The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3541: The skin is cool, but the back hurts

   Chapter 3541 The skin is very cool, but the back pain

   Shouldn't it be, pregnant again?

When    went for the examination, Shen Muhan's face was always gloomy.

   When Xia Jiu started, it was still in pain, so I didn't care.

   Later, seeing his dark face, he couldn't help but say, "Okay, Shen Muhan, it can't be stomach cancer, take it easy!"

  Stomach cancer?

   Shen Muhan's face was even more ugly.

   was so frightened that the doctor did not dare to look at his face.

   Hearing Xia Jiu say this, the doctor quickly said, "It's definitely not stomach cancer, stomach cancer is not this kind of painful method."

   checked the stomach, and checked the obstetrics and gynecology department. It was confirmed that Xia Jiu only suffered from gastritis. It was enough to rest more and avoid spicy food. Shen Muhan's brow finally returned to normal.

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, kissed him on the lips, and the corner of Shen Muhan's lips slightly raised.

"Stomach cancer was ruled out in the previous examination, why are you so worried? And since I was with you, I ate well and slept well every day, and I rarely get gastritis. I should have seen Jiang Bai give birth to a baby just now. Too much worry and tension will cause stomach pain. An la An la." She reached out and shook his arm.

   Shen Muhan's inverse scales had long since disappeared, and she whispered, "I'm afraid you will get pregnant again."

   "Pfft." Xia Jiu smiled and whispered, "We have taken measures."

   "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. I don't want you to encounter such a situation again. Besides, we already have three children, which is enough."

  Xia Jiu looked at him with a smile: "I'm not afraid of 10,000, but just in case? In order to prevent this case, Master Han is planning to cut off that kind of relationship with me in the future?"

   "Xia Jiu! Tell me clearly, what kind of relationship do you want to cut off?" Shen Muhan gritted his teeth!

   "A little bit!" Xia Jiu grimaced at him.

  The skin is very happy.

   As a result, after being brought home by Shen Muhan, she never let her out of the room until the next day!

  Xia Jiu said that the skin felt refreshed, but the back pain.


  Xiajia Company.

   Recently, Qin Zheng was accompanying Jiang Bai, and Xia Jiu went to the company more often, and the time also increased.

   After working all afternoon, she glanced at the time, it was past five o'clock.

   In order to avoid the resentment of a certain deep-seated man, Xia Jiu decided to go home.

  The summer air was sultry for a while, she pressed the key of the car and walked over there.

  Fang Minghao came out of the slanting thorns, holding a bouquet of bright roses: "Xia Jiu! Let's have dinner together at night!"

  Xia Jiu thought this person was really strange, didn't he know that he was with Shen Muhan?

   She didn't pick up the flowers, and her attitude was even more indifferent. She said, "Young Master Fang doesn't seem to know, I'm with Shen Muhan, okay?"

  Fang Minghao smiled, he did know before that Xia Jiu was with Shen Muhan.

   But then Xia Jiu went to France, and Shen Muhan also disappeared. It was rumored that he had passed away long ago.

  Although Shen Muhan started to appear in the public eye and have some activities, but he married another person long ago, and the marriage was rumored at the beginning.

Fang Minghao said patiently: "I know that Shen Muhan is a man that many women yearn for, and he once liked you. But Xia Jiu, the past is over, he has settled down now, and you don't want to be fooled by thousands of husbands. The woman you mean? You have always had such expectations for him, and it is fruitless. I hope you can agree to my request, at least, I can give you a normal life. "

   "Then I'm really sorry, I don't need the so-called normal life." Xia Jiu reached out and blocked the flowers he handed.

   stopped looking at Fang Minghao, she quickly got into her car.

  Fang Minghao looked at her car reluctantly, knowing that she was just still minding what happened at the beginning.

   But he won't be discouraged, he believes that sooner or later, Xia Jiu will return to his side - she can't always be Shen Muhan's mistress?


   In the blink of an eye, the three little buns have been studying for more than a month.

   There is a cold feeling, and Xiao Shi's stubborn temper is also slightly suppressed. In addition, if he is obedient, he will always get Xia Jiuxiang's soft hugs and kisses, and Xiao Shi is finally reluctantly become a good student.

  Sihan is naturally not a problem, and is the object of praise from teachers every day.

   As for Little Eleven, she looks so much like Xia Jiu, she blinks and blinks when she speaks, and she quickly becomes the group favorite of the whole class.

  Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan went to pick them up, and from a distance they saw a bunch of little boys surrounding Xiao Shi, holding various things in their hands and stuffing them into her arms.

Little Eleven is about to cry, she can't hold it anymore, what's more, as a face control, she faces everyone in her family with good looks every day, and she has long been immune. Boys, none of them interest her, she doesn't want any of these gifts.

  Xiao Shi rushed into the pile of boys: "What are you doing? Who is hitting my sister's attention?"

   "Xiao Shi!" Xia Jiu called him when he saw that he was about to start in a hurry.

   When the boys saw Xia Jiu: It seems that this young lady is prettier!

   gave up Little Eleven one after another and rushed towards Xia Jiu, trying to stuff Xia Jiu with the gift in his hand.

  Xia Jiu: "…"

  I didn't expect that there are so many little boys who like me!

   However, the little boys timidly backed away before they could get close.

  Xia Jiu looked back, oh, it was indeed Shen Muhan who came here.

   His aura made even adults afraid, let alone these diced radishes.

   took the children into the car, Xiao Shi ate a snack, and soon forgot the unpleasant thing just now.

   And when Xia Jiu returned home, a small gift was suddenly stuffed into her arms.

   was sent by Shen Muhan.

   She laughed: "You even eat the little boy's vinegar?"

  What other people stuff, he will stuff.

  Shen Muhan didn't speak, Xia Jiu opened the gift and saw that it was a beautiful diamond ring. It was her favorite shiny and beautiful style. She happily put it on her finger: "It's so beautiful, thank you!"

   Shen Muhan took off the silver ring she had been wearing and put on this one.

   "The silver ring is pretty good too, it's your Valentine's gift from me before." Xia Jiu said with a smile.

   "I will give you a lot in the future. Those that are not enough for you to like can be replaced."

   "I don't like it enough?" Xia Jiu shook his head, "What are you kidding me? I like everything that Shen Muhan gave me!"

   He was still cold and calm, but Xia Jiu looked up, and from her angle, you could see his smile.

  When the weather turned cold a little, Xia Jiu made a bright red sweater for Shen Muhan, which looked warm.

  It's just this's too out of place.

   But she made it by hand and stayed up for several nights.

   (end of this chapter)

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