Chapter 3472 took her things

After    came back, the eyebrow color was also cold and flat.

   Shen Muhan suspected that if it wasn't for the fact that there were three children at home, she would have stayed there and never came back.

   "Look at the wedding dress, which one to choose." Shen Muhan pushed the design draft to her.

  Xia Jiu glanced down and pointed at it: "That's it."

   "When are you going to try?"

  Xia Jiu was not in the mood to try it.

   There was a deceased Charlene between her and him. How could she happily try on a wedding dress?

   She lowered her eyes slightly.

   "So, what am I going to do?" Shen Muhan reached out and squeezed her chin, making her look at him, "Charlene is gone, what do you want me to do so that I can forget it?"

   Xia Jiu didn't know either.

   So she has only pain and discomfort.

   "Back then, let me watch you go to your death, what did you ask me to do? If you were me, what would you do?" Shen Muhan stared at her, wanting an answer from her.

  Xia Jiu bit her lip and said nothing.

   "Look at your three children, if I didn't stop you, do you think I could still have them?" Shen Muhan squeezed her chin, "What's the point of punishing myself and punishing me?"

   "It doesn't make sense. But how can you let me live happily? How can I smile every day after so many things have happened?"

   Shen Muhan released her chin.

Xia Jiu looked at him: "And this matter, the meaning it brings to me, not only because you let me save my life and the life of my child, but also let me know that the short-term relationship between us is just a relationship. Bubble can't stand any test, it will shatter when touched. Let me know what is really inappropriate between us. Shen Muhan, we don't want to get married, you let me go, okay? "

   She whispered, begging word by word: "Let go of me and yourself, okay?"

   Shen Muhan's face turned cold, and blood red flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

   He also lowered the volume, but the words came into his ears: "The wedding is ahead of schedule."

   After he finished speaking, wrapped in a cold wind, he turned and left.

  Xia Jiu lay weakly on the table.


   In the middle of the night, Shen Muhan felt the empty space beside the pillow.

   He immediately got up and went to the baby room, where Xia Jiu was lying beside a baby, closed his eyes, and patted the baby repeatedly.

   The three little meatballs fell asleep obediently, sipping their mouths from time to time.

  Shen Muhan stood at the door, motionless.

   He never cared about these children. He never understood why he liked these children?

   If it is said that she has feelings for her parents and sister, and it is a feeling that comes from the mutual care and love that she has been with for a long time, then where does her feelings for the child come from?

  Blood is nothing but a tool to inherit the lineage, and there is no difference between humans and animals.

   It is enough to raise children to grow up, that is, to fulfill the responsibility of parents.

  Why, take up so much of her time and mind?

   Knowing this earlier, he shouldn't have changed her medicine in the first place.

   If she has no children, will she always be better only for her?

   Shen Muhan's eyes narrowed slightly, he tried to understand her, but there were still many things that he didn't understand.

   He turned and went to the study.

   When Xia Jiu woke up, the sky was already bright, and she found herself in the baby room, slightly startled.

   In the middle of the night, she didn't sleep well and wanted to see the baby, but she accidentally fell asleep here.

   I don't know if Shen Muhan will find any trouble?

   She looked down at the milky little bun, a smile appeared on her face, thinking of Shen Muhan, she sighed again.

  Originally, she was sure to persuade Shen Muhan to accept them, love them, and truly accept them.

   But now that things are so troubled, how can everyone accept each other?

  The nanny came in and smiled: "Miss Xia, the young master has someone bring a wedding dress, please go and try it."

  Xia Jiu stood up, walked out, and saw a lot of people coming with wedding dresses, waiting for her.

   She then remembered that yesterday Shen Muhan said the wedding was ahead of schedule.

   Then everything can only be advanced.

   She squeezed her fingers, remembering what was hidden in the bank safe.

  Some things should be advanced.

  Xia Jiu followed them to try on the wedding dress.

   is the one she ordered casually last night, and a few people surrounded her and helped her put it on together.

   "Miss Xia, you are so suitable for this wedding dress, so beautiful!"

   "And there is no need to modify it at all! The size given by Han Shao is really accurate!"

   "My God, this wedding dress is so beautiful on you."

  Xia Jiu has a good proportion and beautiful lines. The wedding dress she followed with her fingers is a long fishtail design with complex and beautiful colors.

   The one-line neckline on the shoulders just shows her slender swan neck and perfect collarbone, which is really suitable for her.

   In the mirror, she has an elegant posture and a beautiful face, like a blooming flower, and like a cloud in the sky.

   She nodded: "Just this one."

   "Okay, then we'll take good care of it."

  Xia Jiu didn't say anything, just looked at the distant horizon.

   It's winter time again, the flowers and leaves are withering, with a hint of coldness.

  The wind blew the clouds far away, and her mind drifted far away.


   On the wedding day, Xia Jiu had a smile.

   Shen Muhan didn't invite too many guests, but there were still many people who came here.

  The best seven-star hotel in Jingyuan was overcrowded that day, and guests came and went like clouds.

  The Shen family especially values ​​this marriage.

   Mrs. Shen and Ding Qinen came early to help welcome the guests.

   Shen Fengshan is long overdue.

   And Shen Ye, probably won't come.

   "Xia Jiu, congratulations!" The old lady Shen looked at her lovingly, "I must be happy and safe in the future."

   "Thank you grandma."

  Xia Jiu's eyes were slightly sour, and the old lady Shen looked at her with a smile: "Why, so happy that you want to cry?"

  Xia Jiu smiled embarrassedly.

Ding Qinen said with a smile: "Although Mu Han doesn't listen to us very much, he can listen to me when I tell him to treat you well. I know that he has all kinds of faults, so there must be more. Look at him and let him make a good change."

   "Thank you, Third Aunt."

  Xia Jiu knew that they were sincere to them.

   So from now on, I can only rest assured on them.

   "When the child is difficult to bring, sometimes bring it to us." Ding Qinen gently warned.

  It seems that he said this because he knew that Shen Muhan didn't care much about children.

  Xia Jiu nodded again.

   In the room, Shen Muhan was changing clothes, and Chen Qi was always by his side.

   "How is Xia Jiu over there?"

   Chen Qi whispered: "She... has gone to the bank and took her things."

   (end of this chapter)

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