Chapter 3413 is too spicy!

  Xia Jiu glanced at them lazily, with a calm expression, what she wanted was that they were miserable.

  Is it possible that after helping Xia Huangshan do so many bad things, they still delusionally think that they have no grudge against them?

  Qin Zheng also did not expect that Xia Jiu directly gave himself such an important position, he glanced at Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu gave him a very natural and frank look, who else could you be?

   "What, do you have any opinions?" Xia Jiu's tone was a little lazy, but no one could ignore the strength.

   Everyone naturally has opinions, but it is really inappropriate to mention it now.

   Now the entire company is still relying on Xia Jiu.

   "If someone feels uncomfortable and uncomfortable to stay, they can leave first. On my side, people who are not paying attention. Everyone should be different, so as to avoid resentment in the future." Xia Jiu said in a low voice.

   The senior management hurriedly waved their hands: "No, no."

"Since everyone has made up their minds to stay now, let's talk about the ugliness at the front. The company's specific affairs are managed by Qin Zheng. If something messy happens in the future, don't blame me for being rude." Xia Jiu said with a condensed expression. This sentence.

  The high-level people know that she has always been difficult to provoke, but after all, she is still young, so where can she not provoke her?

   But after these words came out, everyone really dared not underestimate her!

   This is too spicy!

  Qin Zheng followed Xia Jiu into her office and asked, "Are you really going to hand over the company to me to manage?"

   "I not only want to leave it to you to manage, but I also want to give you full authority to manage. What do you think?" Xia Jiu asked with a smile.

   "This is inappropriate." Qin Zheng said bluntly, "After all, this is the Xia family's own company, you should handle it."

  Xia Jiu knew that she should manage it herself.

   But she also made plans to leave, and only by handing it over to the right person can she be assured.

   "Qin Zheng, I know that you and Uncle Qin used to have a very good relationship with my father and are willing to help the Xia family all the time. I hope this has not changed until now."

  Xia Jiu spoke solemnly and politely.

   But Qin Zheng knew that if he let it go to himself, how could he help himself? Opportunities and advancements for yourself are also something that you can't wait for.

   She didn't feel any kind of grace at all, but was grateful to herself.

   "Furthermore, Xia Huangshan drove out many of the elders before, but I know that you have contact with them. As long as you find them back, they will definitely come back." Xia Jiu said, "I believe in your ability."

   "What about you? What are you going to do?" Qin Zheng asked.

  Xia Jiu smiled: "Me? I still miss studying or something, let's improve. Maybe go abroad. But shh, it's a secret."

   In front of Qin Zheng, she had nothing to hide, but she still concealed things related to Shen Muhan.

   The less he knows, the less he will be involved with Shen Muhan in the future, and the safer he will be.

  Qin Zheng thought that she really wanted to go abroad to improve, so he agreed without a second: "Well, I promise you."

   "Thank you." Xia Jiu said sincerely.

After the   Xia family's company was handed over to Qin Zheng, he began a drastic reform.

  The former elders have been reactivated, and now those high-level leaders are a little miserable.

   However, who made him capable and mastered the core technology?

  His fabrics and Xia Jiu's designs are simply invincible, and the orders are flying up. In order to let the people under him work with peace of mind, Qin Zheng greatly increased the salaries and bonuses of those employees, and everyone worked hard.

  Except for some high-level executives, the entire company has only convincing and admiration for him.

  Charlene's body also recovered well. After staying at Xia's house for a few days, she returned to the hospital to live.

After    doctor, in a few months, her condition will be completely controlled and she will not need to be hospitalized.

   Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming, Xia Jiu ran to the Xia family to make arrangements.

   Now Xia Jiu has several servants who can be used by Chen Qi, and they are all very handy.

   Seeing Xia Jiu coming back, the servants rushed forward to say hello.

   "Find me a ladder." Xia Jiu said, looking up at the living room.

  The living room is two-story high, and the ceiling is very high off the ground.

   In the past, every time it was a New Year’s holiday, my father and mother would arrange it in person to make the house lively, beautiful and warm.

   Now that the house is back, Xia Jiu also wants to arrange it herself.

  The servant hurriedly said: "Miss, let us do something."

   They were all trained by Chen Qi and knew that Xia Jiu was valuable.

   "If you want to take it, just bring it first." Xia Jiu wanted to try it for herself.

   When she saw her parents hanging things up, she was light-hearted, and she wanted to try it herself.

  The servant had no choice but to bring a ladder and Xia Jiu climbed up and began to hang lanterns and colored **** on the glazed lantern.

  The servant helped hand it over, and it seemed that it was not difficult for her to hang it.

   It's just that compared to watching parents hang before, the fun seems to be a lot less.

   She sighed softly and reached for the lantern handed by the servant.

   Who knew that she was not familiar with her, so she didn't step on the foot firmly, and she fell backwards.

  The servants were all startled, but they each had something in their hands, so they slowed down, seeing that Xia Jiu was about to fall off the ladder.

  Xia Jiu felt dizzy for a while, knowing that he would have to fall half-crippled if he didn't die this time, so he closed his eyes and resigned himself to fate.

   The exclamations of everyone were in her ears, but the next second, she fell into a warm embrace.

  Everyone let out a long sigh of relief: "It's okay, I didn't hurt the eldest lady!"

  Xia Jiu opened her eyes and saw that she didn't know when, Shen Muhan came over, and he happened to catch her by coincidence.

   saved her from being handicapped.

   His wrists were hooked around her waist, he hugged her firmly, his palms clasped her, and Jun's face was just a stone's throw away from her.

   Xia Jiu's breathing was unsteady, and there was an illusion intertwined with his breathing.

   In front of so many people, Shen Muhan touched her waist and let go of her without continuing.

  Xia Jiu stood firm, as expected, unscathed, and patted his chest lightly.

   "What are you doing?" Shen Muhan frowned, she just fell to the floor in just a second, is she really not afraid of such a high ladder?

   "Hang lanterns and balloons!"

   Shen Muhan frowned deeper: "What's the point of this?"

   Xia Jiu felt a little wronged: "Every year my parents hang up. In the past, my father hung up, and my mother helped here. Xia Lin will be back for Chinese New Year in two days. I want to be the same as in previous years."

  Shen Muhan: "…"

   He didn't quite understand.

   He has no concept of Chinese New Year.

   Still, he said, "Where's the stuff?"

  The servants hurriedly brought the things over, realizing that this one was more difficult to mess with, and said, "Let's hang up later, these things should have been done by us."

   (end of this chapter)

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