The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 981: Difficult to get into his heart

   Chapter 981 Difficult to enter his heart

"But if it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't work. Lele always wants to grow up and face the world independently. If there is a chance, I would still like to ask Dr. Gu for help and check all aspects of his body." He Ning said sincerely.

   "I'm ok, as long as you can convince Lele. I can't wait to help him get tested sooner." Gu Yunchen has been fascinated by this intractable disease for a long time.

  However, He Lele didn't accept it, and Shen Jingyu didn't cooperate, so he could only forget it?

   I didn't expect He Ning to be generous and love this child who is not his own.

   On this point, Gu Yunchen quite admires He Ning.

   "Then please wait a moment." After He Ning finished talking to Gu Yunchen, he turned and ran to Lele's direction.

   She hugged Lele and told him her plan.

  Lele's eyes flashed terror, and he quickly shook his head.

  He Ning stroked his head gently and persuaded in a low voice, she knew it was difficult for Lele, but Lele could not live under the protection of her and Shen Jingyu all his life.

   What he needs more is a healthy body, and he needs to face the world and all kinds of outsiders like other children.

  Because she and Shen Jingyu will grow old and leave before him.

  If Lele can't learn to reconcile with the world little by little and get along normally, then what should he do when there is no her and Shen Jingyu in this world?

   He Ning communicated with Lele gently and patiently.

"Ningning doesn't force Lele. Ningning can wait until Lele is willing to accept Dr. Gu's examination, and then accompany you to see Dr. Gu, okay? It doesn't matter, both Ningning and Dr. Gu can wait for Lele." He Ning said softly.

  Although Dr. Gu is here, He Ning's psychological expectation is to give Lele at least three months, or even three years or longer, for him to accept the doctor's intervention.

   Of course, she and Shen Jingyu will spend more time to accompany his growth.

   "Lele play first or take a nap first? Ning Ning is here to accompany you and won't go anywhere." He Ning said softly.

   Lele buried his head in He Ning's chest.

  Chu Zhuohang patted He Ning on the shoulder and motioned her to take her time.

  A child with autism is very resistant to everything in the outside world. A little bit less will make him even more resistant. In the future, it will be difficult for even He Ning and Shen Jingyu to enter his heart.

   He Ning was also mentally prepared.

   However, for a moment, Lele raised her little head from her arms, with a righteous and awe-inspiring expression, she opened her sleeve and handed her arm to He Ning.

   That action means, just check it, he will accept it.

  He Ning was overjoyed, and immediately hugged him excitedly: "If Lele is not ready, it's okay, don't worry so much."

   Lele raised his arms and looked at He Ning seriously, as if to say, it doesn't matter, he is ready.

  Chu Zhuohang said: "Since Lele can do it, let's check it. It's not good for him if it drags on for a long time."

   "Okay." He Ning nodded in agreement.

  The three returned to the house together. Gu Yunchen heard that Lele agreed to the inspection and was very surprised. He took out the medicine box he brought with him, took out the tools, and said, "Then I'll start."

   Lele's face was tense for a while, but he didn't escape, just turned his head and let Gu Yunchen draw his blood, and let Gu Yunchen comprehensively check him on him.

   (end of this chapter)

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