Chapter 3497 I just lied to you

   Feng Ying shook his head, and said in a secretive tone, "It was Xia Jiu who came here."

  Chen Qi couldn't help but stunned, no wonder!

   Just say how these two little ancestors are like this!

   He knocked on Shen Muhan's door, handed over the documents in his hand, and said, "Master, this is a recent official business."

   Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to take it and flipped through it.

   Every time he flips through the files, his movements are very calm, and sometimes his eyes are not even focused.

   But no one dared to doubt that he was not watching seriously.

   After all, he is someone who can pick out even a single punctuation error.

  Under his torch-like gaze, no one dared to mess with the documents sent by him.

  Chen Qi stood aside when the phone rang.

   He thought it was about work, so he hurriedly reached out to pick it up, but saw the words "Miss Xia" clearly displayed on it!

  Chen Qiyi hesitated for a while.

   It only took a few seconds to disturb Shen Muhan's thinking, he raised his eyes: "Why don't you answer?"

   "Yes, Miss Xia called."

  Shen Muhan's expression remained the same: "She calls you, you just need to pick it up."

  Chen Qi is so simple... How could he hear the smell of vinegar from the young master's mouth?

  It's just a phone call, so what?

   No, why did Xia Jiu call herself?

  Chen Qi felt like she was going to be tricked by Xia Jiu, can she call the young master if she has something to do? What are you calling yourself for?

   He picked it up in a panic, pressed the speakerphone, he didn't want to die so miserably in front of the young master, let the young master listen to anything!

   "Miss Xia." Chen Qi said hurriedly.

   "Hello Assistant Chen, I want to trouble you with something, can you please do me a favor."

   Chen Qi looked at Shen Muhan's face with trepidation.

  Shen Muhan was still flipping through the documents unhurriedly, as if he didn't care about the affairs here at all.

   But Chen Qi felt that he didn't read a word.

   "Tell me about it." Chen Qi could only say vaguely.

"That's right, I know that you are temporarily acting for the business of Muhan Company. There is a clothing company under Muhan Company, and recently a new batch of fabrics has been purchased. I want to ask you for some fabrics, but I have absolutely no way to contact them. The person from that clothing company, can I ask you to do this?"

  Chen Qi held the phone, it was okay, he just said the business, otherwise he felt that the young master would definitely eat him.

   He hurriedly said, "How much do you want, and what will you use it for?"

"I want it to be about two meters. I helped Jiang Bai customize the toasting clothes before, because the fabric of her body was not enough. This kind of fabric should only be available in your branch. So Assistant Chen, Please help me with this." Xia Jiu pleaded on the phone.

  Chen Qi looked at Shen Muhan's face, "This..."

  The young master didn't speak either, he didn't know if he should help!

"Assistant Chen, I can also exchange one of my own designs with you." Xia Jiu thought he was worried about the leakage of the fabric and the damage to the company's interests, "Don't worry, we don't care about the clothes on Jiang Bai's body. What will you do with it.”

   "I have to think about this," Chen Qi could only say.

   "Then how long can you answer me?" Xia Jiu asked.

   "Before night." Chen Qi said.

   "Okay, that's really bothering you. I'll send you the model and color first." Xia Jiu hung up the phone.

  Chen Qi put away the phone, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked down at Shen Muhan.

   "Master, look at this..."

   Shen Muhan's document has not been turned over for a long time.

   When he heard the word "Mu Han" in Xia Jiu's mouth, his fingers stopped moving.

The    toasting clothes also reminded him of the night when Jiang Bai and Qin Zheng brought toasting clothes for Xia Jiu.

   Shen Muhan's movements froze, Chen Qi had to lower his head and quietly wait for his reply.

   "Find the fabric, don't give it to her, send it to me." Shen Muhan said.

  Chen Qi didn't know what he meant, so he had to come down.

   He immediately called his subordinates and asked them to find the fabric according to the model and color sent by Xia Jiu.

Just after Chen Qi finished the phone call, there was an earth-shattering voice in his ear. With a bang, the study door was pushed open heavily. Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi stood angrily at the door, then trotted in and rushed directly to Shen Muhan. .

  Chen Qi thought to himself: "The little young master and the young lady are finally getting close to the young master. It can be seen that getting along more is the kingly way."

   In the next second, Little Eleven angrily akimbo pointed at the tip of Shen Muhan's nose and said, "Bad Daddy! Smelly Daddy! Didn't you say Mommy was coming over today? Why didn't you come?"

Xiao Shi was also very angry: "What if we eat obediently, sleep well, read picture books carefully, and don't make noise or make trouble, then Mommy will come! In the end, all of them are liars! We've been like this for two days, but Mommy doesn't even bother There is no shadow!"

  Chen Qi wiped away his sweat. It turned out that he saw how well-behaved they were just now, and everything was an illusion.

   Shen Muhan put down the document: "She won't come over. I just lied to you. You'd better be obedient, otherwise the consequences..."

  Little Eleven lay down on the ground and cried aloud: "Bad guy! Bad guy! Woo woo woo... I'm going to die, I'm so sad, I'm so sad!"

  Xiao Shi also sat on the ground: "I won't be obedient! Unless Mommy comes!"

  Shen Muhan: "…"

  Chen Qi: "…"

   Little Eleven cried especially hard, the princess dress on her body was all wrinkled, and the tears on her face fell like money.

   She looks like Xia Jiu, and it's extremely annoying to cry.

   Shen Muhan stretched out his arms to hug her, but she refused to hug her, and her face was full of tears.

   "Hug, huh?" Shen Muhan grabbed her directly.

   "I don't want you to hug me, you are bad! I don't want you!" Xiao Shi cried and kicked him.

   Shen Muhan raised his hand and slapped her towards her.

Before    hit her, she stared at him with pitiful eyes that looked like Xia Jiu's when he was wronged.

   Shen Muhan's slap didn't land on her bottom.

   Little Eleven cried even more: "Bad dad beats me! I'm about to be beaten to death!"

  Chen Qi watched helplessly from the side, it was hard to imagine how Xia Jiu would deal with these two little guys with such a delicate appearance.

   The key is, how can you keep them docile?

   Sometimes I have to admit that women are good at this kind of thing.

   Shen Muhan's eardrums hurt from the noise.

   He originally thought that coercion and temptation would at least be able to discipline these two little guys to be less lawless.

  Who knows that it's only been two days, these two people will really turn the sky!

   "Chen Qi, you and Fengying took them away and put them in the room." Shen Muhan said in a low voice.

   (end of this chapter)

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