The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 840: Shen Jingyu is not a child of the Shen family

   Chapter 840 Shen Jingyu is not a child of the Shen family

   He Ning nodded, she understood all these situations.

   "When you left, someone went to find out that An An's blood relationship was not compatible with Shen Fengshan's. They slandered that the child you gave birth was not from the Shen family, and based on this, they asked Jing Yu to divorce you."

He Ning frowned: "They are talking nonsense! An An's father is Jing Yu, and we are from the blood of the Shen family. Why would something like this happen? I think some people in the Shen family are crazy for their own interests, what? Everything can be done!"

   "No, the report they got is true. An An and Shen Fengshan are indeed not related by blood! Because Jing Yu was not there at the time, they could only go to check the relationship between An An and his grandfather."

   "This..." He Ning was puzzled, "Jing Yu is Shen Fengshan's son, and An An is indeed Jing Yu's son! If Shen Fengshan has nothing to do with An An... Is there something wrong with Jing Yu's mother?"

   Immediately, He Ning denied his own idea, Ding Qinen is a decent person and a respectable elder, it is impossible for her to do such a thing!

   "Brother, what's going on?" He Ning couldn't help asking.

   "I asked someone to inquire, and it seems that there is something wrong with Jing Yu's life experience. He is neither Shen Fengshan's son nor Ding Qinen's son."

   "Huh?" He Ning was completely stunned.

   After she left, why did so many things happen?

   "What did the Shen family say?" she asked anxiously.

"Jing Yu was trying his best to solve the problems of the presidential office. However, after his life experience was exposed, some of the people in the Shen family had already had grudges with him, and some wanted to seize power. Since he is not from the Shen family, naturally he can't take care of the Shen family's affairs. So...he left the Shen family. "

   He Ning is even more anxious. Now that he is so betrayed and separated, he does not know how alone he is suffering from these problems and is in trouble.

   And he sometimes wondered why he didn't come to pick him up.

   Now he must be facing a lot of problems, and he must not want to go back and suffer with him.

   "Shen Ye is dealing with the affairs of the Shen family." Chu Zhuohang said, "But Shen Ye is only a young adult. After all, he has little experience, so the interior of the Shen family is in chaos, and the old lady is so angry that she is sick."

Seeing He Ning making a move, he immediately held her down: "You can't go back for the time being. The United States has not given up searching for your whereabouts. Since Shen Jingyu didn't come to pick you up, it means that he also thinks it's better if you don't go back. "

   "Okay, I understand, I won't go back and cause trouble." He Ning made up her mind. Although she was worried about Shen Ye and Mrs. Shen, she knew better that they had their solutions.

   And going back by yourself is not the wisest way.

   "What about Jing Yu, where is he now? How's it going?" He Ning grabbed Chu Zhuohang's hand and asked.

"He was originally solving the problems of the Presidential Palace, but after his life experience was exposed, the people in the team also made a big fuss about his identity, saying that he was not suitable to stay in office, and he was not qualified to take the Shen family - after all, that team There are many affiliated teams that used to belong to Shen Fengshan."

   "Because of the trouble with the US side, now everyone is eager to use this matter to cut his power."

   He Ning's brows became tighter and tighter: "Is that what the Presidential Palace also means?"

   (end of this chapter)

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