The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3540: I'm afraid you won't come, and I'm afraid you will come

   Chapter 3540 I am afraid that you will not come, and I am afraid that you will come

"Isn't Fang Minghao still inquiring about you before?" Qin Zheng said, "The Fang family is not very good, you should pay attention to yourself. In the two or three years you left, Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng divorced, and it took a little more. The method has re-emerged, but after all, it has hurt the foundation of the past. In fact, it is laughed at by many people, and it is difficult to be elegant. Mrs. Fang has experienced these things, and she is simply shameless and skinless. Women make friends.

   They know that your child belongs to Shen Muhan, and they may have this idea.

   However, you and Shen Muhan are reconciled, so I don't have to worry about it. "

  Xia Jiu knew that Fang Minghao came to see him without any good intentions.

   Now it sounds, as expected.

   Of course, no matter if he is sincere or fake, Xia Jiu had completely cut off his relationship with him a long time ago, and it is impossible to have anything with him now.


   Shen Muhan took Xia Jiu and her son back to the original villa to live in.

  Charlene is simply reluctant to part.

   "You should pay attention to your studies and exams first, and then come to see them when you have more time in college." Xia Jiu told her.

  Charlene nodded hurriedly.

   In fact, in terms of environment, the Qiandao Lake Villa is the best.

   But if it is convenient to go to school, Shen Muhan's original villa is the best.

   Although the three little buns must be driven to school by someone, the level of convenience directly determines the quality of their schooling.

   The housekeeper and Aunt Zhang were still there, and when they saw Xia Jiu and the three little milk packs, tears welled up in their eyes.

   Aunt Zhang pulled Xia Jiu, so excited that she was speechless, and it took a long time before she said, "I'm going to cook something delicious for the little young master and young lady!"

  The housekeeper was also very impressed. After so many things, the eldest young master and the young lady finally settled down completely.

   Another weekend, Xia Jiu will go to the Shen family mansion.

   Shen Muhan finally had nothing to do, so he got into the car with their mother and son.

Although the three little milk buns always have opinions on Shen Muhan, and treat him not as gentle as Xia Jiu, but in fact, Papa and Mummy are both together, accompanying them to appear together, the three little guys are still inexplicably very strange. Excited, even with a little bit of pride, I can't wait to announce to the world: "My dad and mommy accompany us to go to grandma's house for dinner!"

  Xia Jiu whispered in Shen Muhan's ear: "Have you noticed, they all like you."

   "Really?" Shen Muhan was skeptical, who was the person who secretly solicited marriage for Xia Jiu? Who is the person who is ugly and bad tempered by others?

   "When you were away, their happiness was different from the happiness they are now. Really, they like you very much."

   Shen Muhan hesitated: "How do you know?!"

   "I just know!" Xia Jiu raised her head with confidence.

"tell me."

  Xia Jiu rubbed at him: "Because I like you very much, of course the children I gave birth will also like you very much."

   "You're beautiful, whatever you say is right." Shen Muhan pinched her chin.

  Xia Jiu shrunk his neck so much that he rubbed his chin on his palm, and Shen Muhan's heart was also rubbed, very pressing.

   Last time Shen Muhan said that he was coming to the Shen family mansion next weekend.

   In fact, this time, it was several weeks later. Changes in people always require a gradual process, and Xia Jiu didn't force it.

  So old lady Shen and Ding Qinen never thought he would come.

When    saw his figure appear, Ding Qinen hurried away.

   She was afraid that her son would not be happy when she saw her tears, so she would not come next time.

  The old lady Shen was also speechless with excitement.

  Shen Muhan: "…"

   Okay, welcome me?

  Xia Jiu whispered in his ear: "They are too excited, they are afraid that you will not come, and they are afraid that you will come."

   "Afraid of me coming?"

   "The more you care about a person, the more you want to leave the best side to him, for fear of giving him a bad impression and he won't come to see him in the future." Xia Jiu whispered beside his ear.

   Shen Muhan gave her a serious look: "Me too."

  Xia Jiu...I'm not confessing! I'm explaining why your mother runs away!

   However, after a period of turmoil, the whole family was calm.

   After all, he is not a complete stranger anymore. Ding Qinen hurried to the kitchen after being restrained for a while at first.

  Xia Jiu also ran to the kitchen to accompany her.

   However, she couldn't do anything either. She had to help, so Ding Qinen had to give her a dish for her to choose.

   After a while, Shen Muhan also came in.

  Ding Qinen: "My son is really good! My son finally accepts me!"

   She was finishing her joy when she saw Shen Muhan squatting down and choosing dishes with Xia Jiu.

  Ding Qinen was lost for a moment, and then comforted himself: "Oh, it doesn't matter, as long as my son is happy, I will be very happy!"

   Xia Jiu worked hard to mediate, this meal was actually quite enjoyable, and everyone was very happy to get along.

   Walking home under the starlight, the three little **** fell asleep in their safety seats, Xia Jiu was particularly satisfied in this scene.

   tilted her head to see Shen Muhan looking at herself, she raised her arms and hugged his neck: "God treats me so well! Give me such a good husband, such a good family and baby! I am so happy!"

   Shen Muhan embraced her waist, the corners of his lips raised.


   Jiang Bai gave birth to a child during the summer vacation.

When    received the call, Xia Jiu hurried over.

   Qin Zheng was so anxious that his eyes were red and he was waiting outside the operating room.

   President Jiang and Mrs. Jiang were also full of anxiety.

   But Xia Jiu didn't come too early, so not long after she arrived, a child's cry came from the operating room.

   "Mother and son are safe! Congratulations!" The doctor came out and congratulated Qin Zheng.

  Qin Zheng went to see Jiang Bai.

  Xia Jiu was also very excited.

   She went to see Jiang Bai for a while and talked with her. Jiang Bai's face was gentle, but she was too tired and lacked energy.

   "Then I won't disturb your rest, I'll go see your little nephew." Xia Jiu went to see Jiang Bai's child again.

  Shen Muhan was not interested in these things, so he just stood aside and glanced a little.

   President Jiang and others are also familiar with his temperament and don't mind.

  Xia Jiu came out after reading it and said, "It's really not easy to have a baby, it's like walking through the gates of hell."

  Shen Muhan clenched her fingers. To say it was not easy, she was the hardest at the beginning. With three children, she was even more dangerous than others.

  Xia Jiu suddenly felt a little nauseous, and Shen Muhan immediately became nervous: "What's wrong?"

   "It's a little uncomfortable in my stomach." Xia Jiu was pitiful, she was most afraid of pain, and her tears were about to fall.

  Shen Muhan quickly hugged her into the car: "Go check it out."

   was a little apprehensive in his heart, afraid that she would get pregnant again, Shen Muhan was already paying attention.

   (end of this chapter)

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