Chapter 980 He explained to me

   I don't know where the big brother is, okay?

   Feelings of guilt surged up, and He Ning blamed himself.

   Lele gently reached out and patted He Ning's cheek, her big eyes were full of worry, because Lele was very anxious because she didn't know why she was sad.

   "Lele, Ningning is fine. It's just that some sand got into his eyes." He Ning hurriedly smiled, not wanting Lele to worry.

   Sure enough, seeing her smile, the worry in Lele's eyes turned into a smile, and she was busy to blow the sand in her eyes.

  Chu Zhuohang also saw that Lele cared about He Ning, and he also had some kindness towards Lele, and asked softly, "This is Shen Jingyu's child?"

   "Brother, Lele was adopted by Jingyu, not by him and another woman." He Ning immediately clarified for Shen Jingyu.

  Chu Zhuohang's frowning brows loosened: "So it is. Shen Jingyu never explains to others, and we can't find out about things he doesn't say."

   "He explained it to me." He Ning's black and white eyes showed tenderness.

  Chu Zhuohang laughed: "Yes, I know he cares about you the most. I'm also worried about you, I'm afraid you will be bullied by him, so I came back specially to see your situation."

   "He didn't bully me, brother." He Ning held Lele in one hand and his arm with the other, "Come in and sit at home."

  Chu Zhuohang reached out and took Lele and hugged him.

   Lele has always disliked being hugged by outsiders, so at most Miyazawa can hug him.

   He Ning was about to stop him, but Lele was already lying on Chu Zhuohang's shoulder. It seemed that he did not reject this uncle who had just met for the first time.

   He Ning smiled: "Lele, this is Uncle Chu Zhuohang, he is Ning Ning's brother."

   Lele didn't speak, but pointed at Chu Zhuohang with a smile on his face, which was so cute that it made people feel distressed.

  Chu Zhuohang touched his head lovingly.

   In the afternoon, Gu Yunchen came over at the invitation of He Ning.

When he came in, he saw Chu Zhuohang accompany Lele running on the grass in the yard outside, and he looked surprised when he saw the ghost: "My God, isn't that Chu Zhuohang? Why would Lele be willing? with him?"

"Doctor Gu, it's like this, I asked you to come here because I want to know more about Lele's situation." He Ning said, "I want to know how old he is, why he can't speak, and various other questions. "

  Gu Yunchen patted his forehead: "You said this. I thought it was a big problem. However, I don't know any of this."

   "You don't know? Aren't you the best doctor in the Dragon Empire now? How could you not know?"

"I can only say that there is a high probability that this child has autism. But I really don't know what you asked about. Because he won't let us touch it or let us check it. As soon as I see those instruments, I don't know. Screaming and terrified when he saw the needle. Shen Jingyu is reluctant, so I want to test him for bone age genes and those things. He can wake up even if he falls asleep and needs to be tested. What do you think?"

  Gu Yunchen looked at He Ning helplessly, spread his hands and shrugged.

   Well, He Ning really doesn't know that Lele's resistance to outsiders has reached this point.

  It is no wonder that until now, he can't speak, and he doesn't want to see any outsiders.

  It seems that changing Lele's status quo is really long and difficult.

   (end of this chapter)

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