Chapter 3495 If you want to go, go

  Xiao Shi touched his short hair and was disappointed.

  Xia Jiu took out a fleece sweater and a coat: "Go change it! The love card I designed and made myself!"

   "Wow!" Xiao Shi immediately rushed to the room to change his clothes.

   Of course, Little Eleven also has a beautiful woolen princess dress.

   Xia Jiu changed their clothes for them, took them out, and joined Sihan.

   Then went to the amusement park.

  Sihan also wore the exact same sweater and jacket as Xiao Shi.

  Xiao Shi pouted: "Mummy loves me the most! Look, the tiger on my sweater is a little bigger than yours!"

  Sihan thought he was so naive!

   rolled his eyes at him, didn't bother to pay attention to him, and reached out to hold Little Eleven.

   "Hey, hey, let go of Little Eleven!" Little Ten stepped forward to protect him, but it wasn't like before, he shot at every turn.

   "I'll let Brother Sihan lead me!" Little Eleven said beautifully.

  Xiao Shi was so angry that he didn't want to speak until Xia Jiu reached out and held him.

  Xiao Shi's eyes lit up and jumped up: "I want to play with that! That! That! And that! Both!"


  Shen Muhan handles official business in the study.

  When he was in a coma, everything in the company was handed over to a trusted person to manage on his behalf.

   After waking up, he has not yet gone to the company, and Chen Qidai gave orders.

   The outside world still doesn't know the news of his life.

  He kept secret and lived in a very small radius.

   He had been dealing with official duties for most of the day, and he did not hear the voices of Little Ten and Little Eleven, so he asked, "Where are the two children?"

   Fengying whispered: "Miss Xia is here today."

   Shen Muhan's hand was slightly stagnant, and when he looked at the document again, he couldn't think rationally.

   He said, "Push me downstairs to take a breath."

  Feng Ying pushed him downstairs and went around the villa, but didn't see the child, let alone Xia Jiu.

  Shen Muhan then coughed violently and his eyes were scarlet.

   "Didn't you say that Xia Jiu is not allowed to take them away?" Shen Muhan asked sharply.

   "I'll go find them right now!"

  Shen Muhan coughed, panting violently, Fengying couldn't bear it and left, his voice was cold: "Go now!"

   Fengying turned around and left.

   Shen Muhan gasped even more, she wanted to leave, and even took his last thoughts with her!

  No, he would never allow it!

  No one can take them away!

   He was lying on the wheelchair, his face was pale, but his eyes were flushed with scarlet.

   Fengying hurriedly went out, and Xia Jiu appeared in the distance with the figures of Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi.

   Little Ten and Little Eleven were very happy. One wore Mickey Mouse on their heads and the other wore Minnie's headband, and they ran beside Xia Jiu.

   "Miss Xia!" Feng Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and went up to take Little Ten and Little Eleven.

  Xia Jiu nodded at him, and heard "Mr. Mu" coughing violently not far away, she was surprised: "Don't you need to ask a doctor for your young master?"

   "Not for the time being." Feng Ying is very resentful, if it wasn't for her, the young master would not be like this.

   However, since the young master and the young lady were so happy, he didn't say anything about Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu said politely, "Mr. Mu, are you all right?"

  Shen Muhan has already slowed down and turned his head. On his face covered by the mask, his eyes are sharp and cold, which is daunting.

  Xia Jiu has also seen other people wearing masks abroad, but most of them are people with injuries on their faces, and I don't know why this is.

   But she could feel that he had a quirky temper and was extremely displeased with himself.

   She didn't expect him to answer herself, so she lowered her head to talk to Little Eleven.

   Shen Mu asked in a cold voice, "Who asked you to take them out?"

   "Didn't you invite me to accompany them? I'm raising children, not pets. If you invite me here, I'll acquiesce to them in my own way." Xia Jiu said flatly.

   "You dare!" Shen Muhan punched the wheelchair, "Take them away!"

   Xia Jiu felt that this person had a really bad temper. At the beginning, it was clearly he who begged her to come here without hesitation, but now she is blaming her again?

   She said lightly: "Then how are you going to let me accompany them?"

   He didn't answer, but was furious.

   was so frightened that Little Ten and Little Eleven hugged Xia Jiu's legs tightly: "Mommy, I'm afraid."

  Xia Jiu didn't want to quarrel with him in front of the child: "Mr. Mu, why don't you take care of the child yourself. I can't afford this task."

   "Are you threatening me?" Shen Muhan's voice was full of anger.

   "How dare I." Xia Jiu sighed, "I can't do what you asked for. Instead of getting angry and scaring the children, it's better for everyone not to be angry."

   Shen Muhan's anger subsided a little, and she heard her say, "I won't be able to in the future."

   She said she would never take the kids out again.

   However, the hidden meaning is that it will never come again.

   She really can't afford such huge accusations and criticisms.

  Sihan is still waiting outside, it's okay for her to be wronged herself, but she doesn't want her son to worry about her.

   As for the two little guys, after all, it is fate.

   Hearing that she was going to leave at every turn, and would not come at every turn, a nameless fire rose in Shen Muhan's heart: "If you want to leave, leave!"

   Fengying hurriedly hugged Little Ten and Little Eleven.

  Xia Jiuben had a lot of words to slap him, and looking at Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven's staring eyes, she still held it back, turned around and left without hesitation.

   Little Eleven asked, "Will Mommy come back again?"

   "She likes me very much and will definitely come back!" Xiao Shi was full of himself!

  Shen Muhan looked at her back, smashed into the wheelchair with rage, and coughed again.

   Fengying handed the child over to the nanny, pushed his wheelchair upstairs, and asked for medicine to be delivered.

  Although she doesn't like Xia Jiu, Feng Ying can't help but speak for her: "Young Master, the amusement park that Miss Xia took them to."

"so what?"

   After all, he has the intention of taking them away!

   Just like herself, she left as soon as she said it, without any nostalgia!

   "But Miss Xia is angry, and I don't know if she will come again in the future." Feng Ying said.

   Shen Muhan did not speak, the atmosphere was deep.

   "Also, Miss Xia has a..."

"To shut up!"

  Feng Ying wanted to talk about Sihan. He had seen the child, and he looked exactly like the young master.

   But Shen Muhan can't hear a word now, how can he listen to him?

   In the past three years, he has been in a coma for more than two years, and has been in a coma for less than a year.

  Three years ago, the picture of being stabbed in the heart with a knife and being directly counterattacked is still vivid in my mind.

   Before that, she said that he was cruel but not despicable. Shen Muhan thought that in this world, she was the only one who understood him, and she understood his heart.

   (end of this chapter)

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