The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3412: smashed in the hand?

   Chapter 3412 Is it in your hand?

   After looking at it for a while, the client put down the pen with a strange expression, and said, "Ruo Meng, this time, I'm afraid we won't be able to cooperate."

   He used to be only Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu, it was an emotional battle between young women, so he didn't take who was right and who was wrong.

   Now that I see the whole picture, I know that Xia Ruomeng is not a business object that can be associated with.

   Plagiarism, no patent authorization for fabrics, and other things, is he going to buy the clothes provided by Xia Ruomeng and smash them in his hands?

   "Brother Wang, we can still discuss, do you think profits..." Xia Ruomeng hurriedly stood up and tried her best to keep it.

  The customer shook his phone: "I'm sorry."

   After saying that, he got up and left.

  The secretary also stepped forward and took away all the contracts.

  Xia Ruomeng took out her phone and turned to the content sent by Xia Jiu.

   She collapsed like a pool of mud.

   She knew that all the last hope was also lost!

  This client is the most forgiving one, even he will not cooperate with him, so the others can be imagined.

   She sat down, Xia Fen came over in a hurry, and said, "Sister, Fang Minghao, he said... Let us return the investment of the former Fang family, otherwise he will sue directly. And he may, he will also want a divorce..."

  Xia Ruomeng passed out completely.


  Xiajia Company.

  Xia Jiu finally appeared.

  Her hair was tucked behind her head, making her look smart and capable. She was wearing a lady-fitting suit, which made her tall figure more imposing, a little more deserted than usual, and there was less smile in her expression, she was full of exploration.

   She was wearing high heels, and every step she took, she hit the ground with a sound.

   She deliberately walked slowly and steadily, walking slowly, as if she was using her footsteps to announce that the current Xia Jiu was in the world.

The faces of the higher-ups couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but as expected of all old foxes, they quickly concealed their expressions, as if nothing had happened, and stepped forward in front of Xia Jiu with a respectful attitude: "Miss Xia! "

   "Miss Xia, your office has been tidied up, please come with us."

  Xia Jiu walked with them.

   In fact, she didn’t manage the company very often before, after all, she was still in school at that time.

   However, he often followed his parents to play, and he learned a lot of things.

   Now what they have cleaned up is the mother's original office. The furnishings are the same as before, but many details are completely different.

   These people naturally couldn't be as careful as Shen Muhan and thoughtful in everything.

  Xia Jiu walked in, and everyone followed her silently.

   She only sat for a while, then said, "Let's have a meeting."

   Everyone hurriedly nodded.

When    arrived in the conference room, Xia Jiu sat down in the main seat and said lightly: "Everyone knows that the company was founded by my parents, and they have been in charge of it all the time. No matter what happens, what belongs to them belongs to them.

   Now that they are gone, the company will be under my control in the future. I hope everyone can remember who you are working for. "

   Everyone nodded.

   "From today, the position of general manager will be handed over to Qin Zheng." Xia Jiu said.

   Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but they were actually a little unhappy.

   Before they followed Xia Huangshan, they framed all the loyal confidants of Xia Jiu's parents.

   is headed by Qin Zheng and his son.

  If Qin Zheng was in power, wouldn't they be miserable?

   (end of this chapter)

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