Chapter 3532 Marriage is also fake

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled: "Okay, thank you."

   turns out not to be a big problem.

That's good.

   When Qin Zheng walked in, he saw that she was smiling, and he couldn't help but say, "Why are you so happy?"

   "Nothing. Why did you come here on the weekend?"

   "Something happened to the company temporarily and needs to go on a business trip to solve it. Why are you here on the weekend?" Qin Zheng sorted out the documents he needed.

  Xia Jiu asked, "What's the matter?"

   "Some after-sales issues, and several companies' renewal issues next year."

  Xia Jiu thought for a while and said, "I'll go."

   "Are you going?" Qin Zheng had already made plans to go by himself.

   "I just happened to be free recently." Xia Jiu also knew that she had been troubled by Shen Muhan's problems for too long, and needed a little time to be alone, and she also needed to keep herself busy so that she would not be so easily cranky.

   She smiled: "Jiang Bai is pregnant and has a hard time, you should spend more time with her."

   This sentence moved Qin Zheng very much, but he was worried about leaving things to others, but if it was Xia Jiu, it would be even better.

   He smiled and said: "Then I will be disrespectful. The information has been sorted out, and if you have any questions, call me."

   "Okay." Xia Jiu took the things.

   I didn't expect the time to be so urgent. I was going to leave tonight. Xia Jiu bought the plane ticket immediately, and called Xia Lin and the nanny to explain it separately, and then rushed to the airport.

   As for the three little guys, Xia Jiu is very relieved that they will be taken care of by the Shen family.


   In the hospital, Shen Muhan quickly woke up.

   Although the injury was a little serious, it was basically a skin injury. For him, forbearance was over.

   He slowly opened his eyes and saw old lady Shen and Ding Qinen getting close, looking at him as if leaning on him.

   Shen Muhan wasn't quite used to the closeness of family, so he coughed a few times and tried to sit up.

   "You don't get up first." Ding Qinen hurriedly pressed him, "You have injuries on your arms and legs, and you still need to rest."

   Shen Muhan didn't get up, and saw Shen Fengshan and Shen Ye not far away.

   The whole family is here.

   He knew that having a family is a very troublesome thing.

  However, they must recognize themselves, Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to caress his forehead, and blocked his concerned gaze.

  Sihan came over, and in the milky childish voice, there was a calmness that he tried to maintain: "Are you feeling better?"

   Seeing him, Shen Muhan felt a little more at ease: "It's better. What about the little ten and the little eleven?"

   "Over there." Sihan pointed.

  Shen Muhan saw two little conscience sitting on the sofa eating fruit. A small cherries also needed to be held with both hands, shaking their heads while eating, and kicking and kicking their short legs.

   This is where you come to visit, this is to satisfy your cravings.

   Shen Muhan also knew the little unconscionable temperament, and turned his head to look for Xia Jiu.

   It stands to reason that Xia Jiu should be there where there are ten and eleven.

  However, he searched all over and couldn't see Xia Jiu.

   Only Chen Qi and Fengying stood aside.

   Shen Fengshan said: "What the **** is going on here? What is the situation that makes Mu Han hurt like this?"

  He led the troops when he was young, and he has been in the top position for a long time. He has a strong momentum of his own.

   Chen Qi told the whole thing directly: "It's like this, although Shen Sihai was arrested, he has now been detained by the police. But he has been operating in various countries for many years, and there are many residual forces.

  The young master finally woke up this time, and it attracted the fear of these forces. The young master simply planned on it, taking advantage of their plan, deliberately showed weakness and led them over, and then assisted the police to wipe out all these forces. The young master was only injured when he was dealing with this matter today. "

  Fengying said: "Actually, the young master could not have been injured, but his original health was not perfect, and his heart and lung functions were still somewhat impaired, so he was exhausted and injured."

   "Why don't you tell me about such a big thing!" Shen Fengshan was surprised and distressed!

  This child, he has to do everything by himself, if there are any consequences, how can he be at ease!

   Chen Qi said in a low voice, "Young master refuses to tell anyone, even the little young master and the young lady were forced by him to find Miss Xia, just because he was worried that the people close to him would be hurt, so how could he tell you?"

   "Enough Chen Qi!" Shen Muhan stopped him, "You and Fengying go out first."

  Shen Fengshan said: "So, in order to keep the people around you away from you and not be implicated, do you actually have to take risks by yourself?"

   "Is there anything you can't do?" Shen Muhan said.

   He has come here by himself for so many years, is it different?

   When he came into contact with the understatement in his eyes, Shen Fengshan only felt guilty and frustrated, and he really did not fulfill his father's responsibility to let his son become like this.

   He asked softly: "How about your wife, why didn't you come to take care of you?"

   He remembered that the girl seemed to be called Red Lotus?

  Ding Qinen also said, "Yes, where's Red Lotus?"

   Fengying hurriedly said: "The young master's marriage is also fake! Red Lotus is only the secret guard beside the young master!"

   Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen understood, the reason why Shen Muhan did this was to drive Xia Jiu out too, so that Xia Jiu would not be hurt!

  So getting married or something is completely fake!

   "Does Xia Jiu know?" Ding Qinen asked immediately.

   asked the exit, and he also reacted, Shen Muhan must be impossible to let her know, otherwise Xia Jiu knew the truth, how could he choose to hide on the side to protect himself!

   These two kids!

   She scolded: "Chen Qi, Feng Ying, why didn't you two say it earlier?"

  Chen Qi looked at Fengying: "Why, haven't you told Miss Xia?"

   Fengying said dissatisfiedly: "She's going to marry someone else, so what are you talking about! Isn't it boring to ask herself?"

   "She agreed to another man's proposal because she thought that the young master was really married to Honglian! But this is completely impossible! Fengying, you are making trouble!" Chen Qi said angrily.

   "Why did I make trouble, I'm all for the young master's good, I don't want to see the young master hurt by him again!"

   "You two..." Shen Muhan coughed for a while, pointed to the door and gasped, "...get me out!"

   The two finally went out, but Shen Muhan's face was not good.

  Ding Qinen hurriedly said, "Why don't we know about Xia Jiu's marriage? Mu Han, don't listen to their nonsense, there's no such thing at all."

   Shen Muhan waved his hand, not wanting to listen to her more.

   With such a big room here, he was already troubled.

  Ding Qinen had to go out with everyone first, and take the three children out by the way, so as not to disturb Shen Muhan's rest.

   (end of this chapter)

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