The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3628: Extra Shen Yuan (83)

   Chapter 3628 Fanwai Shen Yuan (83)

   Assistant Cao reached out and took it.

   Shen Yuan looked up to see him and asked, "Where's Li Mi?"

   Secretary Li is the most attentive among the dozens of secretaries, so what Shen Yuan needs to review is handed over to Secretary Li.

   Dozens of secretaries, each performing their own duties, is responsible for handling their own part of the content.

   "Secretary Li has asked for leave to see the future mother-in-law." Cao Tesuke explained, "I will review it immediately."

   Shen Yuan frowned slightly, "Didn't you say that you will be on leave in three days?"

  Because there are urgent matters to be dealt with in South Africa these two days, Shen Yu'an has previously explained everyone's leave.

Cao Tezhusheng was afraid that he would be angry, and explained seriously: "The mother-in-law is a rare visit, saying that this time, if you are not sure about the marriage, they will not be allowed to be together, and re-introduce her boyfriend to her daughter. I heard that Li Mi's My girlfriend is also 30 years old, so I really can't wait. So I... took over the job of Li Mi myself and asked him to deal with this matter quickly."

   After finishing speaking, Cao Tezhu waited for Shen Yuan to curse.

   After all, in this matter, Li Mi and Cao Tesuke did something wrong. When Shen Yuan was so busy, he even took a few days off.

   But as far as love is concerned, this matter of Li Mi is a personal matter, and it is true that it cannot be delayed.

   However, Shen Yu'an just frowned slightly, didn't say anything, just said lightly: "Then you can review it."

  Workaholic didn't scold people for work?

   Cao Tesuke thought it was incredible!

   If there was such a flaw in the past, Shen Yu'an's attitude can really be seen to deteriorate with the naked eye.

   Cao Tesuke looked at Shen Yuan's face several times, but he didn't see any special changes in him, so he hurriedly lowered his head to work with peace of mind.

   It was already early morning after finishing this mess.

  The secretaries left in an orderly manner, Cao Te helped pack up the things, persisted until the end, and asked, "Minister, where are you going back?"

   "The apartment." Shen Yuan said quietly.

   Cao Tesuke immediately said: "Okay, I will inform the driver."

   Assistant Cao sent Shen Yuan into the car and explained his destination to the driver, so he waved goodbye to Shen Yuan.

   "Cao special assistant." Shen Yuan said.

   Cao Tesuke stood up straight away. It seems that a workaholic is a workaholic. This anger value is accumulated at the end, and it will still happen at the same time.

   However, he is indeed responsible for this matter. If Cao Tezhu feels that he is scolded, he will be scolded. It is not wrong.

   Shen Yuan said slowly: "Since Li Mi has something to do, let him come back after he has dealt with it. These two days, you should work harder first."

   "Huh?" Cao Tesuke was a little dizzy.

   How can I feel that I can't keep up with the rhythm of the upper adult.

  Reacted and found that what Shen Yuan said was not ironic, but really explained the matter peacefully, Cao Tezhu was a little moved: "Okay, I will tell Secretary Li."

  The driver started the car, leaving only Cao Tesuke's excited figure. He felt that the Minister was becoming more and more humane.

  The shadows outside the car window were printed on the glass, and as the speed of the car passed, on Shen Yu'an's face, scattered light and shadows changed.

  Shen Yuan thought, things in the world are indeed the case. Some people will not wait long in place. The opportunity is fleeting. If she doesn't reach out and seize it in time, she will go far.

   It's not her who is to blame, but the one who missed the opportunity.

   (end of this chapter)

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