The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3402: It didn't disappoint him

   Chapter 3402 did not disappoint him

   He was at a loss now, and he didn't even know what he was going to do.

   Mrs. Fang was really distressed and said, "Where are you going now? Always have something to eat before going out."

  Fang Minghao ignored her words, turned around and walked out.

  Where is he going?

Where are you going?

   Go to the company?

   This matter was posted on the Internet by Xia Ruomeng, so the follow-up was all fermented on the Internet.

  When everyone saw him, he didn't say anything on the surface, but in fact pointed behind his back, his back was going to be smashed.

   Go to Xia's house?

   He doesn't want to see Xia Ruomeng at all now, and he doesn't know what to say to her.

   is not the kind who wants to turn against each other, even hating him has lost the strength.

   is pure, completely unwilling to see Xia Ruomeng, avoiding all calls from the Xia family.

  Unconsciously, he walked downstairs of BIR and looked upstairs.


  Xia Jiu still goes to work as usual.

  If Xia Ruomeng hadn't disclosed the matter, even the people in BIR would not have known about the competition between her and Xia Ruomeng.

  It's all right now, everyone not only knows it, but also talks a lot.

   However, because Xia Ruomeng was at fault, of course it didn't interfere with Xia Jiu.

   It's just that Mrs. Gao, Jiang Bai, Xiaomei and others all called in turn to care.

   As for Xiao Yunhua, she was so embarrassed that she grabbed her toes, pushed everyone away, and rushed out.

   almost hit Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu glanced at her, she shrank her head and left.

   When Xia Jiu got off work, she walked out with her bag in hand. When she went out, she was stopped by Fang Minghao.

   "Xia Jiu!"

   She looked back and saw a slender man walking over, and then she realized that it was Fang Minghao.

   She pulled the corners of her lips and showed a smile: "Master Fang has something to do with me?"

   This alienating title made Fang Minghao pause and hesitate for a while, but he still walked towards Xia Jiu.

   "Xia Jiu, I'm sorry..." Fang Minghao felt that there were too many places for her to be sorry for the past.

The words    were both heavy and pale.

   He really never believed her before, and was coaxed around by Xia Ruomeng's gentleness every time.

   Now I know how outrageous all this is.

  Xia Jiu looked at him lazily, with indifference and indifferent alienation between his eyebrows and eyes: "You don't need to apologize to me. After all, we have nothing to do with each other."

  Fang Minghao: "…"

   Seeing Xia Jiu turning around to leave, he reached out and grabbed her wrist: "Xia Jiu!"

"Master Fang has something else to tell me? Then there's no need. I think I've already said enough between you and me, and I don't need to do this anymore." Xia Jiu shook his hand away, "I'm still Yes, this is where I work. It is very inconvenient for Young Master Fang to come to me like this. I hope next time, I won't have to see you here."

  Fang Minghao slumped withdrew the hand she had thrown away, clenched his fist secretly, unable to defend himself.

   He could only watch Xia Jiu go away.


  Xia Ruomeng was lying on the bed, not knowing how to eat.

   Chen Meiru brought the food, but she only took two bites no matter how she persuaded her.

   "Mom, you go out first." Xia Ruomeng said.

  Chen Meiru had to come downstairs.

   "My daughter is still like that, what should I do?"

  Xia Huangshan was a little annoyed: "She did everything, what else can I do!"

   He is also being laughed at now, and some of the Fang family's contacts are not available. As a father, although he cherishes his daughter, it is also uncomfortable to be stabbed in the spine!

   Now that Xia Ruomeng is like this, he is also very annoyed!

  Chen Meiru didn't dare to say more after seeing her husband's anger.

   However, the Xia family's business is to be continued, and it is impossible to stop now.

  Xia Huangshan and others didn't have that many abilities. Now that the Xia family's company can reach this point, it is still possible to maintain it by relying on various relationships.

   Xia Ruomeng dragged the sick body, but she could only come forward to deal with it.

   But fortunately, when she went to France, relying on Fang Minghao's relationship, she negotiated several clothing companies and let the Xia family supply them.

   These companies are from some Eastern European countries, and they don't take things like plagiarism seriously, so even if Xia Ruomeng makes a fool of yourself, they don't care, and directly signed a verbal agreement with Xia Ruomeng.

  This time, I called and wanted to sign the final agreement.

  Xia Huangshan was very happy when he heard the news from the company: "Finally, the urgent need can be relieved!"

   "Mr. Xia, the other party asked to see the eldest lady!"

  Xia Huangshan understands that this is the businessman from the countries that Xia Ruomeng mentioned before.

   He immediately put aside his prejudice and went to Xia Ruomeng.

   Xia Ruomeng was resting after taking the medicine, and hearing her father's words also sparked hope.

   She sat up.

Chen Meiru was busy looking for clothes for her: "Ruo Meng, their orders are huge, as long as this contract is signed, the entire Xia family's company will be able to make great progress. This world has always been the king of success. The loser, as long as you get the order, our family is prosperous, what are those things in the past?"

   Xia Ruomeng was indeed comforted.

  Yes, as long as you can make money, what are those shameful things?

  People's memory is limited, and their instincts are also strong. As long as you are strong, everyone can only see your shining points!

   She quickly put on a bright dress and went straight to the company.

   After all, the people in the company didn't dare to point to her face to face, so they quickly welcomed her in. Xia Ruomeng quickly entered her office and began to arrange work.

  The dinner will be arranged soon.

   She went straight to the hotel and saw these people.

   These guests who have come from afar have already expressed great sincerity. It only takes a few days to get things done and the contract will be officially signed.

   That night, they signed a preliminary agreement.

  Xia Ruomeng took this agreement, gave it to Xia Huangshan, took a picture and kept it in the phone.

  Xia Huangshan was overjoyed, this daughter did not disappoint him!

  Xia Ruomeng went to the bar and found Fang Minghao.

   He was hugging two women, left and right.

   "Master Fang, you drank Amanda's wine, how could you not drink mine? I'll toast you too!" A woman with heavy makeup, bare chest and back, was toasting Fang Minghao.

  Fang Minghao was drunk and blurred, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, okay, both of them have to drink! I... don't... favor one over the other..."

   "Master Fang is so nice!"

   "Master Fang, drink me this cup!"

   "Master Fang will stay tonight, your wife won't accompany you anyway."

   (end of this chapter)

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