The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3487: Now comes retribution

   Chapter 3487 Now the retribution is coming

   "Then what do you want?" Shen Muhan asked.

   "I..." The boy stomped his feet and told him to go back to where he was before, all with the nanny, which he didn't want either.

   Everyone has parents, but he and his sister don't!

   But this father in front of me is so annoying!

   He turned and ran towards the stairs.

  The girl was still crying, wiped her tears, and ran away.

  Shen Muhan: "…"

   At first he avoided them.

   Now the retribution is coming.

   "Master." Chen Qi was also helpless.

   These two little guys are really worrying.

   Simply, the young master is like this, they are still like that.

   is like that unconscionable Xia Jiu.

   Shen Muhan didn't say anything, Chen Qi whispered: "The villa in Qiandao Lake has been tidied up and can be moved in right away. The doctor said that the air there is good, and it is good for your body to recover if you live there."

   Shen Muhan nodded.

  Chen Qi boldly said: "Or, let the little young master and young lady be raised by Miss Xia?"

   Shen Muhan's whole body became cold.

   "Do you want her to… take them all away?"

  Chen Qi was too frightened to speak again.

  In the upstairs room.

  The boy said, "Little Eleven, you're still crying!"

   "Xiao Shi! You sound like you are very good!" Xiao Shi was not convinced.

   "Cry nose, clown pig!"

   Little Eleven rushed forward to bite him.

  Xiao Shi was not to be outdone and fought with her.

   Moments later, there were earth-shattering cries and shouts from the room.

   The whole villa was about to be turned over.

  Chen Qi covered his ears, he was about to go crazy, and he didn't know how the young master could endure it.

   Who are these two children like?


  Xia Family.

  Sihan had already met Charlene. When it was time for bed at night, he obediently said good night to them, took his pajamas and went to wash himself.

   Shen Ye and Xia Lin were reluctant to part and were holding hands.

   Although they haven't seen each other for a long time, they have not forgotten each other, and Shen Ye has not already had a girlfriend as Charlene thought.

   His past few years have also been decadent and tragic.

   Naturally, not long after the two met, they reconciled as before, exactly the same as at the time.

   took a look at Xia Jiu, Xia Lin quickly pulled out her hand, she didn't want to stimulate her sister.

  Xia Jiu closed his eyes: "Then I won't accompany you, you can do it yourself."

  Charlene watched her go upstairs, and Shen Ye felt guilty too.

   After a while, he said, "Then I'll see you tomorrow."

   "Well, you go back first."

   Shen Ye was a little reluctant, and dragged her to continue talking.

  Xia Jiu went to Sihan's room and sorted out the laundry.

  Sihan was taking a bath by himself. When he came out wrapped in a small bath towel, he saw Xia Jiu, his face suddenly turned red, "Mummy!"

   He squeezed and hurriedly covered himself.

  Xia Jiu was amused by him: "It's not like I haven't washed you before. I'm your mommy, there's nothing you can't see."

   "But I've passed my third birthday, and I'm no longer a three-year-old!" Sihan blushed.

   "Okay." Xia Jiu didn't continue to tease him, "I'm collecting clothes for you. Do you really think who wants to see you?"

  Sihan changed his pajamas with his back to her.

  Xia Jiu took out the children's picture book: "Then you don't need storytelling?"

   "This is fine." Sihan climbed onto the bed and nestled in Xia Jiu's arms.

   In fact, he can already recognize most of the characters, and both Dragon Empire and French are good.

   These picture books he will read by himself.

   But falling asleep listening to Mommy's voice is different.

   As long as Xia Jiu is free, he still has to enjoy the privilege of being a baby.

  Xia Jiu glanced down at him, pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly.

   After a while, the little guy in his arms fell asleep, Xia Jiu put him down, covered him with the quilt, and then walked out lightly.


   The next day, Xia Jiu went to the mall to buy some accessories and buttons for toasting clothes.

   She came back in a hurry this time, she only brought the most basic fabrics.

   gave Sihan to Charlene, and she went to the mall.

   She picks things carefully.

   Chen Qi outside the mall was sitting in the car waiting for Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi.

  These two little guys are clamoring to come to the mall to buy delicious food. No one can coax them. Chen Qi, a big man, naturally can't take them, so he asked the nanny to bring them into the mall.

   also arranged for two bodyguards to guard.

  Thinking that such a small child would not come up with any tricks, Chen Qi waited outside with confidence.

  Who knows, within half an hour, the bodyguard ran over with a gloomy expression: "Not good, Assistant Chen! The little master and the little lady are gone!"

  Chen Qi was shocked: "What's going on? Didn't I let you watch?"

   "We didn't watch it." The bodyguard also didn't expect that the children of a few years old were so troublesome, noisy and agitated. They were just dazzled, and the two ran away without a trace.

   All the nannies went to look for them, and they also notified the mall, but there is no result yet.

  Chen Qi got off the car immediately and walked towards the mall.

   If Little Ten and Little Eleven are gone, how could he explain to the young master!

   "Add more staff, look for it!"

After   Chen Qi passed the order, he went to the mall and asked for surveillance.

   Surveillance made his heart throb. Shortly after Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi entered the mall, they broke away from the bodyguard's sight and control, and then went out through the back door with sabotage all the way.

   I don’t know how many things were damaged along the way.

   And when they went out, the two even avoided the security guards and the surveillance at the gate. They could only see that they went out through the back door, but they could not see where they went.

  Chen Qi: "…"

   He immediately called Shen Muhan.

  On the phone, Shen Muhan coughed violently, Chen Qi was frightened, and was very distressed.


  Xia Jiu went out of the mall after shopping.

  Because he had to go to the nearest place to buy Sihan's favorite chestnut cake, Xia Jiu didn't drive, but walked to another street.

   Carrying the chestnut cake she bought, she turned and walked towards the parking lot of the shopping mall.

   Suddenly, she was bumped and the chestnut cake spilled on the ground.

   She was a little angry, and when she looked closely, she saw that it was only two little kids who bumped into her.

   looks very small, not too cold to think, just rammed over like this.

   The two children are very delicate, and their hair is slightly yellow. The little boy has curly hair, and the little girl has pigtails, which are also slightly curly and look a little familiar.

   It was probably because of nurturing Sihan that Xia Jiu had a good temper, and she didn't get angry the first time.

   It was only when she thought that Sihan's chestnut cake was gone, she felt a little irritable.

   She frowned and was about to speak, when several people ran up to the side, pointed at the two children and said, "It's them, the bear children are too much! They just bump into people!"

   (end of this chapter)

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