Chapter 3533 pushed her too far

   Shen Muhan gasped for a while, then took out his phone and glanced at it.

What    Chen Qi and Fengying said are true.

   On the day that Xia Jiu invited him to watch the movie, he actually thought about it. He would tell her everything in the future and tell her that he would not lie to her.

   But what happened that night, he was really hurt.

   Even though Xia Jiu came to explain to him later, and even took the initiative... He still pushed Xia Jiu away, and could only solve the problem in front of him.

   For every extra day that Shen Sihai's remnant forces existed, he became uncertain and worried.

   As a result, he still pushed her too far.

   The reason why he chose to fake marriage with Red Lotus was decided before Xia Jiu came back.

  Shen Sihai's remnants will be the first to act first, and must be the people closest to Shen Muhan. If Xia Jiu and the child stay behind, they will be the first to act first.

   On the other hand, Red Lotus is different. She and Feng Ying are both children rescued by Shen Muhan from the wolf house. They have always been loyal, and their strength is also outstanding. Not only can they not be hurt, but they will also make the other party take it lightly and fall into a trap.

   Especially Gulian has always been in the dark, and no one has ever known her existence and identity.

   So Shen Muhan chose this method, and also wanted to take advantage of this to cool off Xia Jiu.

  However...she finally chose to marry someone else.

  I don’t even want to wait a little longer.

   Shen Muhan closed his eyes, exhausted.

   The ardent words she sent were still vivid in his eyes, and they were fired at him like flames, but now, they have all condensed into ice cubes.

  Women are so fickle.

   For several days, Xia Jiu did not appear.

  Ding Qinen wanted to call Xia Jiu, but Shen Fengshan stopped him: "He brought up the fake marriage himself, and Xia Jiu didn't know about it when he was on a business trip. Let them solve their own business."

   "Yes." Ding Qinen put away the phone, "If you hurt someone else's heart, you need to clean it up yourself. If you don't discuss anything with Xia Jiu, it's also right for Xia Jiu to hang it up."

   In terms of attitude towards sons and daughters-in-law, the elders of the Shen family have always preferred girls more.

   Everyone thought that Shen Muhan would talk to Xia Jiu himself, so everyone held back and didn't say anything. This kind of thing should have been resolved between the two of them.

   Chen Qi and Feng Ying didn't see Xia Jiu come to see Shen Muhan, Chen Qi was better, Feng Ying had already said sour words several times.

   "I think she doesn't have any young master in her mind, so she hasn't come yet. Maybe she really married someone!" Feng Ying muttered.

  Chen Qi whispered: "Can you say a word less?"

   Didn't you see that the young master's face changed?

   Fengying continued to mutter: "Which of my words is redundant? The young master has done so many things to protect her, and now she is still hurting her, she still doesn't know where to have fun!"

   Shen Muhan shouted: "Chen Qi!"

   "Master." Chen Qi hurriedly walked over.

   "Can you throw Fengying out?" Shen Muhan is also inconvenient to move, otherwise he should throw it himself.

   Fengying waved his hand: "Can't I go by myself?"

  Chen Qi said: "Master, let me push you out to get some sunshine. Miss Xia also said before that more sunshine is good for your health."

  Shen Mu gave him a cold look.

  Chen Qi hurriedly shut up and pushed him out.

  The garden of the high-level hospital is spacious and comfortable, and there are few people, which is very suitable for recuperating and sunbathing.

   When they saw Shen Muhan, several nurses said they were free, blushed and asked if they needed help, but they were all turned cold by Shen Muhan's eyes.

  Chen Qi hurriedly pushed him towards the direction of Gengli.

When    walked over, he found someone over there. Chen Qi knew that the man beside him liked to be close, and immediately wanted to rush to another place.

   When he passed by the elderly couple, he found that they were the parents of the man who talked to Xia Jiu about their marriage that day.

  Shen Muhan naturally saw it too, his brows slightly condensed.

  Chen Qi didn't know whether to stay or not.

  Young master may want to stay for a while and see if I can see Miss Xia?

   But maybe he didn't want to see these two at all?

  Chen Qi was hesitating when Mother Gu was already greeting him: "Young man, can you help me take a look at the old man, and I'll pour him some water?"

  Chen Qi had to look at Shen Muhan, who nodded slightly, agreeing.

  Chen Qi sadly reminds me that this is going to help the parents of the rivals?


Mother Gu came back after pouring the water, and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you, the young people today are so good. I think you have a few children, don't you? Alas, how is it like my unsatisfactory son, who doesn't want to have children at all? ."

   Shen Muhan lowered his eyes, because he thought that Xia Jiu already had children, so Gu Yannan didn't want children?

   Mother Gu said rambled: "Not only do you not want children, but also say that you should pursue freedom in life, not be bound by marriage and family, and want to explore yourself more."

   Shen Muhan raised his eyes subconsciously: "What?"

   Mother Gu thought he was agreeing with her words and said, "Is that so? How could marriage, falling in love and having children affect his self-discovery? Does he have to be alone to find out?"

   Shen Muhan gave her another look.

  Chen Qi couldn't help but ask: "Your son...isn't there a marriage partner?"

"Hey!" Mother Gu couldn't help sighing, "How can there be a marriage partner? It turned out to be a team to deceive us! It's a pity that I like that girl so much. No, the child's father is angry. It's gone!"

   After Chen Qi pushed Shen Muhan to leave, Mother Gu reacted: "How did they know that my son had a marriage partner?"

   Shen Muhan returned to the ward and started to pack up.

   "My young master!" Seeing that his injury was not yet healed, Chen Qi started to work, and couldn't help but press him, "The doctor said you still need to rest!"

   "Go and discharge me from the hospital. I'm leaving soon!"


  Shen Muhan had already changed out of his hospital gown, reached out and picked up his jacket, and walked straight out.

  Chen Qi had no choice but to go through the discharge procedures for him first.

   After Shen Muhan came out, he was the first to see Sihan holding Little Eleven's hand.

   He bent down: "Shen Shiyi, where's Xia Jiu?"

  It was the first time Xiao Shi was called by his name, so he licked the chocolate in his hand: "Who are you asking?"

"ask you."

  Xiao Eleven shook his head: "I don't know either, maybe go find a new dad for me to compare with. By the way, do you want to help me with a reference?"

  Shen Muhan: "…"


  Xiao Eleven looked at Sihan strangely: "What happened to him? His face is so ugly?"

   "He doesn't want us to have a new dad. He wants to be." Sihan knows better.

   "Where does he think? He doesn't want to!" Little Eleven said firmly.

  Shen Muhan: No, don't talk nonsense, I think!

   (end of this chapter)

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