The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3496: Is Feng Shui better?

   Chapter 3496 Is Feng Shui better?

   But, that was just her way of numbing him.

   Also, if she really understood him and knew how good he was, how could she do everything in her power to leave him?

   How many chances did he give her from the beginning of the acquaintance until she left?

   But every time in exchange, she planned to leave!

   How could he trust her this time?

   In case she takes the two children away by surprise, he will have nothing!

   Fengying had to stop talking.

   Shen Muhan was gasping for breath, and after taking the medicine, he felt a little better.

   "Look at Little Ten and Little Eleven, and never let anyone take them away." Shen Muhan gave a death order.

  The shadow of the wind should go down.

   After Xia Jiu left, she was very angry and pitied her two children. After a while of war between heaven and man, she still felt that she should not be boring anymore.

After    came back, I even had less time to spend with Sihan, so why bother with so many other people's children?

  Sihan saw that she was unhappy, reached out to hold her hand, and accompanied her silently.

  Xia Jiu smiled: "I'm sorry, Mommy wasn't angry, she was just unhappy when something happened. It'll be all right soon."

   "Hmm." Sihan nodded.


   Xia Jiu has nothing to do, Jiang Bai's wedding is imminent, and her toasting clothes are not completely ready yet.

   She hurried to work all night, and finally made the clothes completely, and invited Jiang Bai to try it.

  Ginger White came over happily.

   "It's done so soon?" She was overjoyed as soon as she walked in.

   "Well, take a look." Xia Jiu lifted the dust cover and showed her clothes in front of her.

   "Wow!" Jiang Bai covered his mouth and suppressed his scream.

   She has seen the line draft of the design draft and is very satisfied.

   However, the real thing still shocked her. The noble and gorgeous colors, simple cuts, and unforgettable details all show the designer's hard work condensed on this skirt.

  Xia Jiu did prepare it carefully. There are very few pieces of this fabric on the market, and she also applied for it from within the company.

   So the skirts made in this way are naturally much better than what can be seen on the market.

  Jiang Bai liked it so much, he reached out to touch it, and then took it back carefully: "Is it really for me?"

   "Otherwise?" Xia Jiu smiled.

   "Then I can try it now!" Jiang Bai said immediately.

  Xia Jiu took the clothes off for her, Jiang Bai suddenly said embarrassedly: "Xia Jiu, my size is a little different from before."

   "It doesn't matter, I leave room for modification." Xia Jiu said.

"No, I'm pregnant. But... I just found out yesterday. I originally wanted to call you, but I thought I was coming over today, so I'd better tell you face to face." Jiang Bai is also big-hearted, and it's almost obvious that he is pregnant I just found out, "So after a few days to wear it, I should be pregnant, and there may be more changes."

   "This..." It was really embarrassing for Xia Jiu, but she smiled immediately, "Congratulations! You have wrapped the skirt on me! There will be no problem!"

   Jiang Bai said happily: "Why are you so good? Then I'll leave it all to you!"

   She went in to try it, and sure enough, her waist was a little tight, and she was a little embarrassed.

   And once you show your arms, the waist and abdomen are not something that can be solved by yourself.

  Xia Jiu really needs to change a bit more.

   "It's okay, right? Will it be too much trouble?"

   "No." Xia Jiu replied.

  Jiang Bai took a lot of photos, Xia Jiu told her: "But you have to give me the waist size every day after that. I will change it for you, and strive for the last day, which is also the most suitable."

   Jiang Bai hugged her directly and gave her a sweet kiss: "Okay! Xia Jiu is the best!"

   "Be careful, you are pregnant now!" Xia Jiu hurriedly reminded her.

   Jiang Bai had to look at other supplies, so Xia Jiu didn't keep her.

   After she left, Xia Jiu was busy looking at her fabrics.

   The reason why I was a little embarrassed just now was that when she came back this time, she didn't bring a lot of fabric. After she was barely left with room for modification, there really wasn't much left.

   If Jiang Bai only has some changes in the waistline, it is easy to change.

   But pregnant people are different, not only the waist circumference will change, but also the position of the bust, arms, and shoulders will change, especially after showing pregnancy, these dimensions have to be revised.

  Also, in order to make pregnant women appear more slender, the design of other places will also be slightly moved to cover the pregnant belly to the greatest extent.

  Because this is a very new type of fabric, when she came back, it was not yet available in the company, and she also got it through an internal application.

   She measured Jiang Bai's size, and it was still a few days before her wedding. Once she was pregnant, this fabric was really not enough to modify.

  Xia Jiu made an estimate and immediately called the French company, asking them to mail more fabrics by themselves.

   "Miss Xia, this fabric is out of stock."

   "Not at all?"

   "It was ordered exclusively by a company in the Dragon Empire before, and all of them were sent. We didn't keep it at all. This is also the request of the other company."

  Xia Jiu was really surprised, I really didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

   "What company did that order?"

   "A very large group company. Oh, by the way, I heard them say that the big boss of that company seems to be called Shen Muhan?"

  Xia Jiu's fingers were slightly tight, Shen Muhan did have a clothing company.

  Typical is BIR.

   After she put down the phone, she immediately opened BIR's friends to inquire.

  If it was really ordered by BIR, it would be very convenient. If you want to come and get some fabrics, it is not difficult.

  Who knows, BIR didn't order this fabric at all.

   In other words, another branch of Shen Muhan's head office ordered the fabric.

  Xia Jiu had a headache.

  Holding the skirt, she pondered the possibility of using other fabrics instead.

   There is really no other fabric that can be easily replaced.

   Mainly because the time is approaching, Xia Jiu can't think of anything else as perfect as this fabric.

   The toasting clothes for Jiang Bai naturally cannot have too many flaws.


  Because Shen Muhan didn't want to expose his identity in front of Xia Jiu, Chen Qi hadn't come to Qiandaohu Villa for a long time.

   Today he has something important to report, so he only came here once.

As soon as    came in, he saw Little Ten and Little Eleven obediently reading picture books in the living room. It was a spectacle and eye-opening.

   Could it be that the feng shui of Qiandao Lake is better? Why are these two little guys so obedient all of a sudden?

  Chen Qi was amazed, thinking about business, so he hurried upstairs, just in time to meet Feng Ying going downstairs.

   He couldn't help it: "What's wrong with the young master and the young lady? The new parenting teacher has arrived?"

   (end of this chapter)

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