "I'm fine, I'm fine. Since you're willing to listen to me, I'll say one more thing," said Mrs. Shen.

   Shen Muhan sat down in front of her with a willingness to listen. Compared with before, it was completely different.

   The old lady Shen sighed in her heart. For some reason, she felt inexplicable pity. If Shen Sihai had nurtured him well, wouldn't he be like this?

   (end of this chapter)

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