The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3476: Why should he come?

   Chapter 3476 Why did he come?

  This room, Xia Jiu also lived in before, is a room specially reserved by Shen Muhan, looking out, it is the atrium of the hotel.

  The floor is not very high, but it is quiet and quiet and not disturbed.

   She looked out the door anxiously.

   Shen Muhan won't come alone, right?

  The words she said were full of flaws, so even if he came, he would definitely bring someone with him.

   For a shrewd person like him, Xia Jiu should not have doubts about his IQ.

   Thinking of this, she made up her mind and shook the dagger in her hands.

   After a while, remembering the sound of swiping the door card, Xia Jiu wanted to rush to the door, but was held down by Akins.

  The door was pushed open, and Shen Muhan strode in. He was still wearing today's groom's dress, stern and stern, and his eyes were cold.

   When he walked in, Xia Jiu's heart was about to jump out, but because she believed that he would definitely be able to handle it, she didn't say anything to let him hurry up and avoid it.

   However, he just walked in. Shen Sihai's people had already jumped out and surrounded him directly, with their weapons on his temples.

   Shen Sihai himself came out.

  This is a thin man with a gloomy and indifferent look in his eyes, and he has a daunting arrogance, which gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

   "Shen Muhan, my good son, it's been a long time!" Shen Sihai's laughter was dark, but under the blue sky and daylight, it gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.

   Shen Muhan lifted his eyelashes, but looked in the direction of Xia Jiu: "Jiu'er, are you alright?"

  Xia Jiu sat down on the bed weakly, "Why did you come here alone?"

   "Didn't you ask me to come?" Shen Muhan calmly and compromised.

   As if there were no outsiders here, only him and Xia Jiu.

   "Do I mean let you come over?" Xia Jiu said angrily, "Which word in my words is true?"

   When did she cook, cook for him, and cook soup?

   Why did she ever cook something delicious for him?

   Every word she meant was to remind him not to come.

   Can't he understand a word?

   Thinking like this, Xia Jiu felt sad.

   Every time he cooked food for her to satisfy her picky taste, she never thought about him.

   So, why did he come?

  Shen Muhan said flatly, "You asked me to come, and I'll come."

   And, how could he possibly put her in danger regardless?

   "Shen Muhan, are you stupid!" Xia Jiu scolded sadly.

   Can't he treat himself like this?

  Shen Sihai laughed, and the laughter was unpleasant: "Shen Muhan, you will fall into the hands of a woman one day! I can't imagine it. The son I raised will also fall in love. It's really good! It's really good!"

  It wasn't because of Xia Jiu, he really couldn't catch Shen Muhan at all.

  Shen Muhan's arrangements for today are very thorough. If he hadn't cooperated with Aijins and subdued Xia Jiu first, he would have been Shen Sihai, not Shen Muhan!

   Akins said: "Boss Shen, you have caught the person you want, now can I take Xia Jiu away?"

   "Who dares to take her away!" Shen Muhan's voice came, like a cold wind blowing his face, making people shudder.

   Akins looked at him: "Master Han, Xia Jiu is my biological daughter. I want to take my daughter away. I don't need to ask others for instructions, right? Xia Jiu, let's go."

   "No!" Shen Muhan's words seemed to have substance, blocking Akins's footsteps firmly.

   "Young Master Han is already unable to protect himself, and you still want to keep Xia Jiu? You must be too big-hearted, right?" Akins said sarcastically, "I'll take my daughter away, it's a decision!"

   "Xia Jiu!" Shen Muhan's voice called out to Xia Jiu in a deep voice.

  Xia Jiu bit her lip, the ending in front of her was something she never expected.

   She thought that the best outcome was that she called Shen Muhan to alert him, and he brought someone to arrest Shen Sihai.

   Then the people on both sides fight together, and she can take the opportunity to escape and take the child to France.

   She wanted to leave, but she never thought of hurting Shen Muhan!

  Shen Sihai gave a gloomy smile: "Yes, Xia Jiu can't leave for the time being, I keep her, it's still useful."

Akins said angrily: "What does Boss Shen mean? I promised to cooperate with you back then. As long as you catch Shen Muhan, I will take my daughter away, so that she doesn't need to be involved in your own grievances. Now Does Boss Shen want to break his promise?"

"I suddenly felt that it would be too cheap to let Xia Jiu leave like this, Shen Muhan." He took out his dagger and tried the blade on his finger, "I finally raised this son, who knows, this wolf cub is a white-eyed wolf, Not only sent my wife and daughter to prison, but also injured my son and stayed in the hospital for a long time! In this tone, you say, how can I get out?"

   Atkins immediately blocked Xia Jiu behind him.

  Shen Mu said coldly: "Shen Sihai, if you dare to move Xia Jiu's finger, I will kill your wife and daughter, cut your son, and make you die!"

   Shen Sihai laughed.

   He took out a pair of handcuffs and directly handcuffed Shen Muhan's hands and wrists.

   took out the dagger again and gave it to Xia Jiu.

   "I decided to play a game."

  Shen Sihai said, "Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu, only one of them can leave."

  Akins asked sharply, "What do you mean?"

   "Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu, each stabbed each other in the heart, and whoever is less injured can leave. Fair enough, isn't it?"

   Akins couldn't help but be startled.

very fair?

   Give each other a knife and say fair?

   In severe cases he died on the spot, in light cases he was seriously injured, he said fair?

  Shen Sihai is really an old fox, he is very calculating.

  If Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu each stab each other, with Xia Jiu's physique and Shen Muhan's precision, Xia Jiu would be dead on the spot, and Shen Muhan would be completely injured, and Shen Sihai would not be damaged.

   Shen Sihai can still control Shen Muhan.

   Of course, if Xia Jiu was sure to hit Shen Muhan with one blow and directly kill Shen Muhan, it would save Shen Sihai's strength.

   Whether it is Xia Jiu's death or Shen Muhan's likeness, Shen Sihai can reap the benefits.

   And Shen Muhan, whether he killed Xia Jiu to seek a short-term opportunity, or died at Xia Jiu's hands infatuatedly, he would become a heart disease, a heart disease that tortured him for a lifetime, or a heart disease that would never end.


   Shen Sihai not only wanted to kill Shen Muhan, but also smashed all his arrogance! Pierce all his armor.

   Akins couldn't help but feel a chill, why did she choose such a person to work with in the first place!

   Now helplessly put his daughter in his hands and become a tool for his torture of Shen Muhan!

   (end of this chapter)

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