The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3401: You are so annoying!

   Chapter 3401 You are so annoying!

   "I don't seem to see that you are worried about this matter?" Shen Muhan directly stated the truth.

   Now it's Xia Jiu's turn to be speechless, she doesn't seem to be worried?

   The main reason is that Xia Ruomeng's incident could not become a reality from the beginning, and she never worried about it from the beginning.

   Besides, it seems that Shen Muhan asked himself twice if there was anything wrong?

  Xia Jiu was silent.

   How to say it, but it has become your own problem?

   Sure enough, you can't discuss issues with straight men.

   "That's fine, the matter is resolved anyway." Xia Jiu didn't stick to this issue.

   Shen Muhan walked up to her, "Why didn't you tell me when something happened?"

  Xia Jiu took off his coat, and tied his hair into a ball head, a feeling of beauty suddenly rushed to his face, and his arrogance was greatly reduced.

   "I have my own way to solve it, so I won't bother you." Xia Jiu replied.

   "Next time you encounter such a problem, tell me first." Shen Muhan's words meant a lot of compromise, and he was very different from the usual him.

   Although he had said similar things before, the tone was completely different.

  Xia Jiu was stunned for a moment, and reached out to touch his forehead. I'm afraid it's not too cold outside, he has a fever, right?

  Shen Muhan took advantage of the situation and grabbed her hand: "Why, are you afraid I will tell a lie?"

   "No, I just think... it's not the same as you usually do." And it's different, and it's becoming more and more obvious recently.

   is like an iceberg, a little warm.

   is pretty scary.

  Xia Jiu wanted to withdraw his hand, but Shen Muhan held it tightly.

   "Hey, I'm going to take a shower."

   He lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Want to know why I took the evidence but didn't give it to you directly?"

  Xia Jiu was indeed a little curious, and when he mentioned it again, she naturally wanted to hear it, she blinked slightly, raised her head and looked at him seriously, "Why?"

  When the long eyelashes are fanned, it has a particularly seductive meaning.

   Those vivid eyes seemed to have hooks that could hook people into them at any time.

   "I want to see you like that day, you didn't stand firm." Shen Muhan's tone was a little deep, his eyebrows were raised, and his expression was somewhat playful with a smile.

Xia Jiu suddenly remembered that day, she didn't want Shen Muhan to go out to see Jiang Bai, so she was a spoiled brat and pestered him not to go out. After doing it for a long time, she felt ashamed and ashamed, but in the end she found that neither Shen Muhan nor Jiang Bai meant that. .

   She is really…

   Seeing things like this, Shen Muhan remembered it!

   So is he expecting himself to be coquettish and cute again to beg him before he is willing to give him evidence?

  What kind of bad taste? !

   She pulled out her hand and was about to leave. Who knows, this time she walked too fast, her feet were really soft, and she was about to fall down when she stumbled.

   Shen Muhan stretched out his long arms, hooked her into his arms, and helped her stand firm.

   "Although it's a little late, it's pretty good." His voice sounded above Xia Jiu's head.

  She suddenly... Doesn't he think she's doing it on purpose now?

   She covered her face and was shy for some reason: "You are so annoying!"

   broke away from his embrace, Xia Jiu ran into the bathroom.

   When I was taking a bath, my heart beat a lot faster, and it was hard to calm down.

   The current Shen Muhan makes her really annoyed.

  Why did it become like this?


  Xia Family.

   The matter of Xia Ruomeng was abuzz.

  The police have come forward to investigate.

  Xia Ruomeng's purchase of abortion pills was also investigated.

  There is nothing to cheat, all the evidence is very obvious.

  Xia Ruomeng was scorned by doctors and nurses in the hospital, and was ridiculed by some unrelated patients and family members.

   She applied to be discharged early and recuperate at home.

   But the entire Xia family was in a low pressure, and no one was in the mood to care about Xia Ruomeng's mood.

  It stands to reason that she is already a married daughter and should go to Fang's house to recuperate.

   But when Xia Ruomeng was discharged from the hospital, Fang Minghao and Mrs. Fang avoided seeing Fang Minghao, and Fang Fang himself was busy with a lawsuit, so he was naturally unable to take care of her.

   Therefore, Chen Meiru could only bring her back.

   "Brother-in-law's family is too much. When my sister was pregnant with a child, they were not like this." Xia Fen complained.

   Xia Ruomeng's tears fell.

  Chen Meiru said, "Stop talking, what are you talking about?"

   Xia Fen had to stop talking.

"Ruomeng, don't be sad, everything has already happened. Isn't it enough? I'll call Fang Minghao and ask him to pick you up and go home. One day husband and wife are a hundred days of kindness, don't they? Are you going to get a divorce just because of this?" Chen Meiru said.

   Just because of this?

   In her mind, this is still simple?

   Maybe people are all selfish. If they did something like this, they wouldn’t think it was too much anyway.

  If others did this, the sky would have fallen long ago, and there is no room for forgiveness at all.

  Chen Meiru went to call Fang Minghao, but his phone was turned off and couldn't get through at all.

   called Fang's house. The servant of Fang's house received a call and said, "Young master hasn't come home yet. I'll tell him when he comes back."

   Chen Meiru had no choice when she heard this.

  After all, she had called several times from the office, and everyone said that Fang Minghao was not at work.

   Mrs. Fang was sitting on the sofa, blowing on the nails she had just made, and the servant hung up the phone.

   Actually, Fang Minghao was at home, in the room upstairs, but he lost weight and refused to eat.

   Mrs. Fang was naturally unwilling to let her son answer the phone, nor to let him go to Xia's house.

   Now the Fang family has become the laughing stock of the whole circle, because of Xia Ruomeng's matter, it is simply humiliating and thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

   Mrs. Fang is too embarrassed to go out to play mahjong now. She always gets her nails done at home, but you can imagine how much she doesn't want to see people.

   It is impossible for her to forgive Xia Ruomeng now!

   What a sin, how could you marry such a disaster star and go home!

  Fang Minghao came down from the upstairs, his steps were sluggish, his face was full of stubble, and he looked decadent and pale.

   "Son, you're finally up! Hurry up, go and get food for the young master!" Mrs. Fang anxiously greeted the servants and instructed them to get food.

  Fang Minghao hasn't eaten for two days, how could she watch him helplessly?

   "Mom, don't take it, I have no appetite." Where can Fang Minghao eat now?

   "But you have to eat something. You can't punish yourself with other people's mistakes. Besides, what is this all about?" Mrs. Fang felt distressed for her son.

  Fang Minghao lowered his head, his energy was drained.

   In the past two days, all he thought about was Xia Jiu and what Xia Ruomeng did to Xia Jiu.

   Now I know how fake Xia Ruomeng is... But it's too late.

   (end of this chapter)

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