Chapter 3473 The means are very good

   Shen Muhan tightened his fingers slightly, and a button he was buttoning was torn off fiercely.

   After all, she still wants to leave him!

   Did he just make her unbearable?

  Chen Qi hurriedly asked the designer to come over and dispose of Shen Muhan's clothes.

  Shen Muhan sat on the sofa, unable to hide the gloom all over his body.

   "The little young master and the little lady need to be watched more strictly?" Chen Qi asked.

  If Xia Jiu really took the child away, he couldn't imagine what would happen to Shen Muhan.

   Shen Muhan said slowly after a long while: "No, don't scare them."

  Chen Qi: "…"

  Young Master is still worried about scaring the children?

   Doesn't he have the least affection for children?

  No, it should be because the young master never knew what feelings are. Chen Qi has been with Shen Muhan for many years, and he knows how he grew up step by step and got to where he is today.

   So I also know that the young master has no normal human feelings.

   Being able to entangle with Xia Jiu for so long is a miracle.

   Shen Muhan asked in a low voice, "Chen Qi, is my attitude towards children really too bad?"

  Chen Qi whispered: "I dare not say it."

   "I'll let you speak."

"I think it's important for a man to be a big deal." Chen Qi said, "But the child is his own, and the woman he loves gave birth to. No matter what, it still hurts. Besides, isn't Miss Xia happy that you are good to them? ?"

   Shen Muhan pressed the tip of his tongue against his cheek, and did not speak for a long time.

   It is precisely because it belongs to Xia Jiusheng, so it is particularly hateful... Can't beat, can't scold, can't touch, can't say.

   Afraid that she will feel distressed, that she will hate herself.

   "I changed, will she stay?"

  Shen Muhan lowered his head and played with his mobile phone. Although it was difficult to accept, he was still trying to accept those little things that were weak, useless, only crying, and utterly boring.

   He hadn't tried well enough, and Xia Jiu planned to leave.

  No, her thoughts of leaving have always been hidden in her heart.

  Otherwise, how could it be possible that when I went to France to participate in the competition, I secretly made a certificate for myself?

  Why, she refuses to give herself more chances?


  Xia Jiu walked upstairs slowly. When he walked up the stairs, he remembered something and said, "Give me a bottle of wine."

The waiter next to    immediately brought her a bottle of wine, she reached out to take two wine glasses, and walked towards the hotel room.

   Shen Muhan was resting inside. He always hated the people who entertained the Shen family, especially the old lady Shen and Ding Qinen.

  Even though, those two elders treated him with heart and lungs.

  Xia Jiu thought, yes, man is such an immutable creature, how could he possibly try to change him?

   She pushed the door in.

  Shen Muhan is sitting on the sofa and has already changed into his wedding dress.

   The black dress is inlaid with very inconspicuous gold thread, which is not ostentatious but more luxurious, wrapping his already strong physique even more vigorously.

   He is holding a glass of red wine, sipping slowly, with graceful movements like a noble prince.

  Xia Jiu dragged her skirt, stepped forward and said, "Shen Muhan."

   The man looked back, his eyes were calm and full of affection, and his voice was like red wine in a glass.

  Her wedding dress is complicated and luxurious, too gorgeous for others, but it is just right on her.

   The little woman after makeup is even more beautiful, and her red lips are even more charming.

   "Come here." He reached out, caught her wrist, and led her to sit beside him.

   "I heard people say that before the wedding, you can drink some wine first, so as not to be nervous for a while." Xia Jiu smiled, "Why don't we try?"

   Shen Muhan stared at her wrist, she was holding an unopened bottle of red wine in one hand, and two empty glasses in the other hand.

   As if looking forward to marrying him, there is still some sweet longing on his face.

   Shen Muhan nodded slightly in her smile, "Okay."

   "Then you give me a drink, I can't open it." Xia Jiu handed him the bottle.

   A panic flashed in her heart, he shouldn't doubt himself, right?

   The complete wine bottle, even opened by himself, without any flaws.

   She clenched her fingers subconsciously, she had already ordered the freighter and left with the people who went to sea.

   On the nanny's side, she has also promised a lot of money to let them bring the child over in a while.

   Thinking of this, Xia Jiu felt a little ashamed of Shen Muhan.

  Emotionally, he never owed himself.

   It's just that two people are not suitable after all.

   She did this, I don't know how angry he would be after that, especially if he ran away at the wedding...

   But, she couldn't find another time either.

  Only at the wedding, he will let his guard down on himself, and he will not let people look at the children exclusively.

  Xia Jiu lowered her eyes slightly, Shen Muhan, after all, I'm sorry.

   With a soft sound, Shen Muhan had already opened the wine bottle, reached out to take the empty glass in her hand, poured two glasses, and handed a glass in her hand.

   "Xia Jiu, I'm very happy that you agreed to marry me." Shen Muhan said, "Don't be nervous, have a drink."

  Xia Jiu nodded lightly and looked at him: "Shen you blame me? Have you argued with you many times before because of Xia Lin's affairs?"

   "I only care about whether you are with me or not." Shen Muhan smiled so rarely that his eyes widened, "Wouldn't it be better not to quarrel in the future?"

   "I'm sorry, I know your feelings for me." Xia Jiu whispered, "It's just that sometimes I'm too self-willed and can't help it."

   Shen Muhan stretched out his left hand and held her cheek: "I don't blame you for this."

   Xia Jiu knew that sooner or later, he would blame himself for the future.

   She pursed her lips: "Thank you. I hope everything will be fine after you...after us."

   She quickly touched a glass with Shen Muhan, picked up the glass, and drank it.

   Shen Muhan also slowly drank his glass of wine.

  Xia Jiu was satisfied when he saw that he drank it all, and said in a low voice, "Then I'll go out first, my friend will come over later."

   As soon as she stood up, she felt a little dazzled and reached out to support her forehead: "I..."

  Shen Muhan stood up to catch her, and said in a low voice, "If you're sleepy, take a break."

   Xia Jiu wanted to say something, but it was too late, her mind went blank, she fell asleep.

   Shen Muhan put her on the big bed, lowered his head and stroked her eyebrows, "Dear, when the time comes, I'll take you to finish the ceremony."

   He knew exactly what was in Xia Jiu's wine glass.

  Want to stun him while he relaxes his vigilance and leave with the child?

   means very good.

   But against Shen Muhan, there is basically no chance of winning.

   Shen Muhan locked the door and turned to leave.

  Chen Qi took a few steps forward: "Shen Sihai arranged for someone to be at the wedding scene, and I have already watched it. There should be no problem at the moment."

   "Okay, we'll meet guests when we go down." Shen Muhan and Chen Qi went downstairs together.

   (end of this chapter)

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