The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3475: His feelings for you are true

   Chapter 3475 His feelings for you are true

  Xia Jiu still shook his head: "It's not like that! You lied! Not at all!"

"I know it's hard for you to accept it, but the facts are the facts." Akins stepped forward to comfort her and took her hand, but Xia Jiu broke free, "Think about what kind of person Shen Muhan is. , you know better than me.

   Think again, how many unexpected things did Shen Muhan do to keep you by his side?

   Does he love you? Of course he loves you.

   But does he care about other people? Do you care about the people you care about? don't care.

   He doesn't even care about the baby you gave him. What do you think is the probability that he will attack your adoptive parents? "

  Xia Jiu burst into tears: "It's not like this..."

   Xia Jiu refused to believe what she said, because she knew that it was all lies.

"His feelings for you are not false, but he has also burdened you with too much, Xia Jiu." Akins held her hand firmly, "Xia Jiu, you have to think carefully. You stay by such a man's side. , will only cut off all family affection, and you can't even have your own children. You can only live as a walking corpse like him. Xia Jiu, think about it carefully."

  Xia Jiu sat down weakly.

Akins took out the evidence and put it in front of her: "Look at it, take a good look at it. If the matter has nothing to do with him, how could he change the evidence again and again and blind you? What can't you say? Do you have to hide the truth from you? You have thought it through yourself!"

  Xia Jiu grabbed the evidence and turned back page by page.

   Akins stood aside and did not speak, but her eyes were as real as she was, staring at Xia Jiu.

   After confirming that she had read everything, she said, "Now, do you believe it?"

   She patted Xia Jiu on the head lightly: "Xia Jiu, it's right that you want to leave Shen Muhan. He doesn't deserve you. Mom supports you to leave."

  Xia Jiu looked up at her: "Why did you come to me?"

"I'm your mother, so of course I'm looking for you. I've been looking for you for a long time. Fortunately, your adoptive parents have been good to you, and reminding me it won't be too uncomfortable." Akins said sadly, "You too Don't you understand the heart of being a mother?"

   She held Xia Jiu's face: "Daughter, mother has been looking for you all these years. It's really hard for you to follow someone like Shen Muhan. This time, I will definitely take you away."

   "You can't take me away." Xia Jiu shook her head, "Shen Muhan wouldn't let me go. If he would, I would have left long ago."

"He didn't agree to take you away. But do you know? Shen Sihai is here today. You have been by Shen Muhan's side for a long time, and you must know who this Shen Sihai is. He picked up Shen Muhan and brought him home to raise him. He was a tool of his struggle. Later, Shen Muhan turned against him and exposed his crimes, forcing him to confess his guilt and obey the law. He had to find a substitute to replace him. Outsiders thought he was dead. In fact, he was still alive. Today, Shen Sihai is here, you cooperate with Shen Sihai, catch Shen Muhan, and you can leave." Akins said in a persuasive manner.

  Xia Jiu's vigilant look flashed by, she covered it up and asked, "How did you know Shen Sihai?"

   "Mom naturally met a lot of people in order to find you. Shen Sihai took the initiative to find me, and I had no choice, so I decided to cooperate with him. Otherwise, think about it, how did you leave Shen Muhan?" Akins asked.

  Xia Jiu shook his head: "I don't need you to control me, I will leave Shen Muhan's side by myself. I have my own way. Let's go."

   "Xia Jiu! How can you be so obsessed? Shen Muhan is the enemy who killed your adoptive parents, and also killed Xia Lin! Are you so willing to stay by his side?" Akins asked.

  Xia Jiu held her palm.

Akins continued to persuade: "Xia Jiu, this is your last chance. Shen Sihai is looking for Shen Muhan, but Shen Muhan is not waiting for Shen Sihai to show up, and he will be wiped out. I missed this opportunity, If you want to escape from Shen Muhan again, there is no chance!

   I know you are not happy around him, you must think about it! "

  Xia Jiu lowered her head and her long hair poured out, covering her face and her contemplation.

  Shen Muhan is an extremely shrewd and difficult person. Indeed, as Akins said, if she does not leave this time, she will never have another chance in the future.

   Even the matter of her drugging him in the wine, he was well prepared, and he was able to exchange the wines of the two in the shortest possible time. In front of Shen Muhan, Xia Jiu had no chance of winning.

   But... Xia Jiu wanted to leave Shen Muhan, but he didn't want him to die!

  Aijins reached out and handed her a dagger: "Xia Jiu, go and bring Shen Muhan over, Shen Sihai will fight with him. This is our chance to leave! This is for your own defense."

  Xia Jiu clenched the dagger.

  Akins saw her change of heart and sent her to her original room.

  Akins just wanted her to trick Shen Muhan back into this room—Shen Muhan should have discovered Shen Sihai, so he acted very cautiously.

   I am afraid that only when Xia Jiu calls him over in person will he relax his vigilance and come to this room without anyone by his side.

  Xia Jiu sat on the bed, bent down and found his cell phone.

   "Call him," Akins said.

  The people from all over the world have already been ambushed in this room.

   As long as Shen Muhan came alone, they would have the opportunity to take him down in one fell swoop.

  Xia Jiu hesitated and dialed Shen Muhan's cell phone.

With a    ding, the phone is connected.

  Xia Jiu's heart also lifted.

   "Jiu'er?" Shen Muhan's voice came from the opposite side, slightly hoarse, calm and gentle.

Xia Jiu calmed down and said, "I... Mu Han, you must be tired today? I cooked something and soup. Come to the hotel room and eat a little. I'll wait for you, okay? ?"

   Shen Muhan let out a low laugh: "Okay."

   " your favorite food, I made your favorite taste, you must come." Xia Jiu's voice was soft and soft.

   "I'll come right away." Shen Muhan said.

  Akins whispered to Xia Jiu with satisfaction: "That's good, Xia Jiu. No matter who wins or loses, he and Shen Sihai will leave soon, you know?"

  Xia Jiu nodded: "I see."

   But she knew that things would not be so simple.

   Shen Sihai was so vicious that she could fully imagine it.

  If Shen Muhan really entered this room, it would definitely be very dangerous.

   She clenched her phone tightly, but the next second, Akins took her phone away.

   (end of this chapter)

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