Chapter 841 He is not alone

   "The situation I inquired about—that's true." Chu Zhuohang was reluctant to say such a situation, but he still had to let He Ning know.

   Now Shen Jingyu is embarrassed on all sides, very sleepy, and if he makes a mistake, he will be lost forever.

  He Ning's eyes gradually lost sight, his heart was like a thousand arrows piercing his heart, but he couldn't help Shen Jingyu at all.

   She was really guilty and remorseful.

   He faced such a situation, but he could only let him bear it alone.

Chu Zhuohang warned her again: "He Ning, you can't go back now! If you go back, not only will it not solve his current predicament, but it will also cause him more trouble. If the United States discovers your existence this time, they will take you with you. Go, with Shen Jingyu's current situation, I'm afraid I can't protect you anymore."

  He Ning's body softened and he slowly sat back in the chair.

   She lowered her head, concealing the real sadness in her heart.

   I hate myself for being useless, and I can't help him at all.

   "He Ning, I didn't expect that Jing Yu was not from the Shen family."

   Chu Zhuohang was indeed unbelievable when he first found out the news.

   The first reaction was that someone must have taken the opportunity to frame Shen Jingyu.

   However, he also immediately understood that the matter of blood ties, in the modern society that can be verified at any time, is not easy to frame.

   There must be something wrong with Shen Jingyu's identity. Those who make troubles in the Shen family will use this gimmick to put pressure on them.

  Shen Jingyu will be kicked out, which means that his identity is indeed inappropriate.

  He Ning shook his head slightly and raised his eyes, his eyes were full of bleakness and pity for Shen Jingyu.

She said softly: "Before, they all said that Jing Yu was lost when he was three years old. He was only found when he was eight years old. During the five years he was outside, he had been alone and didn't know where to eat. How much suffering, how much sin."

   "When I heard this, I felt sorry for him and felt bad for him. Now that I think about it, maybe Shen Fengshan got his identity wrong when he got it back."

   "Before he was eight years old, he suffered too much, he has no memory of himself, and he can't even tell where he went or who he met. After being brought back by the Shen family, his temper was still very cold."

"It's not his fault that he was trained by the Shen family to become the ruler of the Shen family! Even if there is a mistake, it is the person he was brought back to when he was brought back. Someone has mistaken his identity! He has done so much for the Shen family over the years. The Shen family has no excuse to drive him out!"

   He Ning's emotions were a little excited, and her eyes were red. She knew that with his current ability and status, he didn't need the Shen family now, and the Shen family wouldn't bring him any other kind of aura.

   To handle anything, his ability alone is enough.

   But sometimes, emotional matters are not enough for one person.

   is not something that one person can undertake.

   To drive him out will undoubtedly obliterate his dedication to the Shen family for so many years, and also obliterate the affection and affection between him and so many relatives of the Shen family.

   The little brother's face from many years ago appeared in front of her eyes. She really wanted to give him a hug, give him a little warmth, and let him know in the storm that there are still people who care about him and support him.

   wants to let him know that he is not fighting alone.

   In this world, as well as her, and Ping An, they will always be there and will never give up on him.

   (end of this chapter)

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