The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3504: Aren't you going to be responsible?

   Chapter 3504 Not going to be responsible?

   The memory of last night was so clear and profound that she looked at him now, no matter how she looked at him, she looked a little Shen Muhan.

   But, she also knew that she was thinking too much, and tried her best to restrain her thoughts.

   "So, after you slept with me, you didn't plan to take responsibility?" Shen Mu asked coldly.

  Xia Jiu stammered: "You... what do you want? What happened last night... was just a misunderstanding."

   Could it be that he really liked himself and had to stay by himself?

   She took a few steps back in horror, her back against the wall.

   "Misunderstanding?" Shen Muhan said indifferently, "Misunderstanding made you fall into my arms so precisely?"

"I said it wasn't intentional, do you really think I like to hug you so much?" Xia Jiu was also angry, "What is there for you to do? You are a hundred and eighty thousand worse than the person I like. Thousands of miles!"

   "Who do you like? Who is that name you called last night?"

Looking at the inquiring look he cast, Xia Jiu looked at him, but avoided the question: "In short, you either forget about this matter, or you can call the police yourself, and I will take the responsibility that I should bear. ."

   Shen Muhan lowered his eyes, as if thinking about what she said.

  Xia Jiu was about to leave, and what happened last night was something she didn't expect.

   Seeing that he didn't say anything anymore, she turned around and was about to go downstairs.

   However, before she took two steps, Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi ran towards her, hugged her thigh and shouted, "Mummy, good morning!"

   Actually, it's already late, it's past eleven o'clock.

  Xia Jiu was ashamed, so how long did this situation last long?

   "Let's go to lunch!" Xiao Shiyi grabbed her hand and said.

   "I won't eat it." Xia Jiu hurriedly shook her head, she had no face to stay here.

   "But we've been waiting for you to eat lunch for a long time." Little Eleven said with a pursed mouth.

   "How about next time? I'm really busy today." Xia Jiu said softly.

   Little Eleven was not happy, but nodded in agreement.

  Xia Jiu fled in a hurry, as if receiving amnesty.

   Although she was tough in front of that man, she knew how embarrassing she was.

   Shen Muhan looked at the back of her leaving in a hurry, his teeth clenched slightly.

   Begging for something like this last night, and then denying it in the morning?

   When he is what?

  Xia Jiu rushed home, and Xia Lin was looking for her.

   "Sister, where have you been? We didn't see you all night, so we're worried." Charlene asked.

   "It's nothing, I went to see a friend. I stayed there because I was a little drunk. Sorry for forgetting to call you guys."

   "You'll be fine." Charlene said with a smile.

  Xia Jiu hurriedly gathered up his clothes and went back upstairs to take a bath as if he had escaped.

   I kept thinking about what happened last night in my mind, Shen Muhan's appearance was extremely clear... But, that "Mr. Mu" was not Shen Muhan at all.

   She dismissed the thoughts in her mind, changed her clothes and went out.

  Sihan was also sent by Uncle Qin and was coming upstairs.

   "Sihan, may I ask you a question?" Xia Jiu took his hand and went upstairs.

   "Well, you said."

  Xia Jiu asked softly, "That's it, Mommy is thinking about where to settle down. Do you like France or the Dragon Empire?"

  Sihan said softly: "Wherever you want to live, I will live with you."

   "No, I'm asking for your opinion. What do you like?"

   "As far as I am concerned, I like it here." Sihan raised his head and said.

   There are many friends and family here, and there are things he likes to eat.

   When he was in France, although there was nothing wrong, there was a choice when there was comparison. After living in the Dragon Empire, he felt that this place felt more at home.

  Xia Jiu smiled slightly: "Then let's move back, shall we?"


   After the old lady Shen mentioned this to Xia Jiu last time, she was seriously thinking about moving back.

   Originally lived in France, Xia Jiu also felt that there was nothing wrong with her, she was timid about the nostalgia, and she was actually reluctant to look back on the past in Jingyuan.

   But when she came back this time, she found that the feeling of the past had dissipated a lot, not to mention that France with Akins also made her feel tired.

   is still home.

   "Then I'm going back to France to deal with some things. I'll accompany you to Grandma's place first, okay?"

  Sihan nodded.

  Xia Jiu brought Sihan to the Shen family mansion.

  Old Mrs. Shen was extremely happy, and greeted Xia Jiu and Sihan to sit beside her.

   She looked at Sihan's appearance and nodded again and again.

  Although she has never seen what Shen Muhan looked like when she was a child, it is enough to imagine just from Sihan's small face.

   "Grandma." Sihan greeted obediently.

   "Good, good." The old lady Shen laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth, and reached out to hold his hand.

  Ding Qinen also liked him very much and asked Xia Jiu, "You said just now that you are going to France these days?"

   "Well, there needs to be an explanation from the company, and the handover of work is also to be done." Xia Jiu said softly, "It will take some time. So during this time, I want to entrust Sihan to the two of you."

   "No problem, no problem." Ding Qinen also likes Sihan very much, "I'll take care of him."

   "Thank you, Third Aunt."

   "Thank you grandma."

   Hearing Sihan calling his grandma directly, Ding Qinen was also very happy.


  Xia Jiu packed his things and set off directly back to France.

   After she arrived, she went directly to the company to say goodbye.

   The boss has always appreciated her. He heard that she was leaving and tried his best to keep her, but seeing that she was determined to leave, he didn't say much.

   "I will explain the work at hand to my colleagues recently." Xia Jiu said.

   "Okay, let's go."

   Everyone was a little reluctant to hear that Xia Jiu was leaving.

  Xia Jiu sorted out the affairs in hand and handed it over without reservation.

   After get off work, Gu Yannan came to pick her up.

   "Go back here?" he asked.

   "Well, I have already thought about it, so I decided to go back." Xia Jiu said softly.

   "Then I will be alone in France in the future." Gu Yannan laughed and joked.

  Xia Jiu knew that he would not go back, and staying in France could at least avoid the things he didn't like.

  Gu Yannan said, "Let's go, I'll treat you to a meal for you to practice."

   Two days later, Akins personally came to pick up Xia Jiu.

   "There is a dinner party tonight, you must come over." Akins said, "I will introduce you to a few people."

   "No, I'll be leaving soon."

   "The clothes are ready for you, look at it, this is the matching jewelry." Akins took out the things.

   As if what Xia Jiu said had no effect on her at all.

   Xia Jiu was just annoying her attitude, and said lightly: "Please take it away, I won't wear it, and I won't go. Is it Ms. Akins's Dragon Empire language that she learned for nothing?"

   (end of this chapter)

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