Chapter 3523 Husband

  Xia Jiu glanced at Shen Muhan.

   Shen Muhan looked at the ground.

   Of course he wouldn't invite him out. Who knew how true or false she was. If he was greedy for her beauty, he would lose something more important, and he couldn't bear it.

   Xia Jiu naturally wouldn't stay, she could be a small child for Shen Muhan, but she was unwilling to use this kind of thing as a condition.

   She finally declined and left with Sihan.

   Shen Muhan didn't want her to stay, but she didn't stay, and his face darkened again.

   Didn't you keep saying to stay and stay by your side before, what happened?

   He still couldn't trust this woman too much, she didn't have a word of truth in her mouth!


  Xia Jiu came home and had a good sleep.

   She will be a little busy in the next two days. She will go to Qin Zheng and Jiang Bai's house to pay New Year's greetings. Mrs. Gao also invited her to join her for a new year.

  Wait until she is done, it will be the fifth day of the new year.

   She didn't send Shen Muhan a WeChat message, so he was really cruel and didn't send a single one.

  Xia Jiu was not discouraged, she bought two movie tickets, filmed them and sent them to Shen Muhan: "Would you like to watch a movie together?"

   did not return.

   She said, "Are you okay?"

   Still no reply.

   She thought about it and sent two words in her voice: "Husband."

   Still no reply.

   Just when Xia Jiu thought he was the same as before and would never return, there was finally news: "Wait for me."

  Xia Jiu almost jumped up on the bed.

  Like a young girl in love, she covered her face and wanted to scream with excitement, but he finally ignored her!

   Had known that the word "husband" was so effective, she should have used it earlier.

   She rubbed her hot cheeks and got up to pick out clothes.

   Originally, the clothes in her closet were of great value and had a great sense of design. Various big brands would send her clothes every year.

   But now I can't find a suitable one for a long time.

   She finally chose a tight black sweater, slim-fitting denim trousers, and a long camel tweed coat with lace-ups. She also chose a hat and ran to the cinema to wait for him.

   Thinking that his health is not very good, Xia Jiu went to buy hot milk tea again, held it in his hand, and waited for Shen Muhan's arrival.

   She came early, but she didn't think the time was too difficult.

   In the past, he was waiting for her, patiently waiting for her to respond. This time, Xia Jiu just wanted to give him everything back.

   Finally, his figure appeared on the escalator.

   He was wearing a long black coat, his suit pants outlined his slender and straight legs, wide shoulders and long legs, like a walking clothes hanger, when Xia Jiu appeared in her sight, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

  Shen Muhan tilted her head and caught her figure. She really hasn't changed at all, with long hair like a waterfall, and a bright smile.

   Shen Muhan walked towards her. From the time he promised her to come, he knew that she was a poppy, and his immunity to her had not been eliminated.

   Once addicted, you will never forget it.

   If she really lied to him, he knew that this was a pit and would step in again.

  Xia Jiu stuffed the hot milk tea into his hands: "Is it cold outside?"

   "I don't know." Shen Muhan said, there was heating in the underground parking lot at home, and Feng Ying took him directly to the elevator entrance of the cinema.

  Xia Jiu didn't mind his indifferent attitude, "Then let's go in!"

   Shen Muhan was pulled by him and walked in with a blank expression.

   "Our position is in the last row." Xia Jiu said softly.

   She bought it specially.

   New Year's movies are lively and lively. She was afraid that he would not be used to it, so she bought the last position.

   The position of this row is some distance from the previous row, and the screen is even further away, so it is not a good viewing position.

   But it’s just right, even if you say something in a low voice, it won’t affect other people.

   The movie hasn’t even started yet, the commercials are deafening, and everyone is whispering.

  Xia Jiu also whispered close to his ear: "When you came, did you admit that it was my husband?"

   Shen Muhan's back was slightly stiff, feeling that the heating in the movie theater was a bit heavy.

   heard Xia Jiu say in his ear again: "But it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, we still have a lot of time anyway."

   "Concentrate on watching!" Shen Muhan reminded.

   "What are you watching, it's still an advertisement!" Xia Jiu said softly, and smiled again, "Do you prefer to watch advertisements?"

   She took his hand and scratched lightly in his palm.

  I don't know why, as long as he is with him now, even if he has a bad face, Xia Jiu will feel very happy.

   Maybe she missed too much before.

   "Shen Muhan, I sometimes think about it, is it true that a person is a cheap person, and he only knows how to cherish it after he loses it? But I learned later that it's not like that.

   It’s just the loss that makes us see a lot of things. Just like me, only after I lost it did I realize that I had fallen in love with you for a long time. It's just that I didn't have the confidence to handle our relationship well, so I chose the most extreme way. "

   Hearing Xia Jiu's whisper, Shen Muhan's fingers clasped her hand tightly.

   "Actually I've been in love with you for a long time" - huge fireworks exploded in his mind, bursting, filling his whole mind.

  He tilted his head to look for her face and the real emotion on her face.

   The lights suddenly dimmed, and everything suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes.

   After a while, his eyes adjusted to the darkness in front of him.

  Xia Jiu had already looked at the screen, as if it wasn't her who spoke just now.

   Shen Muhan wanted to hold her over and ask her to repeat what she said just now, but he finally held back.

   In the movie theater where the lights and lights alternated, the lights shone on his face, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly.

  Xia Jiu said a lot afterward, probably because the movie was really not very attractive, and she almost whispered to him in a low voice.

   But, in Shen Muhan's mind, the sentence "Actually, I've fallen in love with you a long time ago."

   It was perhaps the most beautiful language he had ever heard.

   After coming out of the cinema, it was no longer Xia Jiu who had to forcefully pull his hand, but Shen Muhan clenching her fingers.

   A movie has made such a major breakthrough, Xia Jiu thinks it is really worth it, no wonder everyone likes to go to the cinema to fall in love.

   She approached Shen Muhan: "Then you will take me home in a while?"


   "Then let's go to other places and see if there is anything to buy."


  Xia Jiu's heart also jumped up. In fact, there was nothing to buy at all, and it was not important to go shopping. The important thing was who to go shopping with.

   Just a few steps away, Shen Muhan received a call, he let go of Xia Jiu and picked up the call: "Let's reschedule."

  Xia Jiu stood aside and looked at him happily, so he changed his job in order to go shopping with him?

   "If you're busy, forget it today." She stood in front of him and lip-mouthed.

   (end of this chapter)

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