Chapter 3511 Find yourself to recognize

   "Mr. Mu, is that you?" Xia Jiu didn't expect that he would come to deliver the contract in person.

   Originally thought that he would arrange a trainee lawyer or something.

"not welcome?"

   "No, no, welcome, please come in." Xia Jiu welcomed him in, "Mr. Mu, what are you drinking, coffee or drink?"


  Xia Jiu was busy making coffee.

  Shen Muhan glanced around her house. It wasn't a big place, but it was neat and tidy, very warm. She loved beauty, so there were flowers on the balcony and art paintings on the walls. Everything was still her style.

   When he came back to his senses, Xia Jiu had already come over with coffee: "Mr. Mu."

   Shen Muhan took the coffee and handed the contract to her: "Look, ask me if you have any questions, and sign it if you have no questions."

   Xia Jiu hurriedly took over.

   This is the contract signed by the law firm with her.

  Although she didn't read the contract less, it was the first time for her to see such content. She was a little overwhelmed: "So, why is the division of rights and responsibilities in the first and eighth points like this?"

   "Show me." Shen Muhan responded.

  Xia Jiu gave him both hands, and Shen Muhan took it: "Where do you not understand?"

   She bent down and pointed to a line of words, she didn't tie her hair up today, the long chestnut color like a waterfall was all scattered from her shoulders, and a few brushed past Shen Muhan's ears.

   It was originally just a very subtle movement, but Shen Muhan indulged in it. When Xia Jiu finished speaking, he didn't answer.

   "This is the place." Xia Jiu said.

   "Where?" Shen Muhan obviously didn't hear a word just now.

Xia Jiu said it again, this time it was even worse. Her ears were a little red, and there were tiny fluff near her hair, which made her look extremely cute and attractive. I had opened it, and I hadn't heard Xia Jiu's words more than the last time.

   Twice in a row, he was out of the situation.

  Xia Jiu said patiently, "Is Mr. Mu tired? Would you like to take a rest first?"

   "Okay." His voice was a little hoarse, and he took a sip of coffee.

  Xia Jiu sat far away and looked at him. After what happened that night, she didn't dare to look at him carefully. Now it seems that he has lost a bit of weight, but his mental state is much better than before.

   I don't know if it's my own illusion, but I found that the coolness on his body was much less.

  Xia Jiu held the coffee and felt that the familiar smell on his body was getting heavier and heavier, so heavy that she couldn't hold back her inner thoughts.

   But she knew that all this was a fantasy, how could he be Shen Muhan?

   Although they have similar temperaments, they are completely different. If it is really Shen Muhan, he will definitely... find him to recognize him, right?

   Whether it's hate or love, Shen Muhan's person is vigorous and will never be like him.

   "Let's start over." Shen Muhan said.

   This time, he restrained his mind.

   And Xia Jiu also instinctively moved away from him.

   We can finally communicate.

  Xia Jiu asked questions about the question, Shen Muhan answered, he was very professional, Xia Jiu nodded again and again.

   This time things went very smoothly. With the slanting sunlight outside the window, a contract with dozens of pages was finally finished.

  Xia Jiu said less, Shen Muhan said more.

   His voice was slightly hoarse.

   He stretched out his hand to bring the coffee again. Xia Jiu was about to say to give him some more, but he didn't expect both of them to serve it. As a result, Xia Jiu let go first, and Shen Muhan also let go.

   The cup of coffee with more than one third of it left was turned over, and all of it fell on Shen Muhan's body.

   After he entered the door, he took off his coat, and now he was wearing a beige sweater with a turtleneck, all soaked, not even his trousers.

   "I'm sorry, Mr. Mu." Xia Jiu also panicked, not expecting such a result.

   "No problem. Do you have any clothes that you can change for me?"

  Xia Jiu hesitated for a while and said, "Then you come with me."

   She opened the closet, and Shen Muhan saw at a glance that it was full of men's clothes, all kinds in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and his face suddenly turned gloomy.

  No boyfriend?

   No husband?

   refused to know that she had no father, let alone no brother.

   When a woman tells a lie, she is really a master!

  Shen Muhan couldn't contain his anger, the pain in his chest came, he stretched out his hand and pressed the position of his heart ruthlessly.

  Xia Jiu gave Shen Muhan a set of loose clothes: "Mr. Mu, this is my own clothes, it's a very loose style, you should be able to try it."

   "Give me your own clothes?" Shen Muhan's eyes were cold and full of ridicule.

  Xia Jiu followed his line of sight and found that he saw men's clothes in his closet.

   No wonder he has such an attitude, feeling that he is implying something to him by taking his own clothes?

Xia Jiu didn't want to make such a misunderstanding, and said in a low voice, "That's the clothes I made for my deceased husband. I don't want other people to wear his clothes, and Mr. Mu should also feel that wearing such clothes is not a good idea. Geely, right? That's why I'm sorry, I just brought you my own clothes."

   Shen Muhan was struck by her words, she actually made so many clothes?

   Spring, summer, autumn and winter have everything, she did it all for him?

   "Sorry." Shen Muhan whispered, "I don't know..."

   "It's okay, I don't mind. My husband and I haven't had our wedding yet, and he passed away, so it's normal that the outside world doesn't know." Xia Jiu narrowed her eyes and covered her loneliness.

   She gave Shen Muhan the clothes and quickly turned around and went out. Shen Muhan saw her raising her hand and wiped her tears.

   He was so softhearted that he almost stepped forward to hug her and told her that he was still there.

   In the end, however, he restrained himself.


   Fengying found that after the young master of his family came out of Xia Jiu's house, he was in a particularly good mood, and his eyes were full of spring.

   He really wanted to say, could it be that Xia Jiu gave up on the identity of the young master, Mr. Mu?

   He really hates that iron is not steel, young master, can you be more aggressive, what is there for such a feisty woman to worry about?

   But Fengying didn't dare to say it, for fear of being scolded.

   Moreover, Shen Muhan's mood improved for a while, then he became silent, and then he got better again, so worried about gains and losses, his emotions changed back and forth several times.

  Wind Shadow: "…"

  Women are really harmful!

  Women are the scariest creatures in the world!

After    signed the contract, Akins's affairs began to go through the procedure.

   is just the progress of the lawsuit. Everything depends on the French police. According to lawyer Cai Jinde’s estimation, the case will not be settled in two years.

   So Xia Jiu also put the matter of returning to the Dragon Empire on the agenda.

   (end of this chapter)

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