The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3630: Extra Shen Yuan (85)

   Chapter 3630 Fanwai Shen Yuan (85)

   He had already taken the initiative to respond to her feelings, but it turned out to be such a situation, which made him feel extremely bad.

  The driver called and asked, "Minister Shen, it's almost time, where can I pick you up?"

   "The gate." Shen Yu'an hung up the phone.

   He Yixia quickly adjusted her mind when she entered the office.

   The one who does her job should not be influenced by her mood and affect her work.

  Today's turn is to follow Deputy Minister Du to receive a group of guests from Spain.

   He Yixia's English, Spanish, and Arabic are all very good. After a long time in the department, more things will inevitably happen.

   She took the documents and followed the staff of the same department to the conference hall.

After    went in, her colleague Yi Xin ran up and said, "Yixia, come here. The meeting is about to start."

   He Yixia walked towards her, just when she saw Shen Yuan walk in and take a seat at the main seat.

  Yi Xin pushed He Yixia over: "There is something I can't catch up with when Minister Shen's handover is over. Deputy Minister Du has assigned you to Minister Shen. I will go to Deputy Minister Du's side. Come on over!"

   "What's the arrangement?" Before He Yixia could finish asking, the guests came in one after another.

   She had to sit down beside Shen Yu'an, looked around, and sure enough, Meng Cheng, who was turning over for Shen Yu'an, didn't come.

  It is not difficult to translate, just translate the content of the chat between the two parties to each other.

   It is not easy to say that it is simple. After all, it is a national-level meeting. The content and various vocabulary mentioned still need to be translated with a huge knowledge reserve and advance preparation.

   Shen Yu'an had already stood up and started talking, shook hands with the other party, and then took his seat.

   On such occasions, his voice sounded particularly magnetic, with a moderate pace, maintaining a proper rhythm, and being organized.

  He Yixia had long been in high spirits, and after he finished speaking, he started to translate.

  Shen Yu'an tilted his head and glanced at her. This was the first time he heard her speak Spanish. Just like she spoke Arabic, her voice was sweet, but with a bit of unbelievable competence.

   Once she threw herself into it, she was in a very full mental state and had no distractions.

  It is said that people who work hard are the most attractive.

   Men are like this, and women are no exception.

   He Yixia who looked like this seemed to be glowing all over his body, dazzling.

   It was only for a moment that Shen Yuan took his eyes back. He Yixia was already reciting the other party's words: "Minister Shen, we express our great sincerity for this cross-border cooperation between the two countries..."

   Shen Yuan listened with a smile and began to respond seriously.


   It was only at noon that He Yixia heard that Meng Cheng was suffering from acute appendicitis, so he was unable to arrive in time in the morning. He is still in the hospital and may have to rest for two days.

   In other words, Meng Cheng's work in the afternoon and tomorrow also needs to be replaced by He Yixia.

   He Yixia actually doesn't dislike working with Shen Yu'an.

   Although it was very unpleasant in the morning, it did not affect her work status.

  When I work, time flies very fast.

   After a busy day, she was so tired that she lost her temper. I heard that after Shen Yuan arranged the guests, she went back to the office and had to review documents until the early morning.

   Thinking of this, her work is actually much easier compared to Shen Yu'an.

   (end of this chapter)

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