The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3631: Extra Shen Yuan (86)

   Chapter 3631 Fanwai Shen Yuan (86)

  Li Xueying sent a WeChat message: "Yixia, I haven't eaten together for a long time, do you have time to get together?"

   "Forget it, it shouldn't work these days." He Yixia replied, "A little busy, Shen Yu'an is a workaholic again, I work by his side, so I can't make any mistakes."

   "You're working next to Shen Yu'an? Didn't he think you were pursuing him before, so he wasn't happy with you?"

"Yeah. But it's all work, what's there to be unhappy about? I'm not happy, and now everyone thinks I like him, and it makes me seem like he has to. Even he himself does it. I'm so proud, I feel like I can take care of me in my private life."

  Li Xueying suddenly became interested: "He also takes care of you in your private life?"

   "That's not it." He Yixia sighed, "Because of this, I even lost my temper with him in the morning. Why should everyone think I'm rushing, and what position does he have to control who I eat with?"

   Li Xueying directly sent a voice over: "He Yixia, do you think that Shen Yuan's attitude towards you is not the same as before? Did he like you?"

   "Impossible." He Yixia immediately denied it, "He did whatever he wanted just because he thought I 'liked' him."

  Li Xueying hit the nail on the head: "Then do you like him?"

   He Yixia was stunned for a moment.

   To this question, she couldn't give a frank answer to herself.

   She has been very troubled by this matter in the past few days. Shen Yuan came to talk to her, and she broke out immediately.

  However, after sorting out her mood now, she suddenly felt that her temper was for no reason.

  Shen Yuan kindly reminded her that, of course, it was too much control, but after all, what happened to Wang Keer was really scary.

   But what about the rest?

  Others, she has been being influenced all the time, by all those words that thought she "liked" Shen Yu'an, but was not worthy of Shen Yu'an.

  Subconsciously, she was very resistant to being unworthy of that kind of words, but obviously, she couldn't resist the truth of that kind of words.

  So, everything she was worried about was actually this.

   is deeply aware that what other people say is not unreasonable, she is just incompetent.

   will lose his temper with Shen Yuan, even if he is a kind word of concern.

   figured this out, He Yixia lay on the bed, not knowing how to respond to Li Xueying for a while.

   Seeing that she hadn't replied for a long time, Li Xueying called over: "Yixia, are you okay?"

   "Okay. I went to the toilet just now."

"So, do you like Shen Yu'an? Take the initiative if you like it. It's not ashamed to pursue it anyway. It doesn't matter if you succeed or not, and you won't lose any meat. There's nothing to lose to you." Li Xueying has always had this temper, that's why she If you see something you like, go after it. If you can't chase it, it's nothing. The important thing is to enjoy the process of pursuit.

   He Yixia is different from her, He Yixia can't see love as such a child's play.

   She said with a smile: "I don't like Shen Yu'an, didn't I say it? The previous things were all unintentional oolongs."

Li Xueying snorted and said: "That's fine, but you can recognize your own heart. There are many people who are pursuing Shen Yu'an, and they will queue up from here to France. If he is really taken, you will regret it too late. already."

   He Yixia thought that he would not regret it.

   (end of this chapter)

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