The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3486: Why leave them behind

   Chapter 3486 Why keep them

   Charlene recalled slowly.

"These are all what the doctor told me after I woke up. Looking back now, I only know that I was in a state of ignorance, and sometimes even unconscious. I think the reason why my brother-in-law didn't tell you that I was still alive at that time. , just worry that I don’t know when I will really die, instead of letting you worry for a long time and still endure my death in the end, it’s better to let you give up hope in the early morning.”

  Xia Jiu's eyes were completely red, she bit the tip of her tongue so she wouldn't let herself cry.

Seeing her like this, Charlene couldn't help but want to cry: "Sister, I've only recovered recently. It's in the research room that I saved my life with a new drug that was used on me. Those doctors said, I It's a medical miracle to survive."

  Jiang Bai asked: "Then do you know what happened later?"

"I didn't know it originally, but when Assistant Chen came to see me off, I grabbed him and forced him to tell me. He told me everything." Charlene also blushed and said with tears, "I'm sorry sister, I didn't expect that, Because of my affairs, there is such a big gap between you and your brother-in-law."

   "I don't blame you." Xia Jiu said softly.

"Sister, I really gave up at that time. I couldn't bear to see you donate my spinal cord to me, and I couldn't bear to have an accident with my little nephew and my little niece. I think my brother-in-law did the right thing to protect you." Charlene said softly, "Yes I'm not good, I'm dragging you down."

  Xia Jiu really doesn't blame her, sickness is something she has no choice.

   "Since you're back, take a good rest. I'll go and vacate your room." Xia Jiu stood up.

   She went back to her room, buried her head in the quilt, and finally burst into tears.

  Charlene looked at her thin figure, and felt distressed for a while. From Chen Qi's side, she already knew all about it, all because she was alone, making her sister and brother-in-law separated forever.

  Charlene felt extremely uncomfortable.

   Jiang Bai stood beside her and said, "Xia Jiu didn't blame you, she always blamed herself."

   These words made Charlene even more uncomfortable.

  Xia Jiu went to Xia Lin's room to clean up.

   After a while, a familiar voice came from downstairs, just a little hoarse: "I'm here to see Xia Jiu, just tell her my name is Shen Ye."

   Knowing that Xia Jiu was back, Shen Ye came to visit.

   He couldn't take responsibility for what happened back then, so he always felt guilty and guilty.

   The sunshine boy in the past now has the appearance of a mature adult, and the lines on his face are more sharp.

  Hearing his voice, Charlene felt a burst of joy in her heart, raised her feet and hurried downstairs.

   Shen Ye saw the person coming.

   Then he suspected that he had read it wrong.

   The next second, he thought, maybe he read too much of last night's documents, so he did this.

   How could she still be alive?

   Maybe she is just Xia Jiu. After all, Xia Lin and Xia Jiu look a bit like sisters, and she is so dazzled.

   He was calm, and the girl running towards him also stopped.

  Charlene suddenly remembered that more than three years had passed, Shen Ye should have a new girlfriend, right?

  I rushed over like this rashly, not knowing what others would think?

   So she restrained her steps abruptly.

   She stood still.

   Shen Ye hadn't come out of his absence, but just stared at her blankly.

   Then, he found that he didn't seem to have read it wrong?

   It is neither Xia Jiu nor anyone else...

   The real one is Charlene!

   "Xia-Lin?" Shen Ye asked incredulously.

   Are you really in the Xia family right now?

   Didn't you fall asleep in the study because you were too busy?

   "Shen Ye." Charlene spoke, a little afraid to approach.

   She was only eighteen when she left, and her voice was immature.

   Now some little women are mature.

   Shen Ye slapped himself and tried to wake him up.

  It was very good, not only did he not wake up, but he had a deeper dream.

   The little woman in front of him even smiled at him.

  Charlene couldn't help but smile: "It's me, I'm back. I'm sorry for making you worry."

   Shen Ye was stunned.

   After a full two minutes, he asked, "Are you still alive? Are you not dead?"

  Charlene walked towards him slowly, Shen Ye reached out and pressed her into his arms: "You're still alive! You're not dead!"

  Charlene laughed and cried: "I'm back."


  In the Shen family villa.

  Two three-year-old children were throwing tantrums in the living room.

  The servants took food, fruit, yogurt, etc., placed them on the table, and coaxed them to eat.

   But neither of the two children was worried. One reached out and overturned the bowl.

   "Stop crying, little miss, what are you going to eat, can we do it again?"

   "I don't want it! It's all unpalatable! I'm going to cry!" She got up and stood on the chair, crying louder and louder.

   Another little boy said angrily: "You guys are feeding this stuff to the pigs? Sorry, the pigs don't eat it!"

   "We were wrong, we were wrong, we'll do it again."

   "Just forget it if it's wrong? When we are so fooled!" The little boy threw the bowl again, "Don't eat it!"

   A cough came from the stairs.

  Chen Qi pushed Shen Muhan's wheelchair and whispered, "Master, shall I send the two of them to live somewhere else temporarily?"

   These two little guys grew up elsewhere. At that time, Shen Muhan was unconscious and arranged to send them away.

   As a result, he was brought up to be lawless, and his temper was so great that he only came back for a few days and drove away several batches of servants.

   Moreover, the whole yard was so noisy that chickens and dogs were restless.

  The Shen family villa, which was originally deserted, was because they had vitality... but they were also so noisy that Shen Muhan couldn't rest.

   "No need." Shen Muhan said in a low voice.

   He raised his eyes and looked over, but his son's eyebrows were fine, he couldn't tell who he looked like.

   But her daughter's eyebrows... are exactly the same as that woman.

   His throat tightened slightly, thinking of the woman, he couldn't help but cough violently.

   "Young Master? Young Master?" Chen Qi patted him on the back, "Young Master doesn't like children, so why keep them?"

   When they were young, Shen Muhan never hugged them, so why take them with him now?

   Shen Muhan's wheelchair went over, the two little guys looked at him angrily, the girl glanced at him, and continued to cry.

   The noise made people's foreheads hurt.

   "What's wrong?" Shen Muhan asked.

   His voice was hoarse, and he could no longer hear the voice of the past.

   "This is a broken place, nothing is good!" The boy stomped his feet, "We are not happy, we can't eat well, and we can't sleep well!"

   (end of this chapter)

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