The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3510: The rivers and lakes are not easy, Xia Jiu sighed

   Chapter 3510 Jianghu is not easy, Xia Jiu sighs

   "That's the husband." Shen Mu smiled coldly. If so, why did he keep calling his name that night?

   is really a passionate woman!

  Xia Jiu felt that this man was really weird, and he always spoke in a tone that he owed him money.

   It's just that Xia Jiu didn't want to be too stiff, so she just asked him now, so she said lightly, "My son."

   As soon as these words came out, she felt the atmosphere in the whole room and suddenly relaxed.

   Even the assistant beside Shen Muhan showed a relieved look for some reason.

  Xia Jiu frowned slightly, but remembered that this Mr. Mu himself had a son and a daughter. Although he has a strange temperament and is extremely difficult to contact, he should also have feelings for children.

   She might as well play an emotional card, and said, "My son is very good, he is about the same age as Little Ten and Little Eleven, and his temperament is compatible."

   When she mentioned the child, her brows and eyes were extremely tender.

   Shen Muhan's eyes wandered on her face, and after a while, she asked, "What's the child's name?"

   "It's called Shen Sihan." Xia Jiu was unguarded, "He is in the Dragon Empire now and lives with his father's family. Next time I have a chance, I'll take him to play with Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi."

  Xia Jiu mentioned the small ten and the eleven, and also hoped that he could take this into consideration and give himself a chance.

   Of course, it is best not to think about the night after drinking, she would rather play one or two emotional cards than be forced to play the emotional card between men and women.

   Jianghu is not easy, Xia Jiu sighed online.

   After she finished speaking, she found that Shen Muhan pursed her lips and did not speak for a long time.

   When Shen Muhan heard the three words of Shen Sihan, the wall that was already crumbling in her heart almost collapsed. She gave their child the surname Shen.

   Moreover, it is called Sihan.

   Contemplative cold.

   He always thought that when he died, she might indeed be sad, but the rest was all happy. After all, he would no longer need to try to escape in the future, and he could no longer imprison her.

   However, that night, she kept crying and calling his name, from beginning to end without breaking.

   And now, he learned that his son's name was Shen Sihan.

   His heart was suddenly filled with all kinds of emotions, and it was sore and swollen.

   "Mr. Mu?" Xia Jiu also noticed his unusual expression, "Mr. Mu, are you alright?"

   "I..." Shen Muhan's heart swelled, and he finally suppressed it, "Xia Jiu, I asked lawyer Cai to take over your case."

   "Really? Thank you very much, Mr. Mu!" Xia Jiu was very happy, "Thank you!"

   "I will have someone deliver the contract to your home." Shen Muhan said, "Leave the address."

  Xia Jiu nodded hurriedly and took out his mobile phone: "Then I'll add your contact information and give it to you."

   "I have yours..." Feng Ying hurriedly spoke, he knew that the young master didn't like Xia Jiu adding his contact information.

   Before he finished speaking, Shen Muhan came over with a knife, and Feng Ying realized that he was wrong again, and the young master started to fail again.

  Xia Jiu added his WeChat, nothing was posted in his circle of friends, and his name was very simple, just an m.

  Xia Jiu sent him the address: "Then I'll wait for Mr. Mu's good news, thank you."

   Sure enough, it is still useful to play the family card, Xia Jiu thought, he should have played it earlier if he knew it earlier.

   After solving this matter, Xia Jiu was very happy.

   It's finally a big event.

   In the evening, Cai Jinde asked her for the electronic file, and according to the file, he asked her for supplementary information in various aspects.

  Xia Jiu said everything he knew.

   However, Cai Jinde still had a lot of doubts, because Xia Jiu didn't experience this incident personally. Although she found someone to find out the truth, the details were far from what the police knew.

  Cai Jinde reported to Shen Muhan: "So, I still need to meet some clients around Akins, and go back to China to find some clients from the Xia family to get more information."

   "Are these enough?" Shen Muhan took out a file and placed it in front of Cai Jinde.

  Cai Jinde took it over and read it, and was very surprised: "Mr. Mu, you are really prescient, and you have collected all these things, I admire it!"

   Fengying slandered: "What did the young master secretly do for Xia Jiu again?"

   Shen Muhan lowered his eyes and looked at the file at will. He has handled this case countless times, and it can be said that he knows better than the client himself.

   At that time, Akins approached him and told him to hide the truth from telling him, and also asked him to cooperate with her company.

   Shen Muhan deliberately concealed the truth about Xia Jiu because she was afraid of Xia Jiu's sadness and did not want her to leave him and go to Akins.

   He knew every detail of the case by heart.

   "If you have any questions in the future, you can come and ask me."

   "Okay, Mr. Mu." Cai Jinde responded. It was really strange what his identity was, and he knew this case like the back of his hand.

   However, successful business people have always excelled, and Mr. Mu, as a superior man, has such abilities, not surprising to Cai Jinde.

   The rest of the Akins family naturally lobbied for Xia Jiu to let Xia Jiu give up the prosecution.

   Xia Jiu was too lazy to respond to them.

   When things got to this point, it was not something that Xia Jiu could decide whether to sue or not.

   In such a transnational criminal case, since the police have been alerted, the procedure is naturally enough.

   With the addition of Cai Jinde's team, the lawyer team on Akins' side would not be able to fool people so easily.

  The night was quiet.

  Only the neon of the big city still illuminates the sky, impressing the dark sky with a beautiful color.

   Shen Muhan turned on his phone and looked at Xia Jiu's circle of friends again.

   Her circle of friends is very simple, and she only occasionally posts some beautiful things about the finished design, as well as non-frontal photos of children.

   It can be seen that her life in the past few years has been very simple and low-key.

   It's just that on his birthday and "death day", she would send a pure black picture, which could not hide her sadness and panic.

  Shen Muhan held the phone, looked at Sihan's photos again and again, and remembered again and again how she was talking softly beside him.

  Xia Jiu, if you do it again, will you still want to leave?

   Is it only because of my death that you are so sad, or if I am alive, you still choose to stay away?

   Shen Muhan clenched her phone tightly.


  Xia Jiu received a WeChat message from "Mr. Mu", "The contract will be delivered to you by someone. You only need to sign it."

   "Okay, thank you Mr. Mu." Xia Jiu replied.

   She thought that a lawyer must have come to deliver things, and that she might have to explain the legal terms to herself, so she took off her home clothes and chose to change into the clothes she went out.

   After a while, there was a knock on the door.

  Xia Jiu hurried to open the door, opened the door, looked down, and saw the man sitting in the wheelchair.

   (end of this chapter)

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