Chapter 3525 Did you not acknowledge the account?

   "Miss Xia, Young Master asked me to take you home." Feng Ying walked up to Xia Jiu, stretched out her hand and made a gesture of invitation.

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and asked with a smile, "Where are the others?"

   "Young Master is busy." Feng Ying simply said.

   "Okay then, I'll find him later." Xia Jiu's face became hot, and she got into the car with her phone in hand.

   Along the way, she was still bumping around like a deer, and she was so excited.

   Is this a breakthrough in some sense?

  Although it was a little different from what she expected, she had no other way out of the situation last night.

   Charlene jokingly said, "Sister, did you stay at the Qiandaohu Villa last night?"

  Xia Jiu smiled embarrassedly.

   "Chicken soup just happened to be boiled in the kitchen, you go drink some first." Charlene smiled sinisterly.

  Xia Jiu was embarrassed to drink it, so she went back to the room to take a shower, then holding hot milk, she sent Shen Muhan a WeChat message.

After the    one was sent out, she saw a red exclamation mark.

  What's wrong with this man?

   Didn't you say you believed in yourself last night?

   After eating and wiping, don’t you admit it?

   She called Shen Muhan, but still couldn't get through.

  Xia Jiu endured it, that's how it is with straight men, he must not have remembered this, I'm afraid he will have to wait until he remembers before contacting him.

   She calmed down and waited.

   As a result, Shen Muhan hadn't released her from the blacklist until the next day!

   Her messages are rejected time and time again!

  Xia Jiu: "…"

   She couldn't bear it anymore and called Chen Qi directly.

   "Assistant Chen, please listen to the phone!"

  Chen Qi hesitated for a while, looked at Shen Muhan, who has been shrouded in gloom since yesterday, covered the microphone, and whispered, "Miss Xia, answer?"

  Shen Muhan reached out and took the phone, "Speak."

   "Shen Muhan, when did you release me from the blacklist? I can't get through even if I call you, and I can't send it through WeChat." She was soft and soft, and her voice was seductive.

   "Xia Jiu, you don't need to contact me anymore."

  Xia Jiu smiled: "Young Master Han is not angry anymore, what are you kidding me now?"

   "Xia Jiu, I'm getting married soon, so please be more interested and stop contacting me." Shen Muhan said this with a hard heart.

   "What are you kidding me?"

   "It's not a joke." After Shen Muhan finished speaking, he hung up the phone, "Chen Qi, send her the wedding invitation."

   Chen Qi hesitated: "Master, do you really want to use this method? Actually, there are many ways to solve things."

   "I want you to send it!"

  Chen Qi had to call up an electronic invitation and sent it to Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu was talking about Shen Muhan's angry words, and was about to continue to call Chen Qi when she saw the electronic wedding invitation sent by Chen Qi.

  The wedding photos have already been taken. The woman standing beside Shen Muhan has a noble and glamorous feeling, which matches his temperament very well.

  The wedding is just a week away.

  Xia Jiuru was struck by lightning. The time to watch the wedding has already taken the wedding photos. The preparation time for this wedding is definitely not the last few days.

  So, Shen Muhan was actually preparing for the wedding a long time ago?

   So, what he said about having a wife is true?

   So before, he wore a mask and refused to see himself with his true face. It wasn't that he still hated himself and blamed himself. He just had a new love, and he didn't want to be entangled with his old love, which only added trouble.

  It was he who stubbornly exposed his identity, and ran to his side in a vain attempt to make him change his mind!

  Xia Jiu suddenly understood everything!

   It's just that she still couldn't believe it. He was obviously happy when he saw him. Although he covered it deeply, the corners of his raised lips and the bright colors at the bottom of his eyes were betraying his true emotions.

   He is by no means clueless about himself!

How could this be?


   The news that Shen Muhan was getting married soon spread.

   The news that he is still alive has already shocked many people, and it is even more eye-catching that he is still married immediately.

   Everyone in the know knows that he was injured at the last wedding, and now, he is not long, is he going to get married again?

   Everyone was also talking about it.

   "It's not surprising that Young Master Han wants to get married, right? Where is there a man who doesn't get married? Besides, there are many wealthy families who want to marry him!"

   "That's right, it's not easy for a man in a wealthy family to want to get married?"

   "I don't know which girl the bride is? I don't think I've ever heard of it!"

   "But it's a good match with Young Master Han!"

  Xia Family.

   A gloomy cloud.

  Charlene was really angry. She went to Shen Muhan's company and his home to find him, but he completely avoided him, and she didn't want to listen to her.

  Xia Jiu normally went to work in the Xia family's company, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was a little absent-minded and lost her soul.

   But she didn't say anything, just devoted more time to work.

  The old lady Shen also sighed: "How come you have come this far?"

  Ding Qinen said: "I have asked people to ask, and they all said that this was Mu Han's own intention. Xia Jiu was unable to restore his heart."

   "After that incident, maybe he was afraid too. But Xia Jiu, this child, didn't do it on purpose. I can only blame it, the timing of the two people's temptation is not the same."

   Old Mrs. Shen had no choice but to respect Shen Muhan's freedom.

   "Sister." Seeing Xia Jiu getting off work, Charlene stepped forward to meet her, "Are you really not going to see brother-in-law again?"

  Xia Jiu shook his head: "I'm a little tired. I'll go upstairs to rest first. You can take care of Sihan for me."

   "Sister!" Charlene's voice was deeply distressed.


   Qiandao Lake Villa.

  In the study.

  Feng Ying said to Shen Muhan, "Young Master Sihan has been waiting outside for a long time. Have you really seen him?"

   "No." Shen Muhan lowered his head, covering the emotions in his eyes.

   Thinking of the little boy standing outside, he clenched his fingers slightly, hating to ignore it.

   "But Young Master, Young Master Sihan, he has been waiting for a long time..."

   Feng Ying hates Xia Jiu, but his feelings for Sihan are not the same. This is the son of the young master, and he naturally treats him like the young master.

  Shen Muhan waved to stop him: "Needless to say."

   Kazekage had to turn around and go out.

   He walked over to Sihan and whispered a few words.

  Sihan nodded and got into the accompanying car.

  The car left, Feng Ying saw that Sihan was under the moonlight, with a trace of coldness on his body, and couldn't help sighing softly.

  Sihan went to see Shen Muhan, no one told him, not even Xia Jiu.

   It's just that he didn't succeed, so naturally he didn't say anything to Shen Muhan.

   (end of this chapter)

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