The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3505: A suffocating sense of control

   Chapter 3505 Suffocating desire to control

  Aijins was not angry at all: "Xia Jiu, what are you doing back to the Dragon Empire? Isn't it bad to stay here?"

   "I'm where I want to be. It's because of your suffocating desire to control that it's disgusting, you know?"

   Akins said flatly, "I'm all for your own good."

   "Then I don't need it, thank you."

   "When the day comes, I will send a car to pick you up."

   Xia Jiu was powerless to complain.

After    sent Akins away, she lay on the bed, her memory flooding.

   Thinking of what happened at the Qiandaohu Villa that day, my mind was in chaos.

   When I went back this time, did I really want to leave, or was it because of Qiandao Lake?

   Xia Jiu asked herself, but she couldn't find the answer.

   That man does have a fatal familiarity, but she can know that she doesn't like him.

   Once you have one person in your heart, you will never be able to hold another.

   How could she fall in love with another person?

   When Xia Jiu was thinking wildly, a message entered with a ding on the phone.

   She sat up immediately.

Before   , she asked people to investigate the cause of her parents' death and whether it was related to Akins. The private detective agency never gave any feedback.

   Now finally there.

   She clicked to open it immediately, and a chill rushed straight to her forehead.

   Gritting his teeth, Xia Jiu felt boundless hatred in his heart.


  The car arranged by Akins came to pick up Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu put on an evening dress with decent makeup and got into the car.

   The villa where Akins is located is already brightly lit, and there are clouds of valuable guests coming and going.

  The decoration and arrangement of the whole venue are extremely luxurious, and there is an atmosphere of drunkenness everywhere.

   Seeing Xia Jiu coming, the eyes of everyone in the audience stayed on her face.

For three years, countless people wanted to get close to her and want to marry the Akins family. However, Xia Jiu, like the flower of the high mountain, never paid attention to anyone, and even sneered at the marriage, so many people could only retreat. Ask next.

   But everyone knows that if she lets go, everyone will rush to her.

   Her appearance is not a completely typical oriental beauty, taking into account the characteristics of China and the West, and her three-dimensional facial features are even more charming because of her cool personality.

   After she slowly entered the hall, everyone stepped forward to say hello, Xia Jiu said hello, and went straight upstairs to Ajinsi's study.

   She knocked on the door. Akins was chatting and laughing with a very prestigious man. When she saw Xia Jiulai, she was satisfied and said with a smile: "Come, Xia Jiu, just to introduce this Mr. Wilder to you..."

   "No, I have a very important matter with you." Xia Jiu said.

  Akins had to say apologetically to Mr. Wilder: "Mr. Wilder, please sit downstairs first, I'll bring Xia Jiu over to apologize to you later."

  Men have always been extremely patient with beauties. Mr. Wilder not only did not get angry, but instead gave Xia Jiu more eyes and left with satisfaction.

   "What's the matter, tell me." Akins lit a cigarette, sat down and began to smoke gracefully.

  Xia Jiu said: "My parents, you said before that Shen Muhan did it."

   "Don't you believe it?"

"I don't believe it, because I said that Shen Muhan is a person who dares to act. If he has done it, he will not be afraid to admit it." Xia Jiu said, "But what about you? Things, planted on Shen Muhan's head out of thin air?"

"Xia Jiu, think about what you're talking about!" Akins brushed off the ash elegantly, "You are my daughter, so I have always indulged you and let you fool around. If you don't want to get married for the time being, I will too. I didn't force you. But am I being too lenient, making you think it's okay to mess around?"

  Xia Jiu threw the evidence in his hand on the table: "I'm fooling around? The evidence is solid, you still think I'm fooling around?"

   "You asked me to check me?" Akins' face changed slightly.

"Isn't it possible? If you can stand the investigation, are you afraid of the investigation?" Xia Jiu's eyes began to redden, "My parents have been very loving and caring for me for many years, but you actually did something to them! You are still afraid check!"

   "They are not your biological parents!"

   "But they gave me the same love and care as my biological parents, and I was raised by them! In my mind, they are my biological parents!"

   "They stole you!"

Xia Jiu sneered: "You are still lying! Do you want me to tell your story frankly? Back then, before you got married, you were pregnant with me and gave birth to me. But you are not willing to be rich and rich, I was determined to get married, so I gave it to my parents and let them raise me. You said before that I was sent by my grandparents, but in fact, it was you who sent me! "

  The evidence is solid, and Akins is speechless.

Xia Jiu continued: "Over the years, my parents have treated me like their own, if it wasn't for you, I would still be their daughter, still living with them loving each other! You gave birth to me, but you have no right to control me. life!"

"You were born to me! My blood is my daughter! When I went to find their husband and wife, they didn't agree to give you back to me. Isn't it hateful? Why?" Akins was also very angry , "I want to go back to my daughter, is it wrong?"

Xia Jiu looked at her and sneered again and again: "Because they know that you didn't bring me back for my own good! I just want to satisfy your ambition to expand your business territory by relying on me to marry someone else's family! Because they are sincere Love me and don't want me to be your pawn. If you are really nice to me, how could they not let me recognize you when I am your daughter."

   Akins acquiesced.

   She recognized Xia Jiu, and she really had this in mind.

   But, she doesn't think she's at fault.

   Is it wrong to find a good family for your daughter and help your mother to expand her career?

  In the wealthy family, who is not like this?

   "Xia Jiu, I'm here for your own good."

  Xia Jiu slapped the piece of evidence with both hands, shaking the tabletop slightly.

Her shoulders also trembled: "For the sake of me, do you want someone to kill my parents? Then have you ever thought that those are two living lives, but have you ever thought about how much I would have Suffering?"

   She misses her parents and often thinks it would be nice if they could survive.

   Knowing the truth, she hated the ruthless Aikins so much, she hated herself even more in her heart, and she hated the innocent disaster she brought them.

  Xia Jiu was trembling all over, what Akins did was undoubtedly gouging out her heart.

   "For my own good? Putting the blame on Shen Muhan is also for my sake?" Xia Jiu asked weakly.

   (end of this chapter)

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