The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3629: Extra Shen Yuan (84)

   Chapter 3629 Fanwai Shen Yuan (84)

  He Yixia had an overturned job the next day, got up early, tidy up quickly, and went out.

  After October, the weather is getting colder, and the central air conditioner is turned on in the department, but she can still feel the coolness when she goes out. She put on a long thin coat over the work uniform.

   The collar of the coat is very large, which just covers her neck, even her chin, and the windproof effect is very good.

   She walked into the elevator and pressed the first floor, only then did she see Shen Yu'an in the elevator.

what a small world.

   In fact, it was the day Wang Keer came to ask for trouble that she knew that Shen Yuan lived in the same building as her.

   She was not very surprised either. There are many people living in the apartment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Not only did they meet him, but also the deputy minister, the deputy director of the translation department and others.

   "Minister Shen." He Yixia greeted.

   "Yeah." Shen Yuan nodded, she stood a little in front of him, and after greeting, she stood with her back to him, as if she had nothing to talk to him about.

  The big coat wrapped her thin and slender figure, making her face smaller and smaller.

   He was going to the underground parking lot on the second floor. When the elevator reached the first floor, he followed He Yixia out.

   He Yixia noticed that he was going out with her, so she quickly took two steps forward, pulling away from him.

  Shen Yuan strode to catch up: "He Yixia!"

   He Yixia was called directly and had to wait for him to come.

   Shen Yu'an's eyes were filled with anger: "I helped you solve Wang Ke'er that day, so you treated me like this?"

   When he saw him, he ran faster than a rabbit, looking like he couldn't avoid it.

   On the other hand, Tang Wen and Tang Wen were able to chat and laugh together and go out to dinner.

   As if Wang Ke'er was the trouble he brought, and it had nothing to do with Tang Wen.

   "Minister Shen... I already expressed my gratitude to you that day." He Yixia said, "Why not?"

   Shen Yuan laughed angrily, her teeth pressed against her cheeks.

  To thank Tang Wen is to accompany him to dinner, talk and laugh, thank him is a simple thank you?

   Is he too caring, or is she too double-standard?

   Shen Yuan sneered: "You went out to dinner with Tang Wen? Do you want to experience something like Wang Ke'er again?"

He Yixia's face flushed slightly: "Minister Shen, first of all, I have never been involved in anyone's feelings, even if someone like Wang Ke'er seeks me out, I will have a clear conscience! Second, neither Wang Ke'er nor Tang Wen have anything to do with it. In any relationship, even if I have a simple meal with Tang Wen, I will not be regarded as a junior. I admire Minister Shen's attitude towards work, but his attitude towards employees' private life is a bit too broad!"

   At the end, he was obviously a little angry, and even his eyes were red.

   Seeing that many employees were looking at him from a distance, when He Yixia thought about how many things she would be told that she took the initiative to pursue Shen Yu'an, her mood suddenly became very low for no reason.

   She looked up at him with a firm tone: "Minister Shen, we are just a subordinate relationship at work, I hope you won't ask me about things unrelated to work in the future!"

After   , she turned around and walked away.

   Shen Yu'an's teeth were slightly sour, and he bit it.

   I reminded He Yixia just now that he was indeed a bit overstated.

   But He Yixia's reaction and disgust with him still made him somewhat frustrated.

   (end of this chapter)

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